As of January 2007 I am no longer at Buffalo.
I am at a Chicago hedge fund.
Please direct email to

As well as my CSE appointment I have an adjunct appointment in the Department of Biostatistics and am a member of the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.
I was previously a postdoc in the Machine Learning Group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto.
Awarded Distinguished Teacher Award for Fall'04 and Fall'05: see teaching.
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NSF grant: Reconstructing Metabolic and Transcriptional Networks using Bayesian State Space Models -- with David Wild.
To appear, Bayesian Analysis, Variational Bayesian DAGs [preprint].
To appear, JASA, Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes [preprint].
Bioinformatics, A Bayesian approach to reconstructing genetic regulatory networks with hidden factors [abstract].
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