
Chapter 5. Objects and References

Until now we have seen about the variables and types of variables in Java. Normally we give the variable name in its declaration with the type which is going to store. 


Employee emp;


In the above declaration emp is the reference variable name and the type of the emp is Employee. But the declaring the reference variable does not create any object. That means it does not allocate memory until you instantiate the class. So how you can create an object? First you need to instantiate the class. This can be done using the “new” operator. Following line shows the instantiation with the constructor of class.


new Employee()


What is the value of new Employee(). When this expression is evaluated, it results in creation of object and the value of the expression is reference to the object. What is the difference between an object and reference to object. If you want to invite your friend to your house, how do you refer your house? You need to tell him the address of your house. In this case house is an object and address of the house is reference to object.


Now you have declared a variable called emp and instatiate the employee class. So how you are going to interrelate it? For that you need to assign the value to reference variable.


Employee Emp;


Emp = new Employee();


To assign the value, you need to use assignment operator (=).


What happens in memory when you are creating reference. When you declare the reference variable, it does not allocate memory. When you instantiate and assign, the memory will be allocated to the object.