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Notes on Classic
constant :: individual atomic concept :: concept or named concept concept :: concept or description or role restriction sentence :: expression using a function in the classic package
<descr> ::= Thing | <CLASSIC-descr>
<CLASSIC-descr> ::= Classic-Thing | <CLASSIC-concept-name> | (all <role-name> <descr>) | (at-least <positive-integer> <role-name>) | (fills <role-name> <individual-name> +) | (and <CLASSIC-descr> +) <CLASSIC-concept-name> ::= <symbol> <role-name> ::= <symbol> <individual-name> ::= <symbol>
:ld /projects/shapiro/Classic/classic :pa classic
classic(1): (cl-startup) ; don't really need this if just started Classic t classic(2): (cl-define-primitive-concept 'Person 'Classic-Thing) *WARNING*: Creating individual @i{Person-META-IND}. @c{Person} classic(3): @c{Person} @c{Person} classic(4): @Person ; OK as long as there's only one Classic object with this name @c{Person} classic(5): (cl-print-concept @Person) *Person* -> Derived Information: Parents: Classic-Thing Ancestors: Thing @c{Person} classic(6): (cl-define-disjoint-primitive-concept 'Man 'Person 'sexes) *WARNING*: Creating individual @i{Man-META-IND}. @c{Man} classic(7): (cl-define-disjoint-primitive-concept 'Woman 'Person 'sexes) *WARNING*: Creating individual @i{Woman-META-IND}. @c{Woman} classic(8): (cl-print-concept @Woman) *Woman* -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Person Classic-Thing Parents: Person Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing @c{Woman} classic(9): (cl-set-classic-warn-mode nil) nil classic(10): (cl-print-concept @Man :told t) *Man* -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Person Classic-Thing Parents: Person Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing Told Information: Member of decomposition(s): sexes Parents: Person @c{Man} classic(11): (cl-create-ind 'Lucy 'Woman) @i{Lucy} classic(12): (cl-print-ind @Lucy) Lucy -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Woman Person Classic-Thing Parents: Woman Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing Person @i{Lucy} classic(13): (cl-instance? @Lucy @Woman) t classic(14): (cl-instance? @Lucy @Person) t classic(15): (cl-instance? @Lucy @Man) nil classic(16): (cl-define-primitive-concept 'Dog 'Classic-Thing) @c{Dog} classic(17): (cl-instance? @Lucy @Dog) nil classic(18): (cl-create-ind 'Tom 'Man) @i{Tom} classic(19): (cl-concept-instances @Person) (@i{Lucy} @i{Tom}) classic(20): (cl-create-ind 'Hermi '(and Man Woman)) *CLASSIC ERROR* while processing (cl-create-ind Hermi (and Man Woman)) occurred on object @i{Hermi-*INCOHERENT*}: Trying to combine disjoint primitives: @tc{Man} and @tc{Woman}. classic-error (disjoint-prims-conflict @tc{Man} @tc{Woman}) nil @i{Hermi-*INCOHERENT*} classic(21): (cl-define-primitive-role 'child) @r{child} classic(22): (cl-define-concept 'Parent '(and Person (at-least 1 child))) @c{Parent} classic(23): (cl-print-concept @Parent) Parent -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Person Classic-Thing Parents: Person Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing Role Restrictions: Child[1 ; INF] @c{Parent} classic(24): (cl-create-ind 'Sally 'Woman) @i{Sally} classic(25): (cl-print-ind @Sally) Sally -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Woman Person Classic-Thing Parents: Woman Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing Person @i{Sally} classic(26): (cl-ind-add @Sally '(fills child Lucy)) @i{Sally} classic(27): (cl-print-ind @Sally) Sally -> Derived Information: Primitive ancestors: Woman Person Classic-Thing Parents: Woman Parent Ancestors: Thing Classic-Thing Person Role Fillers and Restrictions: Child[1 ; INF] -> Lucy @i{Sally} classic(28): (cl-fillers @Sally @child) (@i{Lucy})