Presentations and Exercises (tentative, subject to change)

In-class work (individual) Out-of-class work (team)
Mon Tue Wed Thu  
Jan 24
1: course overview
Jan 25
LEX01: C exericses
Jan 29
2: process overview
Jan 30
LEX02: file I/O exericses
Jan 31
3: compiler, memory layout
Feb 01
LEX03: compiler exericses
Feb 05
4: git intro
Feb 06
LEX04: git basic exercises
Feb 07
5: Criterion intro
Feb 08
LEX05: writing Criterion tests

git branch and merge slides
Feb 12
6: gdb intro

GitHub Classroom link
Feb 13
LEX06: bug hunt #1
Feb 14
7: git intermediate
Feb 15
LEX07: git intermediate exercises
Feb 19
8: gdb intermediate

GitHub Classroom link
Feb 20
LEX08: bug hunt #2
Feb 21
9: EXP 1 discussion
Feb 22
LEX09: TDD exercise #1
Feb 26
10: make intro
Feb 27
LEX10: TDD exercise #2
Feb 28
11: make intermediate
Feb 29
LEX11: makefile exercise
Mar 04
12: Transparent tests and coverage determination

gcov exercise (Criterion)
gcov documentation
Mar 05
LEX12: transparent box testing
and code coverage
Mar 06
13: Putting it all together: process exercise part 1

process exercise
Mar 07
LEX13: process
Mar 11
14: Putting it all together: process exercise part 2
(no slides)
Mar 12
LEX14: process
Mar 13
15: introduction to the shell
part 1
(no slides)
Mar 14
LEX11 take 2: optional
Mar 25
16. Teamwork discussion
(no slides)
Mar 26
LEX16: Collaboration boards
Mar 27
17: script tutorial
Mar 28
LEX17: bash scripts 1
Apr 01
18: BASH scripting exercise
Apr 02
LEX18-LEX19: makeMake
(part 1 of 2)
Apr 03
19: Class demo (no slides)
Apr 04
LEX18-LEX19: makeMake
(part 2 of 2)
Keep working in same repo
Apr 08
20: Profiling exercise
Work on cerf if you don't have gprof installed
Apr 09
LEX20: bug hunt #3
Apr 10
21: memcheck exercise
Apr 11
LEX21: bug hunt #4
Apr 15
22: callgrind
Apr 16
LEX22: gprof, gcov, and callgrind
Apr 17
23: Review of LEX23/LEX24/LPR/POST expectations
Apr 18
LEX23: LPR practice
Apr 22
24: Process Review
Interdisabled exercise
(no slides)
Apr 23
LEX24: LPR practice
Apr 24
25: Topics from TBD survey
Apr 25
Lab Practical (LPR) exam, part 1
Apr 29
26: LPR Q&A
Apr 30
LEX make-up
(only with prior approval)
May 01
27: Exercise: tools in other languages
May 02
Lab Practical (LPR) exam, part 2
May 06
28: no class
May 07
LEX make-up
(only with prior approval)