
DART: Deception Awareness and Resilience Training

Online deception disproportionately target seniors to disastrous effect. The Deception Awareness and Resilience Training (DART) platform helps seniors recognize threats and protect themselves. A collaboration between researchers, game designers, and community organizations, DART is unique in tailoring its curriculum and using gamification to make training accessible and engaging for seniors. [Project Page]


An open platform integrating state-of-the-art methods for AI-generated image, video, and audio detection. DeepFake detection methods may not lead to accurate or consistant results, and need to be understood in context. [Project Page]


An educational website designed to educate users with knowledge about AI-generated content and media authenticity. It offers curated examples of deepfakes, tutorials on creating AI-generated media responsibly, and guides for identifying and analyzing deepfakes or misleading digital content. [Project Page]