
This course covers both introductory numerical linear algebra and quantum algorithms, which are phrased in linear algebraic terms. Students will cover linear operators and matrix representations, operator norms, orthogonalization, the SVD and QR factorizations, conditioning and stability. The course provides a mathematical foundation for subsequent study in Quantum Computing, and covers several quantum algorithms in depth, including Deutsch's Algorithm, the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, and Grover's Algorithm.

CSE 438 Course Information

Instructor: Matthew G. Knepley

Class times: 9:30am to 10:50am on Tuesday & Thursday

Location: Davis 101 on Tuesday

Office Hours: Instructor 10:00am to 11:00am Wednesday online

A course overview and grading policy are available in accordance with Buffalo academic policy.

Required and Recommended Reading

The texts for the course are Quantum Algorithms via Linear Algebra: A Primer by Richard J. Lipton and Kenneth W. Regan and Numerical Linear Algebra by Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau III. Class notes have been prepared for each class, and the lecture will follow the notes. All homework problems are given in the class notes.

John Preskill has an excellent course at Caltech on quantum computing which is quite technical.



AssignmentDue DateProblems
19/14II.2, II.4-II.12
611/23IV.1, IV.3-IV.16


Excellent introduction to the connection between entanglement and wormholes, given by Leonard Susskind.
Overview talk on the state of Quantum Computing, given by Artur Ekert and Harry Buhrman.
Overview talk on the physics of Quantum Computing, given by John Preskill.
Good talk on current work in Quantum Computing, given by Jarrod McClean.