Zhuoyue Zhao

Assistant Professor
Department of Compute Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo

338I Davis Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY, 14260

Email: zzhao35 [at] buffalo [dot] edu
Work phone: 716-645-4735
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I am currently an assitant professor at University at Buffalo, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Current research interest: database management systems. Specifically, my current focus is on traditional and approximate query processing and query optimization, database on modern hardware, transaction processing, indexing and storage.

Prior to joining UB, I graduated with a PhD degree in computer science from the School of Computing at University of Utah in 2021. My PhD advisors were Prof. Feifei Li and Prof. Jeff Phillips. I hold a Bachelor's degree from the ACM Class of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In Fall 2015, I worked as a research assistant at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and was supervised by Prof. Eric Lo. My undergraduate research advisor at SJTU was Prof. Kenny Zhu. I was supported by the Google PhD Fellowship from Fall 2019 to Spring 2021.






                 * authors listed in alphabetic order


We are grateful for the funding/gift support for our past and ongoing research from National Science Foundation and Google.