CSE 410/510: Trustworthy and Explainable AI

Instructor : Dr. Sreyasee Das Bhattacharjee

Email : sreyasee@buffalo.edu
Office: Davis Hall 349
Office Hours: R, 200pm to 315pm and By Appointment

General Information

Lectures: M W F , 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM


Course Overview: In this course, we will discuss adversarial learning, analyze explainability as well as the security vulnerability and privacy related issues of different machine learning(ML)/Artificial Intelligence(AI) models, popularly used by the research community. While AI is growingly being employed as an automated decision making tool in several usecase settings like business, education, healthcare, law enforcement, etc., before adopting any such system, it is important for the end users to have a clear understanding of the questions like ‘why the system works?’ than treating it as an omnipotent BlackBox without having any explanation on its trustworthiness. We will review several state-of-the-art research papers to learn about the recent advances in this emerging domain of Trustworthy and Explainable AI, discuss several representative explainable models, learn about different categories of attacks along with a set of certified defenses introduced to evaluate robustness, and finally explore the connections between explainability and trustworthiness in terms of its applications in several domain specific problem settings.

Piazza : We will use Piazza to answer questions and post announcements about the course. Please sign up here.

Course Prerequisites: Experience of Python Programming, Linear Algebra, Calculus, basic understanding of Machine learning/Data mining/Pattern Recognition

Syllabus : You can access the Syllabus here.

Grade Composition :       Assignments, 30%
                          Summeries, 15%
                          Mid-term: 20%
                          Final: 25%

Reading Materials:
Several papers will be referred as the reading materials each week, based on the topics we plan to discuss during the week. The details will be shared in Piazza and also be mentioned in the weekly slides.

Other Supporting Materials (will continue to be extended later on):