Instructions for Creating a Runnable Demo using The Verb or Noun Algorithm
Modified: 05/22/02
;;; Reset the network ;;; Don't trace infer ;;; Load all valid relations ;;; Compose necessary paths, so that the Noun/Verb Algorithm ;;; Load Karen Ehrlich's Noun/Verb Algorithm ;;; Load Knowledge Base |
The above is a sample "header block" that must be present at the beginning of a .demo file in order to successfully run a demo using the verb or noun algorithm. Note that the three semicolons (;;;) denote a comment and not a SNePSUL or Lisp command. The header block contains six statements, where some are mandatory and some are optional.
The first thing that the user should do is reset the network, "(resetnet
t)." This removes all previously built nodes and clears all previous user-entered
relations (defaults back to pre-defined SNePS relations only). This statement
is optional, but is highly recommended. This will ensure that the user is starting
with a clean slate, and facilitates discovering possible errors more easily.
Other nodes that have been previously built during other demos can influence
the validity of the dictionary-like definition produced by the verb and noun
Next, the SNIP variable *infertrace* is set to nil (thus disabling infertrace).
This statement is optional. However, I usually choose to set this variable to
nil (it is set to true by default), since it makes a longer demo more easily
readable. For a further explanation of this SNIP variable, refer to the SNePS
2.5 User Manual at
The next thing that must be done is to load all relations that are specific
to the verb or noun algorithm. This is accomplished by using the "intext"
command above. The "intext" command simply reads a sequence of SNePSUL
commands from a specified file (in our case, the paths file) and executes each
of them. As it reads each of the SNePSUL commands, it doesn't echo them. Note
that your path to Ehrlich specific relations may differ from above, depending
on the location of the rels file. The rels file can be found in my CVA directory
at /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/rels/rels. This statement is mandatory for
the verb and noun algorithms to properly function.
In addition to loading the rels, it is also mandatory to load certain paths
that will be used for path-based inference within the verb and noun algorithms.
Similarly to loading the relations, we use the "intext" command to
load the paths. These paths are important since loading them will ensure that
the verb and noun algorithms are correctly functioning. Again, note that your
path to Ehrlich specific paths may differ from above, depending on the location
of the paths file. The paths file can be found in my CVA directory at /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/paths/paths.
Next, it is absolutely mandatory to load the verb or noun algorithm. This is
done with the Lisp "load" function. Since the demo is running inside
SNePS, we can initiate a Lisp call by preceding the "load" function
with a carat (^). It is also recommended that the new fast KE verb or noun algorithm
be used (fast.code), as opposed to the slower, original verb or noun algorithm
Finally, if a knowledge base is needed for the demo, you can use the "intext"
command to load it. This is optional and depends on whether you require a knowledge
base with your demo. Note that your path to the knowledge base may differ from
above, depending on the location of your knowledge-base file. All knowledge-base
files are appended with a .base (indicating that it is a knowledge-base file).
I suggest that, if your demo is called "cat.demo" and you require
a knowledge base, you call it "cat.base". The knowledge-base files
for our sample demos can be found in my CVA directory at /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/kbs/<filename>
(where <filename> is the name of the knowledge-base file).
After the "header block," you can begin representing your passage
containing some unknown word. As an example, look at the cat.demo in my CVA
directory at /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/demos/cat.demo.
You will find many other demos in here as well.