I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. At UB, I lead SCoRe - Scalable Computing Research Group. The group's focus is on algorithms, data structures and systems to enable fast and accurate exploration of large-scale biomedical and engineering data collections using advanced cyberinfrastructures. In SCoRe, we design and implement systems that scale from mobile devices to large distributed memory clusters and beyond.

I received an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland) and a Ph.D. degree from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France) in 2001 and 2005, respectively. In 2014, I joined the University at Buffalo where I currently work. Before joining UB, I worked at Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute and Iowa State University.

In 2014, I served on the joint AAAS and FBI working group on Big Data in Life Sciences and National Security. I was the Student Travel Awards Chair for IEEE TCPP. I am an Associate Editor for the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing.

Outside my professional life  I LOVE PROGRAMMING! Writing good code just makes me feel good :-) I also pursue photography, dabble in design and typography, and am a big fan of Riverside, one of the best new generation prog rock bands. You are welcome to visit my virtual photo gallery!

Finally, my first name is Jarosław, which in Polish shortens to Jarek. However, I usually go by Jaric, which is a consensus of the most common misspellings of Jarek I encountered in emails addressed to me :-) Anyway, you can use any form you like; I will not be offended!

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The Basement

"the basement" is an avid look at the glorious past of computing exemplified by a unique collection of vintage hardware that Ethan Blanton has collected in his basement. The resulting zine brings together my photos (done in a traditional black and white film photography) with Ethan’s narration. It is a mix of a fine-art photography and captivating storytelling that will grab your inner geek. The gallery of pictures from the zine is available from https://photo.jzola.org/Film/The-Basement, and you can access the digital version from https://lostbits.net/the-basement/. The first print of the zine is limited to 64 copies

11/01/2024, 12:00 AM

Coriolis New Major Release

A brand new version of our Coriolis metagenomic classifier is out! This release (0.2.1) brings new task scheduler that significantly improves classification throughput. Coriolis can perform real-time classification while running alongside a basecaller (e.g., dorado).

09/27/2024, 01:24 PM

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Dr. Jaroslaw Zola

Associate Professor
University at Buffalo, SUNY

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Davis Hall
Buffalo, NY, 14260-2500

  +1 (716) 645-3187
  PGP key


I am a co-director of the undergraduate studies at CSE. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our undergraduate programs, please do not hesitate to contact me. Send me an email or simply stop by my office!


I am always looking for motivated students to work with. If you know how to program (especially in systems programming) and possess some of the skills from the list (in no particular order): mastery of modern C++ or Rust, the ability to design practically efficient algorithms, and basics of bioinformatics or biomedical informatics, you should contact me! However, before you proceed, make sure that your email does not contain anything resembling: I am intersted in ML and AI... If your email implies your interest in ML/AI and claims that my research is aligned with your interests, the email goes directly to /dev/null!

When you join SCoRe, you will have the opportunity to program some of the fastest supercomputers in the world and work on problems related to human health, big data and intriguing physical systems.

SCoRe, Scalable Computing Research Group, focuses on problems at the intersection of scalable computing and life sciences, as well as data-driven scientific computing – a very unique combination! Visit http://www.score-group.org/ to learn more about the group!


Office Hours

Where: Capen Hall, Room 209
When: Just stop by...


No courses offered this semester.