
How can I join SAB?

SAB recruits new members typically in the beginning of the fall semester. We look for a diverse range of candidates and backgrounds. There are typically two steps to filling out an application:

  1. Fill out the self-nomination form by the due date. We are especially looking for members who will be sophomore and junior in Fall 2020 (though seniors are also welcome to apply).
  2. Ask a CSE faculty member to write a short recommendation (a paragraph stating how they know you and why they are recommending you) and have them send it by email to both and If you are currently a first year and do not know a CSE faculty that well, then getting a recommendation from one of the UTAs in one of your CSE courses is also fine. However, getting a recommendation from a CSE faculty member is preferred.

Applications are now CLOSED!

Please contact Dr. Carl Alphonce or Dr. Steve Ko for more information.