Class HexagonShape

  extended by graphics.AbstractGraphic
      extended by graphics.AbstractColorableGraphic
          extended by graphics.Polygon
              extended by lab7lib.HexagonShape
All Implemented Interfaces:
CenterLocatable, IColorable, IColorableGraphic, IGraphic, ILocatable, IRotatable, ISizeable, java.util.Observer, IUpdatable

public class HexagonShape
extends Polygon
implements IUpdatable

A square that moves when told to. Created: Wed Sep 15, 2004

Carl Alphonce

Constructor Summary
HexagonShape(Window w)
          Creates a new instance of HexagonShape
Method Summary
 java.lang.Integer getDx()
          Get the x component of the movement vector (the change in x).
 java.lang.Integer getDy()
          Get the y component of the movement vector (the change in y).
 Degree getOrientation()
          Gets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape
 Vector getVector()
          Get the vector that controls the movement for this shape.
 void setOrientation(Degree degree)
          Sets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape
 void setVector(Vector v)
          Change the vector that controls the movement for this shape.
 void update()
          Update the position and orientation of the fish based on the velocity.
 void update(java.util.Observable o, java.lang.Object arg)
Methods inherited from class graphics.Polygon
actualPaint, addPoint, getShape, removePoint, setDimension, setLocation
Methods inherited from class graphics.AbstractColorableGraphic
getColor, paint, setColor
Methods inherited from class graphics.AbstractGraphic
addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, contains, getBounds, getCenterLocation, getContainer, getDimension, getLocation, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMovement, getRotation, intersects, move, rotate, setCenterLocation, setContainer, setMovement, setRotation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface graphics.IGraphic
addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, contains, getBounds, getContainer, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMovement, intersects, setContainer, setMovement
Methods inherited from interface graphics.ISizeable
Methods inherited from interface graphics.CenterLocatable
getCenterLocation, setCenterLocation
Methods inherited from interface graphics.ILocatable
getLocation, move
Methods inherited from interface graphics.IRotatable
getRotation, rotate, setRotation

Constructor Detail


public HexagonShape(Window w)
Creates a new instance of HexagonShape

w - The window where the shape should appear.
Method Detail


public void setOrientation(Degree degree)
Sets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape

degree - The degree to which the orientation of the shape should be set.


public Degree getOrientation()
Gets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape

The current degree of orientation.


public void update()
Update the position and orientation of the fish based on the velocity. If the fish hits a wall, it reverses velocity in the appropriate direction and points in the appropriate direction too.

Specified by:
update in interface IUpdatable


public Vector getVector()
Get the vector that controls the movement for this shape.

The current movement vector.


public void setVector(Vector v)
Change the vector that controls the movement for this shape.

v - The new vector.


public java.lang.Integer getDx()
Get the x component of the movement vector (the change in x).

The x component.


public java.lang.Integer getDy()
Get the y component of the movement vector (the change in y).

The y component.


public void update(java.util.Observable o,
                   java.lang.Object arg)
Specified by:
update in interface java.util.Observer
o -
arg -
See Also:
Observer.update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object)