Marquette University embeded system course


Marquette University(MU) COSC 4931 / 5931 Embedded System course

>> Go web page : '10 Spring , '08 Spring

MU's COSC 198: Embedded Systems was o ered for the rst time in spring of 2008. The course was o ered as an elective, with our embedded operating systems course [4] as a prerequisite. As a result, COSC 198 could be considered the advanced level course in a sequence of systems courses that revolve around embedded laboratory experiences.
The target population of the course was upper division undergraduates and junior graduate students in computer science, computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. In addition to the embedded operating systems prerequisite, most students also had prior coursework in hardware systems, digital logic or computer architecture. Twelve students enrolled in this rst o ering, a mix of third- and fourth-year undergraduates from the target majors noted above, and a couple of rst- and second-year computer science graduate students.

COSC 198 was comprised of three main components: rst, a lecture component covering new material on embedded and real-time systems, following roughly the chapters in a recommended textbook; second, a seminar component in which students read, presented, and discussed research publications from venues in embedded systems and related areas; and third, a laboratory component in which student teams designed, implemented, and tested their own new subsystems in the Embedded Xinu framework. Each of these components will be discussed below. The stated outcomes for this course were that upon completion students would be able to: 1) Read, understand, and
present current research papers in the area of embedded systems;
2) Design, implement, and test their own embedded system components for integration into a larger system; and 3) Document complexities of hardware/software interaction in their embedded system components in sucient detail that the work can be understood and replicated by others.


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