getAllGraphics() - Method in class graphics.DrawingCanvas
Gets a Collection of all the Graphics on this DrawingCanvas
getBehaviorMenuSelector() - Method in class lab7lib.Window
Gets the BehaviorMenuSelector from this window.
getBounds() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Returns the BoundingBox of this graphic
getBounds() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Returns the bounding box of this graphic
getButtonColumn() - Static method in class containers.Lab4Applet
Returns the column that is on the Applet so that buttons or other elements can be placed upon it.
getCanvas() - Method in class lab7lib.Window
Gets the drawing canvas for the window.
getCenterLocation() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the Center location of this graphic
getCenterLocation() - Method in interface graphics.CenterLocatable
Finds the center location of this Object
getCenterLocation() - Method in class graphics.DrawingCanvas
Gets the center of the DrawingCanvas
getCenterLocation() - Method in class utilities.Position
Coverts Position to a Point
getCol() - Method in class utilities.Position
Returns the column of this position
getCollided() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Returns whether the Object has collided with another object in the current time interval
getCollided() - Method in class physics.FrictionMotion
Return whether it has collided
getCollided() - Method in class physics.IMotion
Returns true, override to do something useful
getColor() - Method in class containers.Panel
returns the color of this panel
getColor() - Method in class graphics.AbstractColorableGraphic
Gets the Color of this Graphic
getColor() - Method in interface graphics.IColorable
Gets the Color of this Object
getContainer() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the Container of this graphic
getContainer() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Get the Container this graphic is in.
getDimension() - Method in class containers.Panel
gets the dimension of this panel
getDimension() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the dimension of this graphic
getDimension() - Method in interface graphics.IContainer
Returns the Dimension of this Container
getDimension() - Method in interface graphics.ISizeable
Gets the Dimension of this Object
getDP() - Method in class physics.CollisionGroup
Returns the DrawingPanel that the Collision Objects are on
getDP() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
getDP Returns the DrawingPanel this object is drawn upon
getDx() - Method in class lab7lib.EllipticalShape
Get the x component of the movement vector (the change in x).
getDx() - Method in class lab7lib.HexagonShape
Get the x component of the movement vector (the change in x).
getDx() - Method in class lab7lib.SquareShape
Get the x component of the movement vector (the change in x).
getDX() - Method in class physics.FrictionMotion
Returns dx of the velocity
getDX() - Method in class physics.GravityMotion
Returns dx of the velocity
getDX() - Method in class physics.IMotion
Should return the DX value
getDX() - Method in class physics.NullMotion
getDX() - Method in class physics.StraightMotion
Returns dx of the velocity
getDx() - Method in class utilities.Vector
Gets the Integer representing the change in the X direction of this vector
getDy() - Method in class lab7lib.EllipticalShape
Get the y component of the movement vector (the change in y).
getDy() - Method in class lab7lib.HexagonShape
Get the y component of the movement vector (the change in y).
getDy() - Method in class lab7lib.SquareShape
Get the y component of the movement vector (the change in y).
getDY() - Method in class physics.FrictionMotion
Returns dy of the velocity
getDY() - Method in class physics.GravityMotion
Returns dy of the velocity
getDY() - Method in class physics.IMotion
Should return the DY value
getDY() - Method in class physics.NullMotion
getDY() - Method in class physics.StraightMotion
Returns dy of the velocity
getDy() - Method in class utilities.Vector
Gets the Integer representing the change in the Y direction of this vector
getEWall() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Gets the EastWall boolean value returns true if it is the SouthWall, false otherwise
getGroup() - Method in class physics.CollisionGroup
Returns the Arraylist containing the CollsionObjects
getInteger() - Method in class lab7lib.Degree
Returns an Integer that represents this degree.
getLine() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Returns the Line that the object is traveling on
getLocation() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the location of this graphic
getLocation() - Method in interface graphics.ILocatable
Gets the location of this Object
getMass() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Returns the mass of the object
getMotion() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Returns the motion of this object
getMotionMenuItem() - Method in class demos.polymorphism.Applet
Gets the MotionMenuItem.
getMouseListeners() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets all the java.awt.event.MouseListeners of this graphic
getMouseListeners() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Returns all the java.awt.event.MouseListeners of this graphic
getMouseMotionListeners() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets all the java.awt.event.MouseMotionListeners of this graphic
getMouseMotionListeners() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Returns all the java.awt.event.MouseMotionListeners of this graphic
getMovement() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the current movement of the graphic
getMovement() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Returns this graphic's movement
getNWall() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Gets the NorthWall boolean value returns true if it is the SouthWall, false otherwise
getOrientation() - Method in class lab7lib.EllipticalShape
Gets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape
getOrientation() - Method in class lab7lib.HexagonShape
Gets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape
getOrientation() - Method in class lab7lib.SquareShape
Gets the orientation (degree of rotation) of the shape
getRotation() - Method in class graphics.AbstractGraphic
Gets the current rotation of this graphic
getRotation() - Method in interface graphics.IRotatable
Gets the current rotation of this Object in degrees.
getRow() - Method in class utilities.Position
Returns the row of this position
getShape() - Method in class graphics.CompoundGraphic
Returns a java.awt.Shape that represents the total sum of the areas of all the Graphics in this Compound's Bounding box.
getShape() - Method in class graphics.Ellipse
getShape() - Method in class graphics.FramedEllipse
getShape() - Method in class graphics.FramedRectangle
getShape() - Method in interface graphics.IGraphic
Should return a java.awt.Shape representation of this graphic.
getShape() - Method in class graphics.Image
getShape() - Method in class graphics.Polygon
Gets a java.awt.shape that represents this shape
getShape() - Method in class graphics.Rectangle
getShape() - Method in class graphics.Rectangle3D
getShape() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Returns the shape of this object
getSpeed() - Method in class demos.bounce.BouncingBall
Returns the speed of the movement.
getSpeed() - Method in class demos.bounce.BouncingSquare
Returns the speed of the movement.
getSpeed() - Method in class demos.bounce.BouncingTriangle
Returns the speed of the movement.
getSpeed() - Method in class physics.FrictionMotion
Returns the speed of the motion
getSpeed() - Method in class physics.GravityMotion
Returns the speed of the motion
getSpeed() - Method in class physics.IMotion
Should return the speed of this motion
getSpeed() - Method in class physics.NullMotion
getSpeed() - Method in class physics.StraightMotion
Returns the speed of the motion
getSWall() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Gets the SouthWall boolean value returns true if it is the SouthWall, false otherwise
getVector() - Method in class lab7lib.EllipticalShape
Get the vector that controls the movement for this shape.
getVector() - Method in class lab7lib.HexagonShape
Get the vector that controls the movement for this shape.
getVector() - Method in class lab7lib.SquareShape
Get the vector that controls the movement for this shape.
getVelocity() - Method in class physics.FrictionMotion
Return the velocity of the object based on dy and dx
getVelocity() - Method in class physics.IMotion
Override to do something useful
getWWall() - Method in class physics.CollisionObject
Gets the WestWall boolean value returns true if it is the SouthWall, false otherwise
getX0() - Method in class physics.LineFormula
getX0 Return the intial X value
getXCoeffcient() - Method in class physics.LineFormula
Return the number of X's
getXIntercept() - Method in class physics.LineFormula
Return the X-axis intercept
getY0() - Method in class physics.LineFormula
Return the Intial Y value
getYIntercept() - Method in class physics.LineFormula
Return the Y-axis intercept of this line
graphics - package graphics
The Graphics Package.
graphics.colors - package graphics.colors
Objects that represent Colors.
graphics.movement - package graphics.movement
GravityMotion - Class in physics
GravityMotion.java Created: Thu Nov 11 13:30:05 2004
GravityMotion(CollisionObject) - Constructor for class physics.GravityMotion
Creates a new GravityMotion instance.
Green - Class in graphics.colors
The color green.
Green() - Constructor for class graphics.colors.Green
Creates a new instance of Green
Grey - Class in graphics.colors
The color grey.
Grey() - Constructor for class graphics.colors.Grey
Creates a new instance of Grey