Papers, most recent first


  • [ORT98] M.~Ogihara, K.~Regan, and S.~Toda, ``Graded self-reducibility,'' submitted to the 14th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity.
  • [BMRSS98] H.~Buhrman, D.~van Melkebeek, K.~Regan, D.~Sivakumar, and M.~Strauss, ``A generalization of resource bounded measure, with application to the BPP vs.\ EXP problem,'' submitted to the {\it SIAM Journal on Computing\/}. (An earlier version appeared in the proceedings of STACS'98, LNCS 1373, pp161--171.)
  • [ReSi98] K.~Regan and D.~Sivakumar, ``Probabilistic martingales and BPTIME classes,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, Buffalo, NY, June 1998,''
  • [ALR98a,b,c] E.~Allender, M.~Loui, and K.~Regan, three chapters for the forthcoming {\it CRC Handbook on Algorithms and Theory of Computation\/} (M.J.~Atallah, ed.), to appear in 1999: ``Chapter 27: Complexity Classes,'' ``Chapter 28: Reducibility and Completeness,'' ``Chapter 29: Other Complexity Classes and Measures.''
  • PDF version of Chapter 28

  • [JLRR98a,b] T.~Jiang, M.~Li, B.~Ravikumar, and K.~Regan, two chapters for the above-cit.\ CRC volume: ``Chapter 25: Formal Grammars and Languages,'' ``Chapter 26: Computability.''
  • [ReVo98] K.~Regan and H.~Vollmer, ``Gap languages and log-time complexity classes,'' {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} {\bf 188}, 1998, 101--116. R.~Downey, M.~Fellows, and K.~Regan, ``Parameterized Circuit Complexity and the W Hierarchy,'' {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} {\bf 191}, 1998, 97--115. \end{enumerate}
  • [DFR98] R.~Downey, M.~Fellows, and K.~Regan, ``Parameterized Circuit Complexity and the W Hierarchy,'' {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} {\bf 191}, 1998, 97--115.
  • [DFR97] R.~Downey, M.~Fellows, and K.~Regan, Descriptive Complexity and the W Hierarchy, {\it in\/} P.~Beame and S.~Buss, eds., ``Proof Complexity and Feasible Arithmetics: Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, April 1996,'' volume 39 of the DIMACS Series on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Providence:\ AMS), 1997, pages 119--134.
  • [Reg97] K.~Regan, ``Polynomial vicinity circuits and nonlinear lower bounds,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 12th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity'' Ulm, Germany, June 1997,'' IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997, pp~61--68.
  • [Reg97p] Polynomials and Combinatorial Definitions of Languages, in L.~Hemaspaandra and A.~Selman, eds., {\it Complexity Theory Retrospective II\/}, (Berlin and New York: Springer Verlag, 1997), pp 261-293.
  • [JNR97] A.~Jagota, G.~Narasimhan, and K.~Regan, ``Information capacity of binary weights associative memories,'' to appear in {\em Neuro-Computing\/}.
  • [JaRe97] A.~Jagota and K.~Regan, ``Performance of Neural-Net Heuristics for Maximum Clique on Diverse Highly-Compressible Graphs,'' {\em Journal of Global Optimization\/} {\bf 10}, 1997, 439--465.
  • [Reg96i] K.~Regan, ``Index sets and presentations of complexity classes,'' {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} {\bf 161}, July 1996, 263--287.
  • [Reg96] K.~Regan, ``Linear time and memory-efficient computation,'' {\em SIAM Journal on Computing\/} {\bf 25} (1996) 133--168.
  • [ReTo96] K.~Regan and J.~Tor{\'a}n, ``Proof Theory and Complexity,'' chapter of lecture notes on ``Lectures on Proof Theory'' by Sam Buss, McGill-Montreal Invitational Workshop on Complexity Theory, Bellairs Inst., Barbados, March 1995; notes are McGill School of Computer Science TR No.~SOCS-96.1, January 1996.
  • [RSC95] K.~Regan, D.~Sivakumar, and J.-Y.~Cai, ``Pseudorandom number generators, measure theory, and natural proofs,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 36th Ann.\ IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Milwaukee, WI, October 1995,'' IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995, pp~26--35.
  • [Reg95] K.~Regan, ``On Super-Linear Lower Bounds in Complexity Theory'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 1995 IEEE Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory, Minneapolis, MN, June 1995,'' pp 50--64.
  • [CLLORS95] J.-Y.~Cai, R.~Lipton, L.~Longpr{\'e}, M.~Ogihara, K.~Regan, and D.~Sivakumar, ``Communication complexity of key agreement on small ranges,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 11th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computation, Munich, Germany, February 1995,'' Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Springer Verlag, 1995.
  • [NRS95] A.~Naik, K.~Regan, and D.~Sivakumar, ``On quasilinear time complexity theory,'' {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} {\bf 148} (1995) 325--349. (An earlier version appeared in the proceedings of STACS'94.)
  • [GKRST95] F.~Green, J.~K{\"o}bler, K.~Regan, T.~Schwentick, and J.~Tor{\'a}n, ``The power of the middle bit of a \#P function,'' {\em Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences\/} {\bf 50} (1995) 456--467.
  • [ReRo95] K.~Regan and J.~Royer, ``On closure properties of bounded 2-sided error complexity classes.'' {\em Mathematical Systems Theory\/} {\bf 28}, 1995, 229--243.
  • [ReWa94] K.~Regan and J.~Wang, ``The Quasilinear Isomorphism Challenge,'' {\em SIGACT News\/} {\bf 25}, September 1994, pages 106--113.
  • [Reg94] K.~Regan, ``A new parallel vector model, with exact characterizations of NC$^k$.'' {\it in\/} ``Proceedings, 11th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computation, Caen, France, February 1994.'' Lecture Notes in Computer Science {\bf 778}, Springer Verlag, 1994, pp 289--300.
  • [LOR94] L.~Li, M.~Ogihara, and K.~Regan, ``On information from \#P functions,'' 6th Annual International Conference on Computers and Information, Peterborough, Ontario, May 1994. Proceedings appeared in: {\em Journal of Computers and Information\/} {\bf 1}, 1994, 280-295.
  • [Reg94a] K.~Regan, ``Linear time algorithms in memory hierarchies,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 13th IFIP World Computer Congress, Hamburg, Germany, Aug.-Sep.\ 1994, Volume 1: Technology and Foundations,'' B.~Pehrson and I.~Simon, eds., {\em IFIP Transactions\/}, Ser.~A-51, North-Holland, 1994, pp 609--614.
  • [Reg94b] K.~Regan, ``Linear speed-up, information vicinity, and finite-state machines,'' {\em in\/} ``Proceedings, 13th IFIP World Computer Congress, Hamburg, Germany, Aug.-Sep.\ 1994, Volume 1: Technology and Foundations,'' B.~Pehrson and I.~Simon, eds., {\em IFIP Transactions\/}, Ser.~A-51, North-Holland, 1994, pp 609--614.
  • [Reg93] K.~Regan, ``Machine models and linear time complexity,'' {\em SIGACT News\/} {\bf 24}, October 1993, pages 5--15. Guest Column for L.~Hemaspaandra, ed., ``Complexity Theory Column.''