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Page 16 : Linking to video files

Adding a piece of video footage, such as this rocket launch is simple. Video files are linked in exactly the same way as a sound file.

For example, the tag that produces the link above is

<A HREF="videos/rocket.mpg">rocket launch</A>

Movie files are extremely large, so if you are adding links to video footage, try to choose small files, unless you know that the users have a very fast connection to the Internet.

Video Resources

Looking for some video/movie files? The Movie/Animation Resources page within the Web Page Resources site will provide a good starting point.

Embedding Video Files

As well as linking to video files you can also embed them into a web page. To experiece this feature however, you wil need to have the appropriate plugins loaded in Netscape.

If you are interested in learning how to make use of embedded video files, take a look now. If you don't have the appropriate plugins, install them before taking a look.

Your task ...

  1. Return to the HTML Editor window.

  2. Open your file mmlinks.htm

  3. Create links to the two videos located inside the videos folder/directory, located inside the pdcourse folder/directory. The file names are

  4. Resave your file

Displaying Your Document

  1. Return to the browser window you are using for your workspace.

  2. Choose Open File from the File menu. Locate your file and open it.

  3. You should now see your document in the workspace window.

  4. Test your links to make sure they work.