SUNY at Buffalo  CSE707 Wireless Networks Security - Principles And Practices
Fall 2024 
Prof. Shambhu Upadhyaya 
CSE 707  

Course Description   
Instructor &TAs  
Labs and Projects  
Student Database   


Up-to-Date Information On The Course

Fall 2024  
DATE  SUBJECT  Comments 
12/04/24 Class #15 Roundtable discussion. Each group is given 5 minutes to make a position statement on the topic presented earlier in the class and there will be one minute discussion on each presentation. Come prepared to ask questions.
The 6 essays were combined and uploaded. Check the Lectures page.
11/27/24 Class #14 No class due to Thanksgiving holiday
11/20/24 Class #13 Preparation for Round Table discussion.
11/13/24 Class #12 Student presentations - Round 2.
11/06/24 Class #11 Student presentations - Round 2.
10/30/24 Class #10 Student presentations - Round 2.
10/23/24 Class #9 Paper selection for Round 2.
10/16/24 Class #8 Student presentations.
10/09/24 Class #7 Student presentations.
10/02/24 Class #6 Student presentations.
09/25/24 Class #5 This class is to form groups and formulate your goals for this course. You are being asked to send a brief writeup on your goals through a separate email.
Student presentations will start next week. I expect that we finalize the presentation schedule before the end of this class. When you make your paper selection, give me three choices prioritized as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, by identifying the paper by its index (for example, A.8 or E.5 or F.XX). Also indicate your group number (for example, Group 3). Send your selections to me by an email to:

A list of topics and papers is available in the Student Database page on the left. Note that you don't have to choose your paper(s) from this list. If you choose a different paper outside of this list, it will go under the F category after consulting with me. To see which topics and papers have already been selected, Click Student Database.

09/18/24 Class #4 We will go over the leftover material from the last class - PKI, Message Authentication, Digital signatures, Program security, Network security, Intrusion detection and firewalls. We will also finalize the groups and decide which groups will be presenting in two weeks from today.
I have sent you an email through UBLearns (BrightSpace) regarding forming groups. At this point, you just have your grouping information ready. You will receive another email asking you to send your grouping information and preferred presentation dates.
09/11/24 Class #3 I have posted the material for Lecture 3. It is a sweeping overview of the fundamentals of computer security.
Check the Class list (to be) shared on Brightspace to make contacts with other students and form groups of 2. Don't send the group information to me just yet. I will need it in a particular format and send it to me as a response to my email that will be sent to you later.
09/04/24 Class #2 I have posted the material for Lecture 2. We will continue with instructor presentations. Student presentations should start in about three weeks. So, start planning on forming your groups (groups of 2).
08/28/24 Class #1 This is an introductory class. We will go through the course content and basic motivational issues. We will also look into WEP security and its weaknesses and introduce the 802.11i standards. Check Lectures to go to the slides.