JIVE Platform
Release 0.3.1

Interface IJiveDebugTarget

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IBreakpointListener, IDebugElement, IDebugTarget, IDisconnect, IJavaDebugTarget, IMemoryBlockRetrieval, IStepFilters, ISuspendResume, ITerminate

public interface IJiveDebugTarget
extends IJavaDebugTarget

An IJavaDebugTarget monitored by JIVE. The target is monitored for particular events of interest which are used to produce JIVE events. It maintains two models representing the execution state and execution history of the running program.

Method Summary
 boolean canReplayRecordedStates()
          Returns whether or not the the debug target can replay past states.
 InteractiveContourModel getContourModel()
          Returns the contour model associated with the debug target.
 IJiveEventLog getJiveEventLog()
          Returns the JIVE event log that the debug target has built thus far.
 MultiThreadedSequenceModel getSequenceModel()
          Returns the sequence model associated with the debug target.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
findVariable, getAllThreadGroups, getDefaultStratum, getJavaTypes, getRequestTimeout, getRootThreadGroups, getStepFilters, isFilterConstructors, isFilterStaticInitializers, isFilterSynthetics, isOutOfSynch, isPerformingHotCodeReplace, mayBeOutOfSynch, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, newValue, nullValue, setDefaultStratum, setFilterConstructors, setFilterStaticInitializers, setFilterSynthetics, setRequestTimeout, setStepFilters, supportsAccessWatchpoints, supportsForceReturn, supportsHotCodeReplace, supportsInstanceBreakpoints, supportsInstanceRetrieval, supportsModificationWatchpoints, supportsMonitorInformation, supportsRequestTimeout, voidValue
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugTarget
getName, getProcess, getThreads, hasThreads, supportsBreakpoint
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugElement
getDebugTarget, getLaunch, getModelIdentifier
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ITerminate
canTerminate, isTerminated, terminate
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ISuspendResume
canResume, canSuspend, isSuspended, resume, suspend
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointListener
breakpointAdded, breakpointChanged, breakpointRemoved
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDisconnect
canDisconnect, disconnect, isDisconnected
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IMemoryBlockRetrieval
getMemoryBlock, supportsStorageRetrieval
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IStepFilters
isStepFiltersEnabled, setStepFiltersEnabled, supportsStepFilters

Method Detail


boolean canReplayRecordedStates()
Returns whether or not the the debug target can replay past states. It can if all non-system threads are suspended.

true if past states can be replayed, false otherwise


IJiveEventLog getJiveEventLog()
Returns the JIVE event log that the debug target has built thus far.

the JIVE event log


InteractiveContourModel getContourModel()
Returns the contour model associated with the debug target. A contour model is used to represent the execution state of a program.

the contour model


MultiThreadedSequenceModel getSequenceModel()
Returns the sequence model associated with the debug target. A sequence model is used to represent the execution history of a program.

the sequence model

JIVE Platform
Release 0.3.1