import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /* invariant A Grid object ... Is a rectangular grid of 20 pixel by 20 pixel square cells that displays upon a background canvas. and foreach grid cell: if the cell is empty, then it displays as a white square region with a black border and ForEach grid cell: the cell is nonempty iff and only if it displays as a gray filled square a red filled square or a numbered square and a button is displayed upon the canvas */ public class Grid implements ActionListener { private Frame canvas; private ClickTile[][] grid; private Button theButton; /* post: grid is a rectangular array of rowCount rows and columnCount columns and each cell in grid is empty and theButton.getText == s */ public Grid(int rowCount, int columnCount, String s) { canvas = new Frame(); canvas.setBounds(10, 10, 20*columnCount+100, 20*rowCount+160); canvas.setLayout(null); theButton = new Button(s); theButton.setBounds((20*columnCount-100)/2, 20*rowCount+100, 200, 20); theButton.addActionListener(this); canvas.add(theButton); grid = new ClickTile[rowCount][columnCount]; for (int r=0; r!=rowCount; r++) { for (int c=0; c!=columnCount; c++) { grid[r][c] = new ClickTile(40+c*20, 40+r*20, canvas); } }; } /* post: result == number of rows in the grid - 1 */ public int rowMax() { return grid.length-1; } /* post: result == number of columns in the grid - 1 */ public int columnMax() { return grid[0].length-1; } /* pre: 0<=r<=grid.length() and 0<=c<=grid[0].length (throws IndexOutOfBoundsException) post: result == grid[r][c] is an empty cell */ public boolean isEmptyCell(int r, int c) { return grid[r][c].isEmptyCell(); } /* pre: 0<=r<=grid.length() and 0<=c<=grid[0].length (throws IndexOutOfBoundsException) post: grid[r][c] is numbered with num */ public void setCellToNumber(int r, int c, int num) { grid[r][c].setStringValue(""+num); } /* pre: 0<=r<=grid.length() and 0<=c<=grid[0].length (throws IndexOutOfBoundsException) post: grid[r][c] is an empty cell */ public void setCellToEmpty(int r, int c) { grid[r][c].setToEmpty(); } /* pre: 0<=r<=grid.length() and 0<=c<=grid[0].length (throws IndexOutOfBoundsException) post: grid[r][c] is a gray cell */ public void setCellToGray(int r, int c) { grid[r][c].setColor(Color.gray); } /* pre: 0<=r<=grid.length() and 0<=c<=grid[0].length (throws IndexOutOfBoundsException) post: grid[r][c] is a red cell */ public void setCellToRed(int r, int c) { grid[r][c].setColor(; } /* event This method is called in response to a user click on theButton. It is expected that this method will be overridden. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e ) { } }