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Page 16 (extras) : Embedding video files

Provided you have the necessary Netscape plugins, you can embed video files into Web pages, rather than being linked to and being played within another Netscape window or by a helper application.

If you want to know more about Netscape plugins, go back and look at Page 13 again.

You will know if you have Netscape set up to use the appropriate plugin as you should see a video clip directly below this paragraph. You can click on the control panel to play the video.

The tag used to embed the video file on this page is:

<EMBED SRC="videos/" HEIGHT=144 WIDTH=160>

SRC="URL"The path to the video file needs to be specified within the double quotes.
HEIGHT=n WIDTH=nThis determines the size of your movie. If you don't know these values open your movie with MoviePlayer and select Get Info from the Movie menu. Add 24 to the height of the movie for the default controller.
AUTOPLAY=true|falseThis attribute is optional. When set to true, the video starts playing as soon as it is loaded. If you do not specify AUTOPLAY, the default is false.
CONTROLLER=true|falseThis attribute is optional. It determines whether the contol panel is visible at the bottom of the video. If you do not specify the CONTROLLER, the default is true.
LOOP=true|false|palindromeThis attribute is optional. If you do not specify the LOOP, the default is false.
HREF="URL"This attribute is optional. Using HREF provides a link to another page when the movie is clicked on. This option would only be appropriate for a movie without a controller.

The EMBED tag needs to be located where you want the video to appear.