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CSE707 Wireless Networks Security - Principles And Practices Fall 2024 Prof. Shambhu Upadhyaya |
DescriptionCourse Organization:One 2 hour 50 minutes class per week. This includes several instructor presentations and student presentations. Students are expected to investigate research problems - there are no projects as such.Topics: Overview of Security Issues in Wireless Networks, WEP Security, WPA and RSN, Security of MANETs, Security of Sensor Networks, Trust in Wireless Networks, Vehicular Networks Security, Smart Grid Security, Security of Internet of Things (IoT), AI and Machine Learning in Wireless Applications. Prerequisites: A course on Computer Networks and basic knowledge of
computer security. Some programming experience is essential.
Expanded Description:Wireless networking/computing is now very popular. However due to power, size, and bandwidth limitations, the network and security management of wireless nodes has become fragile. As a starting point, wireless networks have adopted many security mechanisms from the wired world. But due to the inherent limitations, they are more vulnerable to attacks than the wired network. Threats like intercepting and unauthorized access to wireless traffic are prevalent these days. More mature solutions to the security problems demand the need of understanding the current technologies and the security flaws.The seminar will start with a sweeping overview of Wireless Networking, Security issues in Wireless Networks and the Challenges, Threats and Hacking Methodologies. We will then cover Routing Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Sensor Networks Security (Attacks and Countermeasures), Robust Localization in Sensor Networks, Trust issues in MANETs, and QoS-Aware MAC Protocols and their security implications. We will also look into Vehicular Networks Security, Smart Grid Security, Security of Internet of Things (IoT), and Trust-worthy AI in Wireless Networks, depending upon the student interests and time.
Course Material:Most of the topics will be from research papers and Internet documents. Topics will be assigned to or selected by students who are required to study them, prepare presentations and discuss and critique them in the class.
Accommodation Statement:No particular product will be used in this class to complete assignments or access educational content. However, you may note that the University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards to ensure we provide equal access to all users. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the content or services on any product you may use in this regard, we will provide an alternative means of access to the information and services presented through such products. To request assistance or provide suggestions about improving the user experience, please contact cse-consult via email (cse-consult@buffalo.edu) or phone (716-645-4744).Academic integrity:The value of our courses, grades, degrees and research findings are dependent upon adherence to standards of ethical conduct. Plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration will not be tolerated. In this course we will adhere to the departmental standard for academic integrity, as follows:As a good rule of thumb, you may discuss any problem in the course as long as no one is using a writing implement (computers included) nor looking at any source code for the assignment. That is, any group work must be verbal only. Obviously you may look at the textbook or class handouts/class notes together. One exception to this rule is that when a friend is having trouble with a small bug, and you notice a typo or other "silly little mistake," you may point it out to them. More substantive assistance is definitely not allowed, from any source whatsoever, including tutors or friends not enrolled in the course. The professor or teaching assistants will be able to give more help if you are stuck with concepts. All academic work must be your own. Collaboration, usually evidenced by unjustifiable similarity in assignments, is never allowed. Plagiarism, defined as copying or receiving materials from a source or sources and submitting this material as one's own without acknowledging the particular debts to the source (quotations, paraphrases, basic ideas), or otherwise representing the work of another as one's own, is never allowed. After an appropriate informal review, if any students are found in violation of maintaining academic integrity, sanctions will be imposed, which can be as severe as receiving an F in the course. Especially flagrant violations will be considered under formal review proceedings, which can call for harsher sanctions including expulsion from the University. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding the policy, particularly as it relates to this course, see your instructor. Additional information on University-wide policies and procedures is contained in UB Graduate Academic Integrity Policy. Last Updated: 08/25/2024 |