Teaching staff

Instructor:  Prof. Hung Q. Ngo
Office: 238 Bell Hall
Office Hours: Mon-Wed 9:30-10:30am
Phone: 645-4750
Email: hungngo [at] buffalo

Teaching Assistants:
(in random order)
Mr. Anand N. Sathyaraja
Office: 232 Bell
Office Hours: Thu 2-4pm
Phone: TBA
Email: ans25 [at] buffalo
Mr. Aditya S. Wagh
Office: 232 Bell
Office Hours: Tue 12-2pm
Phone: TBA
Email: aswagh [at] buffalo

Course description

This course introduces basic elements of modern computer and telecommunication networks. A hybrid five-layer reference model resembling the popular TCP/IP model will be discussed. In each layer, the state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies are introduced. These include, for example, Fiber-optic and Mobile/Cellular communications in the Physical Layer; Wavelength/Time Division Multiple Access Protocols in the Data Link Layer; Unicast and Multicast protocols in the Network Layer; TCP/UDP and ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols in the Transport Layer; and Network Security in the Application Layer.

Course Objectives:


basic C programming in the Unix environment, elementary probability, statistics, computer architecture, basic knowledge on the Unix operating system (processes, file IO, threads), elementary data structures and algorithms (stacks, queues, linked list, etc.)

At the end of this course, each student should be able to:


Course's homepage:


Work load

Grading policy:

Academic Honesty:

Misc. Items: