If X is a MODIFIER (i.e., an ADJECTIVE or an ADVERB), then
search C(X) for information (clues) about X's:
- class membership
(e.g., color, size, shape, etc.)
- contrasts
(e.g., if you read, "he did it Xly instead of
Yly", where you know what Y means,
then you can
hypothesize that X might be an opposite or
complement of Y)
- parallels
(e.g., if you read, "he did it Xly, Yly, and Zly"
and if you know what Y and Z are,
andif you're
luckyit turns out that Y and Z are
then you can hypothesize that X
means something very similar)
Note that it doesn't matter if you're not sure if some clue that you
find should be listed, say, as a "property" or "structural" information.
What matters is finding the clues, not what to call them!