Homepage URL : http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~bina |
Email : bina@buffalo.edu |
Office phone : 716-645-3182 |
Office fax : 716-645-3464 |
Dr. Bina Ramamurthy has been involved in the computer systems research, development and teaching for the past two decades. Her current research is in the area of distributed systems with emphasis on data-intensive computing and infrastructures. Her other interests include embedded and real-time systems, grid-computing, semantic web and service-oriented architectures.
She has been the principle investigator on National Science Foundation funded projects in the area of grid-computing (Project GridForce) and embedded systems (Project Nexos) and currently in the area of data-intensive computing (Project TIDE). She has directed more than 50 graduate projects in distributed systems and is well-published in this area.