Uses of Interface

Packages that use IColorable
graphics The Graphics Package. 

Uses of IColorable in graphics

Subinterfaces of IColorable in graphics
 interface IColorableGraphic
          The interface that defines a Graphic that has a Color

Classes in graphics that implement IColorable
 class AbstractColorableGraphic
          Extends AbstractGraphic to add methods that are relevant to Color
 class Ellipse
          A Graphic that is in the shape of an Ellipse.
 class FramedEllipse
          A Graphic that is in the outline Ellipse.
 class FramedRectangle
          A Graphic that is the outline of a rectangle.
 class Polygon
          A polygon is a Graphic that can form many shapes.
 class Rectangle
          A Graphic that is in the shape of a rectangle.
 class Rectangle3D
          A Graphic that is in the shape of a rectangle with slight 3-dimensionsal shading.

Uses of IColorable in lab2lib

Classes in lab2lib that implement IColorable
 class BouncingBall
 class BouncingSquare
 class BouncingTriangle

Uses of IColorable in lab7lib

Classes in lab7lib that implement IColorable
 class EllipticalShape
 class HexagonShape
          A square that moves when told to.
 class SquareShape
          A square that moves when told to.