JIVE Platform
Release 0.3.1

Interface IJiveSearchPage

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJiveSearchPage, ExceptionCaughtSearchPage, InvariantViolatedSearchPage, LineExecutedSearchPage, MethodCalledSearchPage, MethodReturnedSearchPage, ObjectCreatedSearchPage, VariableChangedSearchPage

public interface IJiveSearchPage

A page used by the Search dialog to define the user input fields of an IJiveSearchQuery and to create the query when the Search button is selected.

Method Summary
 void createControl(Composite parent)
          Creates the UI controls for the search page.
 IJiveSearchQuery createSearchQuery()
          Returns a new IJiveSearchQuery to be used to perform the search.
 Control getControl()
          Returns the page's top-level UI control which was created by createControl(Composite).
 void initializeInput(ISelection selection)
          Initializes the search page's input fields using the provided ISelection.
 boolean isInputValid()
          Returns whether the search page's input is valid.
 void setContainer(ISearchPageContainer container)
          Sets the supplied ISearchPageContainer as the container of the page.

Method Detail


void createControl(Composite parent)
Creates the UI controls for the search page. The page's top-level UI Control should have the supplied Composite as its parent.

parent - the parent of the page's top-level UI control


Control getControl()
Returns the page's top-level UI control which was created by createControl(Composite).

the page's top-level UI control


void setContainer(ISearchPageContainer container)
Sets the supplied ISearchPageContainer as the container of the page. This allows the page to enable or disable the Search button based on the input fields.

container - the search container for the page


void initializeInput(ISelection selection)
Initializes the search page's input fields using the provided ISelection. This method is called whenever the search page is displayed by the Search dialog.

selection - the current workbench selection


boolean isInputValid()
Returns whether the search page's input is valid. This method should be called to determine if the Search button should be enabled.

true if the input is valid, false otherwise


IJiveSearchQuery createSearchQuery()
Returns a new IJiveSearchQuery to be used to perform the search. This method is called when the Search button is selected.

a new search query to be run

JIVE Platform
Release 0.3.1