About me

Hey there! I'm Chengzhe Sun, currently serving as a Laboratory Manager and Research Assistant at the UB Media Forensics Lab (UB MDFL) with my Advisor: Porf. Siwei Lyu, within the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at The State University of New York at Buffalo.


The State University of New York at Buffalo (Aug 2022 - present)
  • PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
  • The State University of New York at Buffalo (Aug 2018 - Jan 2020)
  • MS in Data Science and Engineering
  • The State University of New York at Buffalo (Aug 2014 - Aug 2018)
  • BS in Computer Science and Engineering & BA in Mathematics
  • Research

    My research is primarily focused on media forensics, explicitly tackling the challenges posed by audio deepfakes. I'm passionate about developing cutting-edge techniques and methodologies to detect and analyze manipulated audio content.

    In today's fast-paced world, where manipulated media can have a significant societal impact, staying at the forefront of media forensics is crucial. By leveraging advanced algorithms and diving deep into machine learning, my work aims to enhance the identification and authentication of audio deepfakes, ensuring the integrity and credibility of digital media.

    Collaboration is a key aspect of my research approach. I'm eager to collaborate with experts and enthusiasts in media forensics and related domains. Whether it's joining forces on joint projects, exploring novel research directions, or sharing insights and knowledge, I'm open to all media forensics-related tasks that foster collaborative learning and drive advancements in the field.

    If you're passionate about media forensics or have exciting ideas for collaboration, I'd love to connect with you. Let's work together to unravel the mysteries of manipulated media and contribute to developing robust forensic solutions.



  • [Mar 2024] I became a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
  • [Jan 2024] I became a reviewer for IEEE MIPR 2024.
  • [Dec 2023] I became a Web and Local Chair for IEEE AVSS 2024.
  • [Aug 2023] I became a PhD Candidate at University at Buffalo.
  • [Aug 2023] I became a reviewer for IEEE AVSS 2024.
  • [May 2023] I became a reviewer for IEEE Access 2023.
  • [Apr 2023] One paper has been accepted to CVPRW 2023.
  • [Feb 2023] I received Special Contributions Award for The Erie County Legislature (2021-2023).
  • [Feb 2023] I received Outstanding Service Award for the Chinese Club of WNY (2021-2023).
  • [Sept 2022] I received The Chair’s Fellowship, University at Buffalo.
  • [June 2022] I became a Guest Speaker in 2022 CAE IN CYBERSECURITY SYMPOSIUM.