CSE 710: Seminar on Wireless Networks (Fall 2022)


CSE710 is a class that explores recent developments in wireless networks and sensing systems. Topics include an overview of general wireless network architecture, including the abstraction of underlying and overlying hardware and layers in the networking stack, integration with overlying applications, and concurrency, performance, and resource allocation in wireless networks. Further topics include millimeter-wave communication, multi-hop networks, underwater and water-air communications, low power backscatter and long range networks, Wi-Fi based localization, and wireless radar and sensing.
Prerequisites: CSE 489/589: Modern Networking Concepts equivalents.

Class Participation

Papers will be discussed in a very involved manner. All students are expected to have thoroughly read each assigned paper, and to be prepared to pose and answer questions about each reading.

Preparing for the class. Please read the paper and prepare at least five comments or questions for each paper. Please post those comments or questions on Perusall one day prior to class. Detailed instructions on enrolling in this class on Perusall can be found here. General instructions on how to read and review a paper can be found here.

During the class. Every student is required to present at least one paper. The presenter should prepare the slides before the class. Please note that we don't require the presenter to upload his slides before the class. But please send me the slides via a private message (email will be the best), and I will post the slides on our class website. The presentation is expected to be 30-50 mins long, and the number of slides is expected to be 20-40 pages. During the presentation, you are welcome to interrupt the presenter and ask questions if you have any.
After the presentation, we will continue the discussion until all the questions are well handled. Then, the presenter should go through all the questions raised by the students on Perusall. The student who posts the question/comment should elaborate on the question/comment, including what's the question/comment and why they asked such a question or gave such a comment.

After the class. After the class, each student should write a short summary of the paper presented during the class. The report should be longer than 500 words and shorter than 1 page. The summary is due one day before the next lecture. No late submission is accepted.

Note. Class attendance is required. With that being said, we understand that students sometimes can be in unexpected situations. Do let the instructors know if you have to miss a class, and we can make arrangements to accommodate the absence.


Tentative assignment of grades: Satisfactory for score >= 80% and unsatisfactory for score < 80%.


Location and Time: Davis 113A, North Campus, Wednesday 2:00 pm to 4:50 pm.
Instructor: Yaxiong Xie, yaxiongx [at] buffalo [dot] edu, Davis Hall 321.
Office hours are on demand. Email me for an appointment.
No required textbook.
Optional readings: Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, by Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie. Available online.

Signing up for presentation

Sign up for your presentation here by Wednesday, Sep-7, midnight. We note that, the presentation signing up works in a first-come-first-serve mode: the paper will be assigned to the first student who signs up for it.

Course Schedule

Date Presenter Topic Readings Slides
8/31/2022 Yaxiong Xie Introduction Slides-1
9/7/2022 TBD Congestion control over wireless Stochastic Forecasts Achieve High Throughput and Low Delay over Cellular Networks. NSDI'13.
9/14/2022 TBD Congestion control over wireless PBE-CC: Congestion Control via Endpoint-Centric, Physical-Layer Bandwidth Measurements. SIGCOMM'20.
9/21/2022 TBD Video streaming over wireless Neural Adaptive Video Streaming with Pensieve. SIGCOMM'17.
9/28/2022 TBD 5G mobility Vivisecting Mobility Management in 5G Cellular Networks SIGCOMM'22. Slides-5
10/5/2022 TBD Mobile access bandwidth Mobile Access Bandwidth in Practice: Measurement, Analysis, and Implications. SIGCOMM'22.
10/12/2022 TBD Satellite Network A Case for Stateless Mobile Core Network Functions in Space SIGCOMM'22
10/19/2022 TBD Visible light communication The DarkLight Rises: Visible Light Communication in the Dark. MobiCom'16.
10/26/2022 TBD Millimeter-Wave Communications Enabling High-Quality Untethered Virtual Reality NSDI'17 .
11/2/2022 TBD Water air communication Networking across Boundaries: Enabling Wireless Communication through the Water-Air Interface. SIGCOMM'18. Slides-10
11/9/2022 TBD Indoor localization ArrayTrack: A Fine-Grained Indoor Location System. NSDI'13. Slides-12
11/16/2022 TBD Human tracking via wireless signals 3D Tracking via Body Radio Reflections. NSDI'14. Slides-11
11/23/2021 Fall recess, no lecture today.
11/30/2022 TBD 3D Skeleton Recovery using RF Signals RF-Based 3D Skeletons. SIGCOMM'18.
12/7/2022 TBD Food Sensing using RF Signals Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs . NSDI'20.

Academic Integrity

Students may discuss the papers before writing the summaries, but not what specific contents to write in the summaries. Students are expected to write the summaries independently, based on papers, presentation and/or discussion. Simply paraphrasing others' work is treated plagiarism and any plagiarism will result in an F grade. The slides for the paper presentation may be based on existing works of others (e.g., the conference talk slides from the paper authors), as long as there are proper citations and acknowledgments.