add(Object) - Method in class BasicArrayList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(Object) - Method in class LinkdList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(Object) - Method in class LinkList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(Object) - Method in class SortedList
AddressBook - class AddressBook.
AddressBook.java Created: Sun Mar 2 18:04:33 2003
AddressBook() - Constructor for class AddressBook
Creates a new AddressBook, and loads it from the file emailList.txt
AddressCard - class AddressCard.
AddressCard.java Created: Sun Mar 2 18:30:53 2003
AddressCard(String, String) - Constructor for class AddressCard
Creates a new AddressCard instance.
AStack - class AStack.
Illustrates the implementation of a stack based on an ArrayList.
AStack() - Constructor for class AStack
Creates a new AStack instance.
AStack(int) - Constructor for class AStack
Creates a new AStack instance with the given initial capacity.


BasicArrayList - class BasicArrayList.
Illustrates the implementation of several of the ArrayList methods.
BasicArrayList() - Constructor for class BasicArrayList
Constructs an empty list with an initial capacity of ten.
BasicArrayList(int) - Constructor for class BasicArrayList
Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.


compareTo(Object) - Method in class AddressCard
Compares this AddressCard to another Object.


dequeue() - Method in class LLQueue
Removes the Object that is at the front of this queue, and returns it.
dequeue() - Method in class LQueue
Removes the Object that is at the front of this queue, and returns it.


empty - Variable in class LinkdList
empty() - Method in class AStack
Determines if this AStack is empty.
empty() - Method in class LStack
Determines if this LStack is empty.
enqueue(Object) - Method in class LLQueue
Adds an Object to the rear of this queue.
enqueue(Object) - Method in class LQueue
Adds an Object to the rear of this queue.


first - Variable in class LinkdList
front() - Method in class LLQueue
Returns the first element on this queue.
front() - Method in class LQueue
Returns the first element on this queue.


get(int) - Method in class BasicArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class LinkdList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list, the first element having index == 1.
get(int) - Method in class LinkList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list, the first element having index == 1.
getAddress() - Method in class AddressCard
Get the value of address.
getFirst() - Method in class LinkdList
Returns the first element in this list.
getFirst() - Method in class LinkList
Returns the first element in this list.
getName() - Method in class AddressCard
Get the value of name.
getRest() - Method in class LinkdList
Returns this list omitting the first element.
getRest() - Method in class LinkList
Returns this list omitting the first element.


insert(Comparable) - Method in class SortedList
Returns a SortedList like this one, but with obj inserted in its proper order.
insert(Object, int) - Method in class LinkdList
Returns a LinkdList just like this one, but with obj inserted as the new ndxth element.
insert(Object, int) - Method in class LinkList
Returns a LinkList just like this one, but with obj inserted as the new ndxth element.
isEmpty() - Method in class LinkdList
Returns true if this list contains no elements
isEmpty() - Method in class LQueue
Determines if this queue is empty.


LinkdList - class LinkdList.
Illustrates the implementation of a linked list with a null object.
Based on Linked List
LinkdList() - Constructor for class LinkdList
Constructs an empty LinkdList.
LinkdList(Object, LinkdList) - Constructor for class LinkdList
Constructs a LinkdList consisting of an Object prepended to another list.
LinkList - class LinkList.
Illustrates the implementation of a linked list.
Based on Linked List
LinkList(Object) - Constructor for class LinkList
Creates a new LinkList containing one Object.
LinkList(Object, LinkList) - Constructor for class LinkList
Creates a new LinkList consisting of an Object prepended to another list.
LLQueue - class LLQueue.
A queue implementation that extends java.util.LinkedList
LLQueue() - Constructor for class LLQueue
Creates a new LLQueue instance.
LQueue - class LQueue.
LQueue.java Created: Mon Mar 24 22:24:44 2003
LQueue() - Constructor for class LQueue
Creates a new LQueue instance.
LStack - class LStack.
Illustrates the implementation of a stack based on a linked list.
LStack() - Constructor for class LStack
Creates a new LStack instance.


main(String[]) - Static method in class AddressBook
Sorts the Email Address Book file, emailList.txt.


pop() - Method in class AStack
Removes and returns the Object on the top of this AStack.
pop() - Method in class LStack
Removes and returns the Object on the top of this LStack.
push(Object) - Method in class AStack
Adds a new Object to the top of this AStack.
push(Object) - Method in class LStack
Adds a new Object to the top of this LStack.


remove(int) - Method in class BasicArrayList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class LinkdList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class LinkList
Removes the element at the specified position (must be between 2 and the size of this list, inclusive) in this list.
rest - Variable in class LinkdList


save() - Method in class AddressBook
Writes this AddressBook into the file emailList.txt.
setAddress(String) - Method in class AddressCard
Set the value of address.
setName(String) - Method in class AddressCard
Set the value of name.
size() - Method in class BasicArrayList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class LinkdList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class LinkList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
SortedList - class SortedList.
SortedList.java Created: Mon Mar 3 16:38:01 2003
SortedList() - Constructor for class SortedList
Constructs an empty SortedList.
SortedList(Comparable, SortedList) - Constructor for class SortedList
Constructs a new SortedList consisting of a Comparable object prepended to another list.


top() - Method in class AStack
Returns the Object on the top of this AStack.
top() - Method in class LStack
Returns the Object on the top of this LStack.
toString() - Method in class AddressBook
Returns a String representation of this AddressBook.
toString() - Method in class AddressCard
Returns a String representation of this AddressCard.
toString() - Method in class AStack
Returns a String representation of this AStack, with the top Object shown at the left.
toString() - Method in class BasicArrayList
Returns a string representation of this list.
toString() - Method in class LinkdList
Returns a string representing this list as its elements, separated by commas, surrounded by parentheses.
toString() - Method in class LinkList
Returns a string representing this list as its elements, separated by commas, surrounded by parentheses.
toString() - Method in class LQueue
Returns a String representation of this queue, showing all the elements of it, with the first at the left, surrounded by parentheses.
toString() - Method in class LStack
Returns a String representation of this LStack, with the top Object shown at the left.