Spring, 2000

(9 Points)
Due: February 1, 2000


  1. Run acl in the directory "/projects/shapiro/AIclass/Aimacode/".

  2. Load the file aima

  3. Evaluate (aima-load 'agents)

  4. Read and try out the examples in the file agents/test-agents.lisp. For example, evaluate the following forms in order and observe the results:
    	(setf vw (make-vacuum-world))
            (initialize vw)
    	(display-environment vw)
            (run-environment vw)
    	(run-environment (make-vacuum-world))
            (run-environment (make-vacuum-world :max-steps 10))
    	(run-environment (make-vacuum-world :stream nil))
    	(run-environment (make-vacuum-world :aspec '(random-vacuum-agent)))
               (make-vacuum-world :aspec '(random-vacuum-agent) :max-steps 10))
               (make-vacuum-world :aspec '(reactive-vacuum-agent) :max-steps 10))
               (make-vacuum-world :cspec '((at all (P 0.9 dirt)))
    		              :max-steps 10))
    	(agent-trials 'make-vacuum-world
    		      '(reactive-vacuum-agent random-vacuum-agent)
    		      :n 10)

  5. Study the definitions of random-vacuum-agent and reactive-vacuum-agent in the file agents/agents/vacuum.lisp.

Homework Exercises

  1. (3 points) Evaluate the form
    (run-environment (make-vacuum-world :aspec '(ask-user-agent)))
    You will be asked to input the actions yourself. You should be able to determine what to enter by studying the code for random-vacuum-agent and reactive-vacuum-agent. Perform every action at least once, in an interesting variety of situations, and vacuum up at least some dirt.

    Turn in a copy of the interaction.

  2. (3 points)
    ``Implement an environment for a n x m rectangular room, where each square has a 5% chance of containing dirt, and n and m are chosen at random from the range of 8 to 15, inclusive.''
    [Exercise 2.7, p. 52, of the text]
    Do this by writing a defstructure based on and using the structure vacuum-world from the file agents/environments/vacuum.lisp but changing the size and cspec slots. Turn in this defstructure definition, and the printing of several instances of the environment showing some random variations.
    (The Lisp function (random n) returns a random integer i, 0 <= i < n.)

  3. (3 points) Exercise 2.11 in the text calls for adding furniture to the room. To do this, we first need to define furniture with
    (defstructure (furniture (:include obstacle (name "@"))))
    Then, we need to define a vacuum world with furniture as well as dirt:
         (:include vacuum-world
    	       (cspec '((at all (P 0.25 dirt))
    			(at all (P 0.25 furniture)))))))

    Repeat Exercise 2 above, but make each square in the rooms have a 10% chance of containing dirt and a 5% chance of containing furniture.

Turn in this homework set by submitting an edited version of the following file before 2:00 PM, Tuesday, February 1, 2000.
-------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------
;;; CSE 4/572 Homework 1
;;; Name:
;;; Course:
;;; Recitation:
;;; 1. (3 points) A transcript of the ask-user-agent in the vacuum world:

;;; 2. (3 points) The defstructure for the rectangular vacuum world:

;;;    Several rectangular vacuum worlds are:

;;; 3. (3 points) The defstructure for the rectangular vacuum world
;;;    with each room having a 10% chance of containing dirt and a 5%
;;;    chance of containing furniture:

;;;    Several rectangular vacuum worlds with furniture are:

-------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------

Back to CSE4/572 Syllabus.

Stuart C. Shapiro <shapiro@cse.buffalo.edu>