Dr. Sreyasee Das Bhattacharjee, PhD
Assistant Professor of Research & Teaching
Davis Hall #349
Department of Computer Science & Engg.
State University of New York at Buffalo
NY 14260
Ph: (716)-645-4769
Sreyasee Das Bhattacharjee is a faculty member in the Computer Science and Engineering department at SUNY Buffalo (UB). Before joining UB, she was an adjunct faculty and postdoctoral fellow at the Computer Science Dept of UNC Charlotte. Prior moving to the United States, she was a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Sreyasee has worked as a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth and scientist at the Aeronautical Development Lab (ADE) of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Govt of India, in Bangalore, India. She received the Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, M.Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and M. Sc Mathematics from Chennai Mathematical Institute, India.
Her current research interests cover multimodal data analytics, affective computing, educational data mining, natural scene understanding, data centric generative models, multimodal generative AI, human-machine collaborations, and AI-powered immersive systems. She has collaborated with a number of external collaborators from JPL, NASA, Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California at San Francisco, OMRON Industrial Automation, etc.
We are actively recruiting self-motivated and hard-working doctoral candidates, graduate and exceptional undergraduate students in the areas of Generative AI, Immersive Technology, Multisensor systems, and Multimodal Data Analytics. Some of the ongoing projects include:- Biosignal-based Affective State Generation in the Wild
- Multimodal Key Event Localization in Videos
- BCI-AI integration for Decoding human thoughts in continuum
- AI-powered Interactive Agents in VR
- Large Grant Award, 2024 from Research Foundation for SUNY
- New $1M Grant from NSF!
- Associate Editor, The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) mHealth and uHealth, 2024
- Co-Topic Editor in the journal on 'Preserving and Assessing Image and Video Integrity using AI'; Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2023
- Associate Editor for Meachine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (specialty section of Frontiers in Big Data and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence), 2022
- Fellow, New Faculty Academy University at Buffalo, Spring 2021
- Best Paper Award, 4TH Big Data Transfer Learning (BDTL) Workshop, IEEE Int. Conference in Big Data 2019
- Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Big Data Analytic for Cyber Crime Investigation and Prevention, IEEE Int. Conference in Big Data 2017
- Sreyasee D. B. (PI), Shambhu Upadhyaya, Wenyao Xu, Wooksoo Kim, Aug'24-July'27, $1,000,000, Explorations: ReUPS: Refugees Underprivileged Students Experiential Learning in Emerging STEM Technologies, ExLENT, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
- Jinjun Zhou, Sreyasee D. B.(Co-I), Jan'23-Jan'25, $300,000, Enhancing multi-channel linear LED lighting fixtures with advanced AI vision system for early health condition evaluation of plants grown in controlled environments, FuzeHub 2023 Grant Awards for Manufacturing Innovations, New York State, USA
- IBM Ph.D. fellowship award in 2008
- Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship, 2007 offered by Department of Education, Science and Training, Australian Govt.
- Rhaghaba Shastri Endowment Scholarship in 2002 from Chennai Mathematical Institute.
- National Scholarship 2000, offered by Ministry of Human Resource & Development, Govt of India.
- Aditya Dwibedi, Sreyasee D. B.,Yu-Ping Chang, Junsong Yuan, PI-EnLLM : Personalized Interactive Healthcare Assistance via Ensembling Large Language Models , EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks, Dec 2024
- Yu-Ping Chang, Aditya Dwibedi, Sreyasee D. B., Usability of An Affect-Aware Multimodal Personalized Interactive Model Among Family Caregivers , Gerontology Society Association Annual Meeting, Nov 2024
- Sidharth Anand, Naresh Kumar Devulapally, Sreyasee D. B., Junsong Yuan, Yu-Ping Chang, AM2-EmoJE: Adaptive Missing-Modality EMOtion recognition in conversations via Joint-Embedding , IEEE Conference on Multimedia Expo, July 2024
- Sidharth Anand, Naresh Kumar Devulapally, Sreyasee D. B., Junsong Yuan, AMuSE: Adaptive Multimodal Analysis for Speaker Emotion Recognition in Group Conversations, IEEE Conference in BigData and Multimedia 2023, Dec 2023
- Yu-Ping Chang, Aditya Dwibedi, Suryakanth Joshi, Sreyasee D. B., Development of An AI-Powered Emotionally Intelligent, Interactive Agent Prototype to Support Informal Caregivers, Late Breaker, Gerontology Society Association Annual Meeting, Nov 2023
- Sidharth Anand, Naresh Kumar Devulapally, Sreyasee D. B., Junsong Yuan, Multi-label Emotion Analysis in Conversation via Multimodal Knowledge Distillation, ACM Multimedia 2023, Oct 2023
- Michael Mu, Sreyasee D. B., Junsong Yuan, Self-Supervised Distilled Learning for Multi-modal
Mis-information Identification, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan 2023
- Sreyasee D. B., Jnana Sai Abhishek Varma Gokaraju, Junsong Yuan, Abhilash Kalwa, Multi-View Knowledge Graph for Explainable Course Content Recommendation in Course Discussion Posts, International Conference in Pattern Recognition (ICPR), August 2022.
- Balaji Arumugam, Sreyasee D.B , Junsong Yuan, Multimodal Attentive Learning for Real-Time Explainable Emotion Recognition in Conversations, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, May 2022
- Sreyasee D.B , Junsong Yuan, Proactive Student Persistence Prediction in MOOCs via Multi-Domain Adversarial Learning, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2021
- Sreyasee D.B , Junsong Yuan, Multi-modal Co-training for Fake News Identification using Attention aware
Fusion, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2021
- Sreyasee D.B , Junsong Yuan, Semantic Enhanced Sketch Based Image Retrieval with Incomplete Multimodal Query, (Invited Paper) IEEE Sixth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2020.
- Sreyasee D.B , William J. Tolone, Ashish Mahabal, Mohammed Elshambakey, Isaac Cho, Abdullah al-Raihan Nayeem, Junsong Yuan, George Djorgovski, Multi-View, Generative, Transfer Learning for Distributed Time Series Classification, (Best Paper) Big Data Transfer Learning (BDTL) Workshop, IEEE International Conference in BigData, 2019.
- Sreyasee D.B. , William J. Tolone, Multimodal, Context-Aware, Feature Representation Learning for Classification and Localization , IEEE International Conference in BigData, 2019.
- Zhenhua Huang, Xun Wang, Liping Cai, Yong Tao, William J. Tolone, Mohammed El-Shambakey; Sreyasee D.B, Isaac Cho, ‘Blast Risk Assessment of Wood Residential Buildings: West Fertilizer Plant Explosion Case’, (Accepted) Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019.
- Sreyasee D.B., William J. Tolone, Mohammed Elshambakey, Isaac Cho, Ashish Mahabal, George Djorgovski, View-Adaptive Weighted Deep Transfer Learning for Distributed Time-Series Classification , COMPSAC 2019: Data Driven Intelligence for a Smarter World, 2019
- Sreyasee D.B, William J. Tolone, Identifying Malicious Social Media Contents using Multi-View Context-Aware Active Learning , Elsevier Journal of Future Generation of Computer Science (FGCS)-Special Issue on Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics, 2019
- Omer T Karaguzel, Mohammed Elshambakey, Yimin Zhu, Tianzhen Hong, William J Tolone, Sreyasee D.B, Isaac Cho, Wenwen Dou, Haopeng Wang, Siliang Lu, Mohamed Khalefa, Yong Tao, Open Computing Infrastructure for Sharing Data Analytics to Support Building Energy Simulations , Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2019 .
- Sreyasee D.B., William J. Tolone, Mohammed Elshambakey, Isaac Cho, Ashish Mahabal, George Djorgovski, Context-Aware Deep Sequence Learning with Multi-View Factor Pooling for Time Series Classification , IEEE Int. Conference in Big Data, 2018 .
- Sreyasee D.B , Junsong Yuan, Yicheng Huang, Jingjing Meng, Lingyu Duan, Query Adaptive Multi-View Object Instance Search and Localization using Sketches , IEEE Tran. MultiMedia, 2018 .
- Sreyasee D.B, Bala Venkatram Balantrapu, William J. Tolone, Ashit Talukder, Identifying Extremism in Social Media with Multi-view Context-Aware Subset Optimization , (As a best paper, pre-selected for Elsevier FGCS-Special Issue on Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics) International Workshop on Big Data Analytic for Cyber Crime Investigation and Prevention, IEEE Int. Conference in Big Data, 2017 .
- Mohammed Elshambakey, Mohamed Khalefa, William J Tolone, Sreyasee D.B, Huikyo Lee, Luca Cinquini, Shannon Schlueter, Isaac Cho, Wenwen Dou, Daniel J Crichton, Towards a distributed infrastructure for data-driven discoveries & analysis , IEEE Int. Conference on Big Data 2017.
- Sreyasee D.B, Ashit Talukder, Bala Venkatram Balantrapu, Active Learning Based News Veracity Detection with Feature Weighting and Deep-Shallow Fusion , IEEE Int. Conference on Big Data, 2017 .
- Sreyasee D.B, Ashit Talukder, Ehab-E-Alshaer, Pratik , Prioritized Active Learning for Malicious URL Detection using Weighted Feature Updates , IEEE Int. Conference in Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), 2017 .
- Sreyasee D.B, Ashit Talukder, Graph clustering for Weapon Discharge Event detection and Tracking in Infrared Imagery using Deep Features , (Invited Paper) SPIE Conference in Pattern Recognition and Tracking, 2017 .
- Sreyasee D.B, Junsong Yuan, Zhang Jiaqi, Yap-Peng Tan, Context-Aware Graph-Based Analysis for Detecting Anomalous Activities , IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2017.
- Weixiang Hong, Junsong Yuan and Sreyasee D.B., Fried Binary Embedding for High-Dimensional Visual Features , IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017 .
- Tan Yu, Yuwei Wu, Sreyasee D.B. and Junsong Yuan, Efficient Object Instance Search Using Fuzzy Object Matching, AAAI Conference in Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
- Sreyasee D.B, Junsong Yuan, Weixiang Hong, Xiang Ruan, Query adaptive instance search using sketches, ACM Int. conference on MultiMedia, 2016.
- Sreyasee D.B., Junsong Yuan, Lingyu Duan, Yap-Peng Tan , Query Adaptive Small Object Search using Shape aware descripotors , IEEE Tran. MultiMedia, 2016 .
- Sreyasee D.B., Junsong Yuan, Lingyu Duan, Yap-Peng Tan, Query Adaptive Logo Search using Shape aware descripotors , ACM Int. conference on MultiMedia, 2015.
- Sreyasee D.B., Anurag Mittal, Part-based Deformable Object Detection with a Single Sketch , Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Elsevier, 2015.
- Smit Marvania, Sreyasee D.B., Venkatesh M., Anurag Mittal Drawing an Automatic Sketch of Deformable Objects using only a few images , NORDIA , European Conference in Computer Vision, 2012
- CSE 368: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
- CSE 410: Special Topics, Introduction to Deep Learning, Fall 2019
- CSE 4/562: Database Systems, Spring 2020
- CSE 4/560: Data Models and Query Language, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023
- CSE 573: Introduction to Computer Vision, Spring 2023
- CSE 4/574: Introduction to Machine Learning, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022
- CSE 4/555: Introduction to Pattern Recognition, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
- EAS 595: Special Topics - Fundamentals of AI, Fall 2020, Spring 2021
Present/Past Leadership Responsibilities :
- Associate Editor, The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) mHealth and uHealth
- Associate Editor for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (specialty section of Frontiers in Big Data and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence)
- Area Chair, ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2024
- Member of the Faculty Senate and the Senate Executive Committee at the Unitversity at Buffalo
- MS-AI Program Director, Institute of AI and Data Science UB
- Co-Topic Editor in the journal on 'Preserving and Assessing Image and Video Integrity using AI'; Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Present/Past Services :
- Reviewer Panel Member in multiple programs at National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Meta Reviewer (Area Chair), IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2024
- Technical Program Committee, Thirty Fifth AAAI Conference on Arificial Intelligence, 2021, 2022
- Reviewer Committee, ICAIS 2021, Track: 27-Evolutionary Computation for Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Reviewer Board Member, Sensors (2020-)
- Reviewer, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- Reviewer, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (T-IP)
- Reviewer, ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM)
- Reviewer, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (TMM)
- Reviewer, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU )
- Reviewer, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (JASP)
- Tech. Program Committee Member, 2nd International Workshop on Big Data Analytic for Cybercrime Investigation and Prevention, co-located with IEEE Big Data conference that will take place in Seattle, USA on 10-13 December, 2018.
- Tech. Program Committee Member, Multi-Sensor for Action and Gesture Recognition (MAGR), ACPR 2019 Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand
- Tech. Program Committee Member, The 1st International Workshop on Human-oriented Intelligent Defence Against Malware Threats (HIDAMT), 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2019
- Jatin Chhabria (Aug 2024-Present), MS UB
- Vamsi Kumar Naidu Pallapothula (Jan 2024-Present), MS UB
- Chaitanya Sai Chandu Yendru (Jan 2024-Present), MS UB
- Aditya Kumar Dwibedi (Jun 2023-Present), MS UB
- Sidharth Anand (Jun 2022-Present), MS UCSD
- Yiwei Feng (Aug 2024-Present), UG UB
- Naresh Kumar Devulapally (Jun 2022-Dec 2023), MS UB
- Jnana Sai Abhishek Varma Gokaraju (Jun 2021-May2022), MS UB, last known position: Amazon USA
- Abhilash Kalwa (Jun 2021-May2022), MS UB, last known position: Amazon USA
- Balaji Arumugam (Jan 2020-May2021), MS UB, last known position: Amazon USA
- Michael Mu (Sept 2021-Nov2022), UG UB, last known position: MS CMU
- Nidhish Sawant (Jan 2021-May2022), UG Intern, last known position: MS UCI