
Embedded systems comprise a large and growing segment of the computing sphere, but e orts to prepare students forwork on design and implementation in an embedded context face a number of important obstacles.


While it is certainly daunting to face all of these problems, the need for inexpensive, exible, hands-on laboratory experiences with embedded systems is most pressing. This paper describes initial results from joint e orts by Marquette University (MU) and University of Bu alo (UB) to develop a curriculum and support infrastructure to address several of these pressing challenges.

The Nexos project aims to provide e ective, duplicable, modern curriculum assistance to schools looking to incorporate embedded systems components into core computer science and engineering courses throughout the curriculum.

Our approach focuses on inexpensive, commodity hardware| the LinksysWRT54GL wireless router family|readily available to both students and faculty. We are developing hardware and software to support both small- and medium-scale laboratory installations centered around theWRT54GL. Our curriculum development e orts have concentrated on developing laboratory assignments, teaching materials, and a supporting web portal to assist other departments interested in adoption. A textbook / laboratory manual is in progress.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: a brief outline of prior and related work; a description of the Embedded Xinu operating system at the core of our laboratory environment and its related tools; a description of the content in prototype courses taught at both UB and MU; and evaluations of our e orts thus far.


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