CSE 713 - Expanders: Theory and Applications
Fall 2005

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[ General Info | Description | Objectives | Topics | Course Load | Prerequisites ]

Instructor: Dr. Hung Q. Ngo
	Office: 238 Bell Hall 
	Office Hours: Thursdays 10:00-12:00
	Phone: 645-3180 x 160 
	Email: hungngo {at} cse {dot} buffalo {dot} edu

Website: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~hungngo/classes/2005/Expanders

Grading: to be done on an S/N (or S/U) basis only.

Time and place: Tuesdays, 9:00-12:00, Bell 242

The first meeting is on Tuesday, Aug 30.


Roughly speaking, expanders are graphs where every "small" subset of vertices has a relatively "large" neighbor set (i.e. it expands quickly). Expanders is one of the deepest ideas in computer science since its introduction in the 70s. Expanders (or expanding graphs) have found great applications in many different areas which seem to be unrelated: saving random bits in a randomized algorithm, constructing good error correcting codes, constructing good switching networks, aiding a new proof of the PCP theorem, designing and maintaining good P2P network topologies, ...

This seminar aims to skim through the foundation of knowledge behind expanders and related areas. I shall spend roughly half of the semester presenting the foundations of expanding graphs. Elementary knowledge on probability theory and linear algebra are required. I will provide reading materials on basic probability theory and linear algebra. In the second half, each member of the class presents a paper or a topic related to expanders. I will provide a recommended list of papers/topics for you to choose from. However, you can talk about a different paper/topic with my consent.

Also, each class member prepares scribe notes for at least one lecture, depending on how large the class is. A LATEX template will be provided. Part of the grading is based on how much effort I have to spend modifying the scribe note. All notes shall be shared to the class.

The seminar is very useful for students interested in algorithms, computational complexity, graph theory, and networking.


Topics (tentative): this list include topics that students will present

Course Load:
