Package fishbowl

Interface Summary
FishHatchery Specifies the required functionality so that the menu can talk to some class, written by you, to create the different kinds of fish.
MovingBody Normal users can ignore this interface. Methods needed for body that can be animated and moved.
Shape Normal users can ignore this interface. An entity that implements all of NGP.Graphic, NGP.Locatable, NGP.Sizeable, and NGP.Colorable.

Class Summary
Animator Normal users can ignore this class. Tells MovingBody objects when to move.
Applet An applet for the fish to swim on.
Fish A Fish that moves when told to.
MovingBodyAdapter Normal users can ignore this class. A class that implements many of the methods of MovingBody by delegating the work to Shape objects.
SineMaker This class is used to create a sine wave oscillation of an integer value between specified minimum and maximum values.