Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda Vice President Harris’ lowering costs agenda is a stark contrast to Donald Trump’s plans to jack up prices, weaken the middle class, cut Social Security and Medicare, eliminate the Department of Education and preschool programs like Head Start, and end the Affordable Care Act. Project 2025 would give him unprecedented control to implement his destructive agenda, including another handout to his billionaire friends and giant corporations. His plans would increase costs for families by at least $3,900 a year by slapping a Trump sales tax on imported everyday goods that American families rely on, like gas, food, clothing, and medicine. Trump would raise rents and add $1,200 a year to the typical American mortgage. Trump asked Big Oil executives to give his campaign money so he could roll back regulations and cut taxes for Big Oil to boost their profits, and Trump’s plans would push gas prices up. Trump’s economic plans would also trigger a recession by mid-2025, cost America over 3 million jobs, threaten hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs, increase the debt by over $5 trillion, send inflation skyrocketing, and hurt everyone but the richest Americans. Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda Donald Trump is a threat to our fundamental rights and freedoms. He brags that he is “proudly” responsible for handpicking Supreme Court Justices who overturned Roe , unleashing Trump Abortion Bans in states across the country, putting women’s lives at risk and threatening doctors and other health providers with jail time. He said there should be “punishment” for women who have an abortion and calls abortion bans “a beautiful thing to watch.” If elected, Trump will ban abortion nationwide, restrict access to birth control, force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions, and jeopardize access to IVF. Trump and his allies continue to demonize and attack LGBTQI+ individuals and families. His Project 2025 agenda will eliminate federal rules that protect LGBTQI+ Americans from discrimination. And Trump is directly attacking the bedrock of our democracy: the right to vote. His baseless claims of a stolen election in 2020 inspired states to slash voter protections and purge their voting rolls. Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda Donald Trump is a convicted criminal who only cares about himself. He’s proven that time and time again – from caving to the gun lobby and doing nothing to address gun violence to killing the bipartisan border security deal that would secure our border and keep America safe, just to help himself politically. If elected president, Trump will implement his Project 2025 agenda to consolidate power, bring the Department of Justice and the FBI under his direct control so he can give himself unchecked legal power and go after his opponents, and rule as a dictator on “day one.” Not only will Trump fail to tackle violence in our communities or fix our broken immigration system – he will make us less safe. He says we should “get over” gun violence and he is pushing for more guns on our streets and wants to arm teachers in our classrooms. He’ll advance his cruel immigration agenda which includes separating children from their parents. And he is refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election if he loses a second time. Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda Someone as dangerous as Donald Trump should never again be allowed to serve as commander-in-chief. In office, he cozied up to dictators and turned his back on allies. He undercut America’s competitive edge, boasting that not a single American factory would close under his watch, and then doing nothing as factories shuttered. He’s said he would let Russia “do whatever the hell they want” to our NATO allies. And he calls soldiers who gave their lives in defense of American democracy “suckers” and “losers.” Top American military generals and national security officials–including those who worked for Trump–have warned that he is “dangerous” and “unfit” to lead, and now he is surrounded by ultra-loyalists who enable his worst impulses.