CS642 Possible Term Projects
Below is a list of possible term projects. If you have another idea,
see the instructor.
Term projects may be done by small groups. Tell the instructor as
soon as possible who is in your group and what your topic is.
- Implement a SNePS/KIF translator.
See http://logic.stanford.edu/kif/kif.html.
- Implement a SNePS/Ontolingua translator.
See <http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/ontolingua/.
- Implement an agent that can read dictionary or glossary entries,
and extract the ontology.
- Implement an agent that can understand Wall Street Journal articles.
- Implement an agent that can read a paragraph from an ETS reading
or verbal exam or from the TOEFL and answer the given questions.
- Implement an agent that can understand an encyclopedia article,
such as one on cities or bridges.
- Implement an intelligent Web Browser.
- Implement an appointments secretary.
- Implement an agent that can play the game, Clue.
- Implement a NL front-end to UNIX.
- Implement a NL front-end to an X-based GUI, such as Garnet.
- Implement a translator from English to some programming language.