taco-db  0.1.0
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taco::CatCache Class Reference

Catcache is the catalog cache class as configured in the top-level CMakeLists.txt. More...

#include <catalog/CatCache.h>

Inheritance diagram for taco::CatCache:
taco::PersistentCatCache taco::CatCacheBase< PersistentCatCache > taco::CatCacheInternalAccess

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from taco::PersistentCatCache
 PersistentCatCache ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from taco::CatCacheBase< PersistentCatCache >
 CatCacheBase ()
void InitializeFromExistingData ()
 Initializes the catalog cache from the existing data. More...
void InitializeFromInitData (const std::string &init_datafile)
 Creates the catalog from an init data file and initializes the catalog cache. More...
constexpr bool IsInitialized () const
 Returns if the catalog cache has been initialized. More...
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_TableFindTable (Oid tabid)
Oid FindTableByName (absl::string_view tabname)
std::shared_ptr< const TableDescFindTableDesc (Oid tabid)
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_TypeFindType (Oid typid)
std::string GetTypeName (Oid typid)
 Returns the type name of the specified type if it exists. More...
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_FunctionFindFunction (Oid funcid)
Oid FindFunctionByName (absl::string_view funcname)
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_FunctionArgsFindFunctionArgs (Oid funcid, int16_t funcargid)
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_IndexFindIndex (Oid idxid)
Oid FindIndexByName (absl::string_view idxname)
std::vector< OidFindAllIndexesOfTable (Oid idxtabid)
std::shared_ptr< const IndexDescFindIndexDesc (Oid idxid)
Oid FindOperator (OpType optype, Oid oparg0typid, Oid oparg1typid)
 Returns the operator function id of the one with the specific operand types and operator type. More...
Oid FindCast (Oid castoprtypid, Oid castrettypid, bool must_be_implicit)
 Returns the cast function id of the one with the specific operand type and return type. More...
std::shared_ptr< const SysTable_AggregationFindAggregation (Oid aggid)
 Returns the aggregation systable struct for the aggregation with ID aggid. More...
Oid FindAggregationByNameAndOprType (absl::string_view aggname, Oid aggoprtypid)
 Returns the aggregation ID for the aggregation with the given name and aggregation operand type. More...
Oid FindAggregationByTidAndOprType (AggType aggtyp, Oid aggoprtypid)
 Returns the aggregation ID for the aggregation with the given type and operand type. More...
CCLookupTableEntrySearchForCatalogEntryByOid (Oid systabid, Oid idxid_hint, FieldId oid_colid, Oid oid)
 Searches for the systable entry with ID recid in the given systable systabid. More...
CCLookupTableEntrySearchForCatalogEntryByName (Oid systabid, Oid idxid_hint, FieldId name_colid, absl::string_view name)
 Searches for the systable entry with its name column at name_colid equals to name. More...
Oid AddTable (absl::string_view tabname, std::vector< Oid > coltypid, std::vector< uint64_t > coltypparam, std::vector< std::string > field_names, std::vector< bool > colisnullable, std::vector< bool > colisarray, FileId tabfid)
 Adds a table into the catalog. More...
Oid AddIndex (absl::string_view idxname, Oid idxtabid, IdxType idxtyp, bool idxunique, std::vector< FieldId > idxcoltabcolids, FileId idxfid, std::vector< Oid > idxcolltfuncids, std::vector< Oid > idxcoleqfuncids)
 Adds an index into the catalog. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from taco::CatCacheInternalAccess
template<class T >
std::vector< DatumGetDatumVector (const T &systable_struct)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from taco::CatCacheInternalAccess
static std::shared_ptr< void > CreateSysTableStruct (Oid tabid, const std::vector< Datum > &data)
 Creates a SysTable_xxx struct for a row stored in a record payout in the specified table. More...
template<class T >
static T * CreateSysTableStruct (const std::vector< Datum > &data)
 Creates a SysTable_xxx struct from a vector of data by invoking its Create() function. More...
template<class T >
static T * CopySysTableStruct (const T *s)
template<class T , class ... Args>
static T * ConstructSysTableStruct (Args &&...args)
 Constructs a SysTable_xxx struct from c++ values by invoking its constructor. More...

Detailed Description

Catcache is the catalog cache class as configured in the top-level CMakeLists.txt.

This can't be a typedef unfortunately, because we have to use forward declaration of CatCache in dbmain/Database.h to avoid circular references. See dbmain/Database.h for details.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: