Computer Science and Engineering
- CSE 505 Fundamentals of Programming Languages
- CSE 510 Intelligent Agents in E-Commerce
- CSE 512 Operating Systems Internals
- CSE 516 E-Commerce Technology
- CSE 530 Computer Communications
- CSE 562 Database Systems
- CSE 565 Computer Security
- CSE 566 Wireless Networks Security
- CSE 589 Modern Networking Concepts
- CSE 616 Multiagent Systems
- CSE 626 Data Mining
- MTH 529 - Introduction to the Theory of
Numbers - I
- MTH 530 - Introduction to the Theory of
Numbers - II
- MTH 535 Introduction to Cryptography
- MTH 567 - Topics Course - Stream Ciphers - I
- MTH 567 - Topics Course - Stream Ciphers - II
- MTH 567 - Topics Course - Cryptography and Information
All these Courses have been designated
by the United States National Security Agency Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board Committee on National
Security Systems for
Information Assurance Center of Excellence Certification
- LAW 858 - Technology and Intellectual
Property Colloquium
- LAW 933 - Intellectual Property and the
Internet: Cyber Piracy
Management Science and Systems
- MGA 615 Fraud Examination
- MGS 613 Database Management Systems
- MGS 614 System Analysis and Design
- MGS 650* Information Assurance
- MGS 651 Network Management
- MGS 659 Seminar in E-Commerce
- MGT 681 Intellectual Property
* Should have MGS
602 (Information Technology/ Data Communications) or equivalent as a
prerequisite (or co-requisite)