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International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data (BigSpatial-2017), November 07, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA, USA. |
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Call for Papers Big data is currently the hottest topic for data researchers and scientists with huge interests from the industry and federal agencies alike, as evident in the recent White House initiative on "Big data research and development". Within the realms of big data, spatial and spatio-temporal data is one of fastest growing types of data and poses a massive challenge to researchers who deal with analyzing such data. With advances in remote sensors, sensor networks, and the proliferation of location sensing devices in daily life activities and common business practices, the generation of disparate, dynamic, and geographically distributed spatiotemporal data has exploded in recent years. In addition, significant progress in ground, air- and space-borne sensor technologies has led to an unprecedented access to earth science data for scientists from different disciplines, interested in studying the complementary nature of different parameters. The 6th workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data aims to bring together researchers from academia, government and industrial research labs who are working in the area of spatial analytics with an eye towards massive data sizes. The objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for researchers engaged in addressing the big data aspect of spatial and spatio-temporal data analytics to present and discuss their ideas. We invite participants from industry, academia, and government to participate in this event and share, contribute, and discuss the emerging big data challenges in the context of spatial and spatio-temporal data analysis. The main motivation for this workshop stems from the increasing need for a forum to exchange ideas and recent research results, and to facilitate collaboration and dialog between academia, government, and industrial stakeholders. We solicit high quality papers in the general areas of data analytics for large scale geospatial data. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. If accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present the work. Selected accepted papers will be recommended for submission to special issues of journals. Topics of Interest The workshop welcomes contributions in the area of large scale analytics for spatial and spatio-temporal data. The topics include:
Website http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~chandola/workshops/bigspatial-2017/ Submission website: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bigspatial2017 Paper Submission We invite papers discussing novel research and ideas without substantial overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers can be of two types:
Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Submissions are limited to 10 pages. All submissions should clearly present the author information including the names of the authors, the affiliations and the emails. The papers should be submitted through the workshop submission system. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. We have identified a set of researchers who are currently active in the related research areas as potential reviewers (Click here for the preliminary list). One author per accepted workshop paper is required to register for both the main SIGSPATIAL conference and the workshop, to attend the workshop, and to present the accepted paper in the workshop. Otherwise, the accepted paper will not appear in the workshop proceedings or in the ACM Digital Library version of the workshop proceedings. Important Dates
All submissions are due at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.
COPYRIGHT June 2017 | Contact: Varun Chandola |