Q. How to access matlab on a WINDOWS machine ?
A. There are two ways to access matlab in case the student's host operating system is WINDOWS :-
1) RemoteApp and
2) Remote Desktop.

I used Remote Desktop because I found it simpler and also could access a variety of other software [1], compared to RemoteApp.

Here are the instructions to use Remote Desktop [2].
(I had used this option.) So let me outline the steps :-

1) Download the launcher file [5].
2) I was off campus so I logged on to AnyConnect VPN client[4].
3) Log in from the launcher downloaded in step 1) using your credentials (need to provide login as ad\[YOUR UBITName] and provide the password).
["ad\" is needed to change the default windows domain to the buffalo faculty/student domain]
4) Start matlab and code away.

Here are the instructions to use RemoteApp [3].

Note:- In case you are off-campus, you might need to use AnyConnect VPN client.
Here are the instructions as so how to install/use AnyConnect[4].

Please see here [1] for more details
[1] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/windows/index.php
[2] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/windows/remote-desktop.php
[3] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/windows/remoteapp.php
[4] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/win/vpn/offcampus.php
[5] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/ubvcl.rdp

Q. How to access matlab on a LINUX machine ?
A. Here is the main link for the instructions [6]. RDesktop is the virtual client to use.

Let me outline the steps :-
1) Browse to the RDesktop page [7] and download the source code.
2) Extract the source code and compile the code [using a terminal] to get the executable.

[how to compile]
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc$ cd rdesktop-1.7.1/
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc/rdesktop-1.7.1$ ./configure
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc/rdesktop-1.7.1$ make
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc/rdesktop-1.7.1$ sudo make install
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc/rdesktop-1.7.1$ rdesktop ubvcl.buffalo.edu
3) Invoke RDesktop using the command

suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/misc/rdesktop-1.7.1$ rdesktop ubvcl.buffalo.edu
4) In the RDesktop UI, Select Other User.
5) In the next window, enter the following information:
User name: ad\[YOUR UBITName]
Password: password
and Click the blue arrow, or press Enter.

6) Start matlab and code away.
Note:- In case you are off-campus, you might need to use AnyConnect VPN client.
Here are the instructions as so how to install/use AnyConnect[8].

Please see here [6] for more details.
[6] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/linux/index.php
[7] http://sourceforge.net/projects/rdesktop
[8] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/win/vpn/offcampus.php

Q. How to access matlab on a MAC ?
A. Here is the main link for the instructions [9]. Remote Desktop is the client to use.
The instructions are almost identical to the instructions for using Remote Desktop on WINDOWS.
[9] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/virtual/mac/index.php