CSE 111 -- Spring 2009
Great Ideas in Computer Science
30. Cryptography (4/22/09)
29. Open Source Software (4/20/09)
28. What is Artificial Intelligence? (4/17/09)
27. Biometrics & Forensics (4/15/09)
26. Phishing! Be Careful out there! (4/13/09)
25. What is the Internet? Where did it come from? (4/6,8/09)
24. Behind the Machine and the Internet & Free Speech (4/1,3,6/09)
23. Intellectual Property and Cyberethics (4/6/09)
22. What is REALLY on your Desktop? (3/30/09)
21. Karel -- Nested IFs & While Loops (3/27/09) Last Karel Lecture.
20. Beyond Email (3/25/09)
19. Karel -- Making Complex Decisions - (3/23/09)
18. Karel -- Making Basic Decisions - If Statements (3/16,18/09)
17. Karel -- Defining New Instructions and Iterate (3/4/09)
16. Karel -- A First Program (3/2/09)
15. Introducing Karel the Robot! (2/25,27/09)
14. Algorithm, What's an Algorithm? (2/23/09)
13. Building a Computer Adder (2/23/09)
12. Determining the Logic Equation from a Circuit Diagram (2/16,18/09)
11. Interpreting Logic Circuits Diagrams (2/13,16/09)
10. Understanding Truth Tables (Using AND, OR, NOT) (2/9/09)
- AND, OR, NOT Basics. Solving Truth Tables. Examples. (2/9,11,13/09)
9. Computers and Logic/Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT(2/4,6,9/09)
8. Binary: It is Not just for Characters (Images and Sound) (2/2/09)
7. Working with Signed Numbers/Two's Complement (1/28,30/09)
6. Binary Addition (1/26/09)
5. Binary to Decimal Conversion and Back Again (1/21,23/09)
4. Using Binary & Error Checking with Odd Parity (1/21/09)
3. What is a Computer?: Analog to Digital to Binary (1/16/09)
2. What is a Computer? (1/14/09)
1. Introduction to CSE111 (1/12/09)