Alina Vereshchaka

Assistant Professor of Teaching, CSE at UB


I am an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at University at Buffalo. My current research focuses on optimal control in complex systems. My interests include social behavior modeling, deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent settings, resource allocation, deep learning, imitation learning, adversarial machine learning, transportation and large-scale social system dynamics.


CSE4/546: Reinforcement Learning (senior/graduate)

CSE368: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (undergraduate)

CSE4/574: Introduction to Machine Learing (senior/graduate)

CSE705: Recent Advances in Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning Seminar (graduate)

CSE616: Multi-agnet Systmes (graduate)

EAS595: Fundamentals of AI (graduate)

CSE 4/510: Applied Deep Learning (senior/graduate)

Selected Publications

Research Team

Professional Activities