Due: Midnight, February 20, 1996
Choose your best vacuum agent from Project 1, and submit it for a Vacuum Agent Tournament.
Use your full name followed by either 472 or 572 as the name of your agent type, for example PhilipGoetz472 or JonathanDeangelo572.
The tournament will be run by evaluation of a modification of
(agent-trials #'make-random-vacuum-world ; function that creates worlds '(reactive-vacuum-agent ; list of agent creaing functions random-vacuum-agent PhilipGoetz472 JonathanDeangelo572 ) :n some-n ; number of rooms in which to test ; each agent :max-steps some-number ; maximum number of steps for each ; trial )where make-random-vacuum-world is the random world you were to create for Homework 1, Exercise 2.
Two separate tournaments will be run, one for CS472 students, another for CS572 students.
You will receive 3 points for submitting a working, non-cheating agent definition.
The winner of each tournament will receive 3 bonus points. The second place finisher will receive 2 bonus points. The third place finisher will receive 1 bonus point. In case of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded.
E-mail your agent definition to shapiro@cs.buffalo.edu by
midnight, Tuesday, Feb. 20. Use the subject line hw2.
The tournaments will be run in class on
Wednesday, Feb 21.