taco-db  0.1.0
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
Database.cpp File Reference
#include "dbmain/Database.h"
#include <absl/flags/flag.h>
#include <absl/strings/str_join.h>
#include "catalog/CatCache.h"
#include "storage/BufferManager.h"
#include "storage/FileManager.h"
#include "storage/Table.h"
#include "expr/optypes.h"
#include "utils/builtin_funcs.h"
#include "utils/fsutils.h"
#include "index/Index.h"
#include "index/idxtyps.h"
#include "index/TableBulkLoadIterator.h"
#include "index/volatiletree/VolatileTree.h"




 ABSL_FLAG (std::string, init_data, BUILDDIR "/generated_source/catalog/systables/init.dat", "The path to the init data file init.dat")


static Database taco::s_db_instance
Database *const taco::g_db = &s_db_instance
 The global instance of Database. More...
static bool taco::s_init_global_called = false
bool taco::g_test_no_bufman = false
 Set this to true if you don't want Database to create and initialize the buffer manager. More...
bool taco::g_test_no_catcache = false
 Set this to true if you don't want Database to create and initialize the catalog and its cache. More...
bool taco::g_test_no_index = false
 Set this to true if you don't want the Database to disallow building any index (including the catalog tables). More...
bool taco::g_test_catcache_use_volatiletree = false
 Set this to true if you want the catalog cache to build volatile tree index over the catalog tables. More...

Function Documentation


ABSL_FLAG ( std::string  ,
init_data  ,
BUILDDIR "/generated_source/catalog/systables/init.dat"  ,
"The path to the init data file init.dat"   