CSE 331 Background Material
This page contains certain webpages that cover some background material that students taking CSE 331 might find useful.
The material is roughly divided into three parts: one on (primarily mathematical) background material that has been covered in a previous course like CSE 116, 191 or 250; notes motivating why we do some things in a certain way in CSE 331 and material that might not have been covered anywhere (including CSE 331 lectures).
Please note that this material is intended as a support material. It is not meant as a replacement for actually having taken background courses like CSE 116, 191 or 250 nor is this meant to be exhaustive. We'll try our best to make these as comprehensive as possible but that might take some time.
Motivational Stuff
Sometime a few choices that I make in CSE 331 might seem archaic so in these pages I try to motivate why we do things a certain way.
Mathematical Background
CSE 331 will need a fair bit of math: most of which you must have seen earlier. However, if you have not used those material for a bit then you might be a bit rusty. The pages linked below are some notes that I wrote up that might help you refresh the material that you might have seen in CSE 116, 191 or 250.
Other Material
Finally sometimes (but hopefully not often!) we will use material that might not have been covered in previous courses and we did not have much time to cover in class: these pages will fill in those gaps.