Uses of Class

Packages that use DrawingCanvas

Uses of DrawingCanvas in containers

Fields in containers declared as DrawingCanvas
static DrawingCanvas Lab4Applet.CANVAS
          The DrawingCanvas on this Applet
static DrawingCanvas Lab2Applet.CANVAS
          The DrawingCanvas on this Applet
static DrawingCanvas Frame.CANVAS
          Other CSE115 classes should use this for creating themselves.
static DrawingCanvas Applet.CANVAS
          The DrawingCanvas on this Applet
static DrawingCanvas Lab3Applet.CENTERPANEL
static DrawingCanvas TwoDrawingCanvasApplet.LEFTPANEL
          Other CSE115 classes should use these for creating themselves.
static DrawingCanvas Lab3Applet.LEFTPANEL
          Other CSE115 classes should use these for creating themselves.
static DrawingCanvas TwoDrawingCanvasApplet.RIGHTPANEL
static DrawingCanvas Lab3Applet.RIGHTPANEL

Methods in containers that return DrawingCanvas
static DrawingCanvas Lab3Applet.nextPanel()
          Ensures that only one element is on each panel, returns the panels in order left to right.

Uses of DrawingCanvas in lab3lib

Constructors in lab3lib with parameters of type DrawingCanvas
UnidentifiedCellA(DrawingCanvas canvas)
          Creates a new instance of UnidentifiedCellA
UnidentifiedCellB(DrawingCanvas canvas)
          Creates a new instance of UnidentifiedCellB
UnidentifiedCellC(DrawingCanvas canvas)
          Creates a new instance of UnidentifiedCellC

Uses of DrawingCanvas in lab6lib

Methods in lab6lib with parameters of type DrawingCanvas
 void Karel.addToDrawingCanvas(DrawingCanvas canvas, Point startingPoint)
          In order to see Karel, you must add him to a graphics.DrawingCanvas at a particular point.
 void Turtle.addToDrawingCanvas(DrawingCanvas canvas, Point startingPoint)
          Adds the turtle to the drawing canvas specified at the point specified.

Uses of DrawingCanvas in physics

Methods in physics that return DrawingCanvas
 DrawingCanvas CollisionObject.getDP()
          getDP Returns the DrawingPanel this object is drawn upon
 DrawingCanvas CollisionGroup.getDP()
          Returns the DrawingPanel that the Collision Objects are on

Constructors in physics with parameters of type DrawingCanvas
CollisionGroup(DrawingCanvas dp)
          Creates a new CollisionGroup instance.