Submitted Papers
- Performance Modeling and Scaling of PETSc based Direct Numerical Simulations for Hybrid Rocket Boundary Layers, Kolos Retfalvi, Matthew Knepley, and Paul E. DesJardin, Proceedings of the ASME 2025, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2025), 2025.
This paper presents a comprehensive performance and scaling analysis of direct numerical simulations for reacting boundary layers, focusing on slab burner configurations. Using a PETSc-based finite volume CFD framework, the study evaluates the scalability and computational cost of flow, chemistry, and radiation evaluations across 2D and 3D simulations. Parallel scalability is analyzed for the coupled flow, chemistry, and radiation heat transfer processes. Weak and strong scaling studies are conducted on up to 15,000 computational ranks, revealing robust performance for flow cells exceeding 200 per rank. Chemistry evaluations dominate the computational cost in large 3D simulations, accounting for approximately 40% of the total runtime, while flow processes contribute around 35%, and radiation solver contributions remain below 10% due to reduced evaluation frequencies. GPU accelerate chemistry evaluation, implemented with Zero-RK, demonstrates significant promise, achieving up to a 5$\times$ speedup for workloads exceeding 30,000 cells per GPU. This study identifies key challenges, including memory bottlenecks and the effects of domain partitioning on flow scalability, while highlighting the potential of GPU-accelerated chemistry to reduce computational costs. These findings provide realizable run configurations for 2D, 3D, and GPU-accelerated cases, offering insights for optimizing reactive flow solvers similar to ABLATE.
- Droplet Formation Simulations Using Mixed Finite Element Method, Darsh K. Nathawani and Matthew G. Knepley, Eleventh International Conference on
Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD11), 2022.
Paraffin wax is a prominent solid fuel for hybrid rockets. The atomization process of the paraffin wax fuel int he hybrid rocket combustion involves the droplets pinching off from the fuel surface. Therefore, droplet formation and pinch-off dynamics is analyzed using a one-dimensional axisymmetric approximation to understand droplet size distribution and pinch-off time. A mixed finite element formulation is used to solve the numerical problem. The computational algorithm uses adaptive mesh refinement to capture singularity and runs self-consistently to calculate droplet elongation. The code is verified using the Method of Manufactured Solution (MMS) and validated against laboratory experiments. Moreover, paraffin wax simulations are explored for varying inlet radius and it is found that the droplet size increases very slightly with the increasing inlet radius. Also, the pinch-off time increases up to a point where it starts to decrease as we increase the inlet radius. This behavior leads to a conjecture for the theoretical maximum radius that the droplet approaches as the inlet radius increases, which is a motivation for the future work.
- An Algorithm for Computing
Lipschitz Inner Functions in Kolmogorov's Superposition Theorem, Jonas Actor and Matthew G. Knepley, 2018.
Kolmogorov famously proved that multivariate continuous functions can be represented as a superposition of a small number of univariate continuous functions, \(f(x_1,\dots,x_n) = \sum_{q=0}^{2n+1} \chi^q \left( \sum_{p=1}^n \psi^{pq}(x_p) \right)\). Fridman posed the best smoothness bound for the functions \(\psi^{pq}\), that such functions can be constructed to be Lipschitz continuous with constant 1. Previous algorithms to describe these inner functions have only been Holder continuous, such as those proposed by Koppen and Braun and Griebel. This is problematic, as pointed out by Griebel, in that non-smooth functions have very high storage/evaluation complexity, and this makes Kolmogorov's representation (KR) impractical using the standard definition of the inner functions.
To date, no one has presented a method to compute a Lipschitz continuous inner function. In this paper, we revisit Kolmogorov's theorem along with Fridman's result. We examine a simple Lipschitz function which appear to satisfy the necessary criteria for Kolmogorov's representation, but fails in the limit. We then present a full solution to the problem, including an algorithm that computes such a Lipschitz function.
- Efficient
Evaluation of Ellipsoidal Harmonics for Potential Modeling, Thomas S. Klotz, Jaydeep Bardhan, and Matthew G. Knepley, 2018.
Ellipsoidal harmonics are a useful generalization of spherical harmonics but present additional numerical challenges. One such challenge is in computing ellipsoidal normalization constants which require approximating a singular integral. In this paper, we present results for approximating normalization constants using a well-known decomposition and applying tanh-sinh quadrature to the resulting integrals. Tanh-sinh has been shown to be an effective quadrature scheme for a certain subset of singular integrands. To support our numerical results, we prove that the decomposed integrands lie in the space of functions where tanh-sinh is optimal and compare our results to a variety of similar change-of-variable quadratures.
- Scalable smoothing
strategies for a geometric multigrid method for the immersed boundary equations, Amneet Pal Singh Bhalla,
Matthew G. Knepley, Mark F. Adams, Robert D. Guy, and Boyce E. Griffith, 2017.
The immersed boundary (IB) method is a widely used approach to simulating fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Although explicit versions of the IB method can suffer from severe time step size restrictions, these methods remain popular because of their simplicity and generality. In prior work (Guy et al., Adv Comput Math, 2015), some of us developed a geometric multigrid preconditioner for a stable semi-implicit IB method under Stokes flow conditions; however, this solver methodology used a Vanka-type smoother that presented limited opportunities for parallelization. This work extends this Stokes-IB solver methodology by developing smoothing techniques that are suitable for parallel implementation. Specifically, we demonstrate that an additive version of the Vanka smoother can yield an effective multigrid preconditioner for the Stokes-IB equations, and we introduce an efficient Schur complement-based smoother that is also shown to be effective for the Stokes-IB equations. We investigate the performance of these solvers for a broad range of material stiffnesses, both for Stokes flows and flows at nonzero Reynolds numbers, and for thick and thin structural models. We show here that linear solver performance degrades with increasing Reynolds number and material stiffness, especially for thin interface cases. Nonetheless, the proposed approaches promise to yield effective solution algorithms, especially at lower Reynolds numbers and at modest-to-high elastic stiffnesses.
- Support for
Non-conformal Meshes in PETSc's DMPlex Interface, Tobin Isaac and Matthew G. Knepley, 2017.
PETSc's DMPlex interface for unstructured meshes has been extended to support non-conformal meshes. The topological construct that DMPlex implements---the CW-complex---is by definition conformal, so representing non- conformal meshes in a way that hides complexity requires careful attention to the interface between DMPlex and numerical methods such as the finite element method. Our approach---which combines a tree structure for subset- superset relationships and a "reference tree" describing the types of non-conformal interfaces---allows finite element code written for conformal meshes to extend automatically: in particular, all "hanging-node" constraint calculations are handled behind the scenes. We give example code demonstrating the use of this extension, and use it to convert forests of quadtrees and forests of octrees from the p4est library to DMPlex meshes.
- Unstructured
Overlapping Mesh Distribution in Parallel, Matthew G. Knepley, Michael Lange and Gerard J. Gorman, 2017.
We present a simple mathematical framework and API for parallel mesh and data distribution, load balancing, and overlap generation. It relies on viewing the mesh as a Hasse diagram, abstracting away information such as cell shape, dimension, and coordinates. The high level of abstraction makes our interface both concise and powerful, as the same algorithm applies to any representable mesh, such as hybrid meshes, meshes embedded in higher dimension, and overlapped meshes in parallel. We present evidence, both theoretical and experimental, that the algorithms are scalable and efficient. A working implementation can be found in the latest release of the PETSc libraries.
- Finite Element Integration with Quadrature on Accelerators, Matthew G. Knepley, Karl Rupp and Andy Terrel, 2015.
We present a novel, quadrature-based finite element integration method for low-order elements on GPUs, using a pattern we call thread transposition to avoid reductions while vectorizing aggressively. On the NVIDIA GTX580, which has a nominal single precision peak flop rate of 1.5 TF/s and a memory bandwidth of 192 GB/s, we achieve more than 300 GF/s for element integration on first-order discretization of the Laplacian operator, which is 90% of our measured achievable bandwidth peak of 310 GF/s. We also present results for variable coefficient operators.
Journal Papers
- Influence of Initial Slab Dip, Plate Interface Coupling, and Nonlinear Rheology on Dynamic Weakening at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary, Vivek Bhavsar, Margarete Jadamec, and Matthew G. Knepley, JGR, 2025.
The slab dip and long-term coupling along the plate interface can vary both between and within subduction zones. However, how the initial slab dip and resistance at the plate interface affect the dynamic viscous resistance of the asthenosphere at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) is less understood. This paper presents two-dimensional (2D) visco-plastic models that examine the surface plate velocity and dynamic weakening of the asthenosphere as a function of three values of initial slab dip (30°, 45°, 60°) and six upper bounds on the plate interface coupling (3.1 × 1020, 1 × 1021, 3.1 × 1021, 1 × 1022, 3.1 × 1022, 1 × 1023 Pa s). The models use a composite viscosity in the upper mantle and examine both the instantaneous and time-dependent flow. The instantaneous models show that decreasing the plate interface coupling bound results in an increase in the subducting plate speed and extent of dynamic weakening of the asthenosphere adjacent to the LAB (sub-LAB asthenosphere), peaking for models with a slab dip of 45°. The time-dependent results show the surface plate motion and thickness of the weakened asthenosphere evolve during several million years of subduction, with models with an initial slab dip of 30° and weakest plate interface coupling bound producing the fastest subducting plate speeds and greatest dynamic weakening in the sub-LAB asthenosphere over time. The results show the surface motion is correlated with dynamic weakening in the sub-LAB asthenosphere due to the effects of the strain-rate-dependent rheology. This reduced viscous resistance to slab sinking facilitates subduction and mantle flow over time, thus facilitating plate tectonics.
- PETSc/TAO developments for GPU-based early exascale systems, Richard Tran Mills, Mark F. Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Tobin Isaac, Matthew G. Knepley, Todd Munson, Hansul Suh, Stefano Zampini, Hong Zhang, and Junchao Zhang, IJHPCA, 2025.
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) library provides scalable solvers for nonlinear time-dependent differential and algebraic equations and for numerical optimization via the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO). PETSc is used in dozens of scientific fields and is an important building block for many simulation codes. During the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project, the PETSc team has made substantial efforts to enable efficient utilization of the massive fine-grain parallelism present within exascale compute nodes and to enable performance portability across exascale architectures. We recap some of the challenges that designers of numerical libraries face in such an endeavor, and then discuss the many developments we have made, which include the addition of new GPU backends, features supporting efficient on-device matrix assembly, better support for asynchronicity and GPU kernel concurrency, and new communication infrastructure. We evaluate the performance of these developments on some pre-exascale systems as well as the early exascale systems Frontier and Aurora, using compute kernel, communication layer, solver, and mini-application benchmark studies, and then close with a few observations drawn from our experiences on the tension between portable performance and other goals of numerical libraries.
- A Performance Portable, Fully Implicit Landau Collision Operator with Batched Linear Solvers, Mark F. Adams, Peng Wang, Jacob Merson, Kevin Huck, and Matthew G. Knepley, SISC, 2025.
Modern accelerators use hierarchical parallel programming models that enable massive multithreading within a processing element (PE), with multiple PEs per device driven by traditional processes. Batching is a technique for exposing PE-level parallelism in algorithms that have traditionally run on MPI processes or multiple threads within a single process. Opportunities for batching arise in, for example, kinetic discretizations of magnetized plasmas where collisions are advanced in velocity space at each spatial point independently. This paper builds on previous work on a high-performance, fully nonlinear, Landau collision operator by batching the linear solver, as well as batching the spatial point problems and adding new support for multiple grids for multiscale, multi-species problems. An anisotropic relaxation verification test that agrees well with previous published results and analytical models is presented. The performance results from NVIDIA A100 and AMD MI250X nodes are presented with hardware utilization analysis for each architecture. The entire implicit Landau operator time advance is implemented in Kokkos for performance portability, running entirely on the device and is available in the PETSc numerical library.
- Stencil Composition for Finite Difference Approximations of Partial Differential Equations, Abhishek Mishra, David Salac, and Matthew G. Knepley, SISC, 2024.
Stencil composition uses the idea of function composition, wherein two stencils with arbitrary orders of derivative are composed to obtain a stencil with a derivative order equal to sum of the orders of the composing stencils. In this paper, we show how stencil composition can be applied to form finite difference stencils in order to numerically solve partial differential equations (PDEs). We present various properties of stencil composition and investigate the relationship between the order of accuracy of the composed stencil and that of the composing stencils. We also present numerical experiments wherein we verify the order of accuracy by convergence tests. To demonstrate an application to PDEs, a boundary value problem involving the two-dimensional biharmonic equation is numerically solved using stencil composition and the order of accuracy is verified by performing a convergence test.
- Efficient N-to-M Checkpointing Algorithm for Finite Element Simulations, David A. Ham, Vaclav Hapla, Matthew G. Knepley, Lawrence Mitchell, Koki Sagiyama, SISC, 2024.
In this work, we introduce a new algorithm for N-to-M checkpointing in finite element simulations. This new algorithm allows efficient saving/loading of functions representing physical quantities associated with the mesh representing the physical domain. Specifically, the algorithm allows for using different numbers of parallel processes for saving and loading, allowing for restarting and post-processing on the process count appropriate to the given phase of the simulation and other conditions. For demonstration, we implemented this algorithm in PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, and added a convenient high-level interface into Firedrake, a system for solving partial differential equations using finite element methods. We evaluated our new implementation by saving and loading data involving 8.2 billion finite element degrees of freedom using 8,192 parallel processes on ARCHER2, the UK National Supercomputing Service.
- The PETSc Community Is the Infrastructure, Mark Adams, Satish Balay, Oana Marin, Lois Curfman McInnes, Richard Tran Mills, Todd Munson, Hong Zhang, Junchao Zhang, Jed Brown, Victor Eijkhout, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Matthew Knepley, Fande Kong, Scott Kruger, Patrick Sanan, Barry F. Smith, Hong Zhang, CSE, 2022.
The communities who develop and support open source scientific software packages are crucial to the utility and success of such packages. Moreover, these communities form an important part of the human infrastructure that enables scientific progress. This paper discusses aspects of the PETSc (Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) community, its organization, and technical approaches that enable community members to help each other efficiently.
- Droplet formation simulation using mixed finite elements, Darsh K. Nathawani and Matthew G. Knepley, Physics of Fluids, 2022.
[Physics of Fluids]
Droplet formation happens in finite time due to the surface tension force. The linear stability analysis is useful to estimate droplet size but fails to approximate droplet shape. This is due to a highly non-linear flow description near the point where the first pinch-off happens. A one-dimensional axisymmetric mathematical model was first developed by Eggers and Dupont [J. Eggers and T. F. Dupont, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 262, 205 (1994)] using asymptotic analysis.
This asymptotic approach to the Navier-Stokes equations leads to a universal scaling explaining the self-similar nature of the solution. Numerical models for the one-dimensional model were developed using the finite difference [J. Eggers and T. F. Dupont, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 262, 205 (1994)] and finite element method [B. Ambravaneswaran, E. D. Wilkes,and O. A. Basaran, 14, 2606 (2002)]. The focus of this study is to provide a robust computational model for one-dimensional axisymmetric droplet formation using the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc). The code is verified using the Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) and validated using previous experimental studies done by Zhang and Basaran [X. Zhang and O. A. Basaran, Physics of Fluids, 7, 1184 (1995)]. The present model is used for simulating pendant drops of water, glycerol and paraffin wax, with an aspiration of extending the application to simulate more complex pinch-off phenomena.
- Conservative Projection Between FEM and Particle Bases, Joseph V. Pusztay, Matthew G. Knepley, Mark F. Adams, 2022.
Particle-in-Cell (PIC) methods employ particle representations of unknown fields, but also employ continuum fields for other parts of the problem. Thus projection between particle and continuum bases is required. Moreover, we often need to enforce conservation constraints on this projection. We derive a mechanism for enforcement based on weak equality, and implement it in the PETSc libraries. Scalability is demonstrated to more than 1B particles.
- The PetscSF Scalable Communication Layer, Junchao Zhang, Jed Brown, Satish Balay, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Matthew Knepley, Oana Marin, Richard Tran Mills, Todd Munson, Barry F. Smith, Stefano Zampini, 2020.
PetscSF, the communication component of the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc), is being used to gradually replace the direct MPI calls in the PETSc library. PetscSF provides a simple application programming interface (API) for managing common communication patterns in scientific computations by using a star-forest graph representation. PetscSF supports several implementations whose selection is based on the characteristics of the application or the target architecture. An efficient and portable model for network and intra-node communication is essential for implementing large-scale applications. The Message Passing Interface, which has been the de facto standard for distributed memory systems, has developed into a large complex API that does not yet provide high performance on the emerging heterogeneous CPU-GPU-based exascale systems. In this paper, we discuss the design of PetscSF, how it can overcome some difficulties of working directly with MPI with GPUs, and we demonstrate its performance, scalability, and novel features.
- Toward Performance-Portable PETSc for GPU-based Exascale Systems, Richard Tran Mills, Mark F. Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Alp Dener, Matthew Knepley, Scott E. Kruger, Hannah Morgan, Todd Munson, Karl Rupp, Barry F. Smith, Stefano Zampini, Hong Zhang, Junchao Zhang, 2020.
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation (PETSc) library delivers scalable solvers for nonlinear time-dependent differential and algebraic equations and for numerical optimization.The PETSc design for performance portability addresses fundamental GPU accelerator challenges and stresses flexibility and extensibility by separating the programming model used by the application from that used by the library, and it enables application developers to use their preferred programming model, such as Kokkos, RAJA, SYCL, HIP, CUDA, or OpenCL, on upcoming exascale systems. A blueprint for using GPUs from PETSc-based codes is provided, and case studies emphasize the flexibility and high performance achieved on current GPU-based systems.
- Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the particle-in-cell code XGC, Albert Mollén, M. F. Adams, M. G. Knepley, R. Hager, C. S. Chang, 2020.
The global total-f gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code XGC, used to study transport in magnetic fusion plasmas, implements a continuum grid to perform the dissipative operations, such as plasma collisions. To transfer the distribution function between marker particles and a rectangular velocity-space grid, XGC employs a bilinear mapping. The conservation of particle density and momentum is accurate enough in this bilinear operation, but the error in the particle energy conservation can become undesirably large in special conditions. In the present work we update XGC to use a novel mapping technique, based on the calculation of a pseudo-inverse, to exactly preserve moments up to the order of the discretization space. We describe the details of the implementation and we demonstrate the reduced interpolation error for a neoclassical tokamak test case by using 1st- and 2nd-order elements with the pseudo-inverse method and comparing to the bilinear mapping.
- PCPATCH: software for the topological construction of multigrid relaxation methods, Patrick E. Farrell, Matthew G. Knepley, Florian Wechsung, and Lawrence Mitchell, 2019.
Effective relaxation methods are necessary for good multigrid convergence. For many equations, standard Jacobi and Gauß-Seidel are inadequate, and more sophisticated space decompositions are required; examples include problems with semidefinite terms or saddle point structure. In this paper we present a unifying software abstraction, PCPATCH, for the topological construction of space decompositions for multigrid relaxation methods. Space decompositions are specified by collecting topological entities in a mesh (such as all vertices or facets) and applying a construction rule (such as taking all degrees of freedom in the cells around each entity). The software is implemented in PETSc and facilitates the elegant expression of a wide range of schemes merely by varying solver options at runtime. In turn, this allows for the very rapid development of fast solvers for difficult problems.
- Fully Parallel Mesh I/O using PETSc DMPlex with an Application to Waveform Modeling, Vaclav Hapla, Matthew G. Knepley, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Martin van Driel, Lion Krischer, Andreas Fichtner, 2020.
Large-scale PDE simulations using high-order finite-element methods on unstructured meshes are an indispensable tool in science and engineering. The widely used open-source PETSc library offers an efficient representation of generic unstructured meshes within its DMPlex module. This paper details our recent implementation of parallel mesh reading and topological interpolation (computation of intermediate codimensions from a cell-vertex mesh) into DMPlex. We apply these developments to seismic wave propagation scenarios on Mars as a sample application. The principal motivation is to overcome single-node memory limits and reach mesh sizes which were impossible before. Moreover, we demonstrate that scalability of I/O and topological interpolation goes beyond 12'000 cores, and memory imposed limits on maximum mesh size vanish.
- Understanding performance variability in standard and pipelined parallel Krylov solvers, Hannah Morgan, Patrick Sanan, Matthew G. Knepley, Richard T. Mills, 2020.
In this work, we collect data from runs of Krylov subspace methods and pipelined Krylov algorithms in an effort to understand and model the impact of machine noise and other sources of variability on performance. We find large variability of Krylov iterations between compute nodes for standard methods that is reduced in pipelined algorithms, directly supporting our conjecture, as well as large variation between statistical distributions of runtimes across iterations. Based on these results, we improve upon a previously introduced nondeterministic performance model by allowing iterations to fluctuate over time. We present our data from runs of various Krylov algorithms across multiple platforms as well as our updated non-stationary model that provides good agreement with observations. We also suggest how it can be used as a predictive tool.
- A high order hybridizable
discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible miscible displacement in heterogeneous media, Maurice
S. Fabien, Matthew G. Knepley, and Beatrice M. Riviere, 2019.
[Results in Applied Mathematics]
We present a new method for approximating solutions to the incompressible miscible displacement problem in porous media. At the discrete level, the coupled nonlinear system has been split into two linear systems that are solved sequentially. The method is based on a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the Darcy flow, which produces a mass--conservative flux approximation, and a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the transport equation. The resulting method is high order accurate. Due to the implicit treatment of the system of partial differential equations, we observe computationally that no slope limiters are needed. Numerical experiments are provided that show that the method converges optimally and is robust for highly heterogeneous porous media in 2D and 3D.
- Families of Interior Penalty Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods for second order elliptic problems, Maurice Fabien, Matthew G. Knepley, and Beatrice M. Riviere, 2018.
The focus of this paper is the analysis of families of hybridizable interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for second order elliptic problems. We derive a priori error estimates in the energy norm that are optimal with respect to the mesh size. Suboptimal L2 norm error estimates are proven. These results are valid in two and three dimensions. Numerical results support our theoretical findings, and we illustrate the computational cost of the method.
- An Implicit Discontinuous
Galerkin Method For Modeling Edema In The Intestine, Travis Thompson, Beatrice M. Riviere, and
Matthew G. Knepley, 2019.
Edema, also termed Oedema, is a generalized medical condition associated with an abnormal aggregation of fluid in a tissue matrix. In the intestine, excessive edema can lead to serious health complications associated with reduced motility. A 7.5% solution of hypertonic saline has been hypothesized as an effective means to reduce the effects of edema following surgery or injury. However, detailed clinical edema experiments can be difficult to implement, or costly, in practice. In this manuscript we introduce an implicit in time discontinuous Galerkin method with novel adaptations for modeling edema in the 3D layered physiology of the intestine. The model improves over early work via inclusion of the tissue intrinsic storage coefficient, and the effects of Starling overestimation for high venous pressures.
Validation against a recent clinical experiment in hypertonic saline resuscitation of acute edema is presented. New results include an improved view into the effects of resuscitation on the hydrostatic pressure profile of edematous rats, effects on lumenal volume attenuation, relative fluid gain, and an estimation of the impacts of both acute edema, and resuscitation, on intestinal motility.
- Composable solvers for the
four-field double porosity/permeability model, M. S. Joshaghani, Justin Chang, Kalyana B. Nakshatrala,
Matthew G. Knepley, 2019.
Stabilized continous and discontinuous mixed Galerkin methods have recently been proposed for modeling flow in porous media with multiple pore-networks. Specifically, the double porosity/permeability (DPP) model, which consist of four fields across two different scales, was considered. In this paper we propose novel block solver methodologies capable of solver larger DPP problems. Through the use of PETSc’s composable solvers features and the Firedrake Project’s finite element libraries, we illustrate two different ways one can effectively precondition these large systems of equations. Several benchmark problems are studied using the stabilized mixed methods and it is shown through our parametric performance spectrum analyses that these solvers for the four-field DPP model are scalable in both the algorithmic and strong-scaling sense. Sample codes are provided to illustrate how one can easily compose the proposed solver strategy through PETSc command line options.
- Manycore parallel computing
for a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin nested multigrid method, Maurice S. Fabien, Matthew G. Knepley,
Richard T. Mills, and Beatrice M. Riviere, SISC, 41(2), 2018.
We present a heterogeneous computing strategy for a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) geometric multigrid (GMG) solver. Parallel GMG solvers require a combination of coarse grain and fine grain parallelism is utilized to improve time to solution performance. In this work we focus on fine grain parallelism. We use Intel's second generation Xeon Phi (Knights Landing) to enable acceleration. The GMG method achieves ideal convergence rates of 0.2 or less, for high polynomial orders. A matrix free (assembly free) technique is exploited to save considerable memory usage and increase arithmetic intensity. HDG enables static condensation, and due to the discontinuous nature of the discretization, we developed a matrix-vector multiply routine that does not require any costly synchronizations or barriers. Our algorithm is able to attain 80\% of peak bandwidth performance for higher order polynomials. This is possible due to the data locality inherent in the HDG method. Very high performance is realized for high order schemes, due to good arithmetic intensity, which declines as the order is reduced.
- Modular and flexible spectral-element waveform modelling in two and three dimensions,
Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Martin van Driel, Lion Krischer, Max Rietmann, Dave A. May, Matthew
G. Knepley, and Andreas Fichtner, 2018.
Recent years have been witness to the application of waveform modelling and inversion to new and exciting domains, ranging from non-destructive testing to global seismology. Often, each new application brings with it novel wave propagation physics, spatial and temporal discretizations, and models of variable complexity. Adapting existing soft- ware to these novel applications often requires a significant investment of time, and acts as a barrier to progress. To combat these problems we introduce Salvus, a soft- ware package designed to solve large-scale full-waveform forward and inverse problems, with a focus on both flexibility and performance. Based on an abstract implementation of high-order finite (spectral) elements, Salvus is capable of running simulations on unstructured meshes in both 2 or 3 dimensions. A diverse (and expanding) collection of wave propagation physics are supported such as viscoelastic, acoustic, and coupled elastic-acoustic media. Salvus attempts to bridge the gap between research and production codes with a design based on C++ template mixins that separates the physical equations from the numerical core. This allows domain scientists to add new equations using a high-level interface, without having to worry about optimized implementation details. In this paper we introduce the mathematical abstractions relevant to Salvus’ design, and show how these abstractions can be expressed with template mixins. We then demonstrate how these mixins can be viewed as function decorators, and how they can be automatically combined to simulate wave propagation in complex domains. We close with some performance statistics to show that the design abstractions do not affect code performance, and show several examples of current use cases in planetary and global seismology, seismic exploration, non-destructive testing, and medical imaging.
- Solvation Thermodynamics
of Neutral and Charged Solutes Using the Solvation-Layer Interface Condition (SLIC) Continuum Dielectric
Model, Amirhossein Molavi Tabrizi, Ali Mehdizadeh Rahimi, Spencer Goossens, Matthew G. Knepley, Jaydeep
P. Bardhan, 2018.
We demonstrate that the recently developed solvation-layer interface condition (SLIC) continuum dielectric model for molecular electrostatics, when combined with a simple solvent-accessible-surface-area (SASA)-proportional model for nonpolar solvent effects, is able to predict solvation entropies of neutral and charged small molecules with high accuracy. The SLIC/SASA model has only seven fitting parameters in total and achieves this accuracy using a training set with only 20 compounds. Despite the model's simplicity, solvation free energies and entropies are nearly as accurate as those predicted by the much more sophisticated Langevin dipoles solvation model of Warshel. Surprisingly, the model automatically reproduces the negligible contribution of electrostatics to the solvation of hydrophobic compounds. The model's inaccuracies highlight three opportunities for future improvement: nonpolar solvation, anion solvation entropies, and heat capacities. More molecular realism may be needed for these quantities. To enable a future, large-scale assessment of the SLIC/SASA implicit-solvent model, predictions of solvation entropies for 502 compounds from the Mobley test set are provided in Supporting Information.
- Comparative study of finite
element methods using the Time-Accuracy-Size (TAS) spectrum analysis, Justin Chang, Maurice S. Fabien,
Matthew G. Knepley, Richard T. Mills, 2018.
We present a performance analysis appropriate for comparing algorithms using different numerical discretizations. By taking into account the total time-to-solution, numerical accuracy with respect to an error norm, and the computation rate, a cost-benefit analysis can be performed to determine which algorithm and discretization are particularly suited for an application. This work extends the performance spectrum model in Chang et. al. 2017 for interpretation of hardware and algorithmic tradeoffs in numerical PDE simulation. As a proof-of-concept, popular finite element software packages are used to illustrate this analysis for Poisson's equation.
- A hybridizable discontinuous
Galerkin method for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media, Maurice Fabien, Matthew G. Knepley, Beatrice Riviere, 2018.
We present a new method for simulating incompressible immiscible two-phase flow in porous media. The semi-implicit method decouples the wetting phase pressure and saturation equations. The equations are discretized using a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method. The proposed method is of high order, conserves global/local mass balance, and the number of globally coupled degrees of freedom is significantly reduced compared to standard interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods. Several numerical examples illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the method. These examples include verification of convergence rates by manufactured solutions, common 1D benchmarks and realistic discontinuous permeability fields.
- Landau
Collision Integral Solver with Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Emerging Architectures, Mark F. Adams, Eero
Hirvijoki, Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Tobin Isaac, and Richard Mills, 2017.
The Landau collision integral is an accurate model for the small-angle dominated Coulomb collisions in fusion plasmas. We investigate a high order accurate, fully conservative, finite element discretization of the nonlinear multispecies Landau integral with adaptive mesh refinement using the PETSc library (ŭ We develop algorithms and techniques to efficiently utilize emerging architectures with an approach that minimizes memory usage and movement and is suitable for vector processing. The Landau collision integral is vectorized with Intel AVX-512 intrinsics and the solver sustains as much as 22% of the theoretical peak flop rate of the Second Generation Intel Xeon Phi (``Knights Landing'') processor.
- A
performance spectrum for parallel computational frameworks for solving PDEs, Justin Chang, Kalyana
Nakshatrala, Matthew G. Knepley and Lennart Johnsson, 2017.
Important computational physics problems are often large-scale in nature, and it is highly desirable to have robust and high performing parallel computational frameworks that can quickly address these problems. However, it is no trivial task to determine whether a computational framework is performing optimally or is scalable. Herein, we propose a performance spectrum that can enhance one's understanding of critical performance metrics such as arithmetic intensity and algorithmic scalability. As proof of concept, we examine various benchmark problems with both the Firedrake project and utilize the performance spectrum to justify the performance and scalability (or lack thereof) of various finite element discretizations and multi-grid solvers. It is shown that the proposed performance spectrum is a highly versatile performance model that can systematically identify key performance issues for relevant subsurface flow and transport applications and can easily be extended to large-scale simulations on state-of-the-art high performance computing systems. Potential application and future extension of this work is discussed thoroughly.
- Extending the Solvation-Layer
Interface Condition {(SLIC)} Continum Electrostatic Model to Linearized Poisson-Boltzmann Solvent, Amirhossein
Molavi Tabrizi and Spencer Goossens and Christopher D. Cooper and Matthew G. Knepley and Jaydeep P. Bardhan, JCTC,
We extend the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann (LPB) continuum electrostatic model for molecular solvation to address charge-hydration asymmetry. Our new solvation-layer interface condition (SLIC)/LPB corrects for first-shell response by perturbing the traditional continuum-theory interface conditions at the protein-solvent and the Stern-layer interfaces. We also present a GPU-accelerated linear-scaling treecode implementation capable of simulating large proteins, and our results demonstrate that the new model exhibits significant accuracy improvements over traditional LPB models, while reducing the number of fitting parameters from dozens (atomic radii) to just five parameters, which have physical meanings related to first-shell water behavior at an uncharged interface. In particular, atom radii in the SLIC model are not optimized but uniformly scaled from their Lennard-Jones radii. Compared to explicit-solvent free-energy calculations of individual atoms in small molecules, SLIC/LPB is significantly more accurate than standard parameterizations (RMS error 0.55 kcal/mol for SLIC, compared to RMS error of 3.05 kcal/mol for standard LPB). A more detailed assessment illustrates that standard continuum electrostatic models reproduce total charging free energies via a compensation of significant errors in atomic self-energies; this finding offers a window into improving the accuracy of Generalized-Born theories and other coarse-grained models. Most remarkably, the SLIC model also reproduces positive charging free energies for atoms in hydrophobic groups, whereas standard PB models are unable to generate positive charging free energies regardless of the parameterized radii. The GPU-accelerated solver is freely available online, as is a MATLAB implementation.
- Predicting solvation free energies and thermodynamics in polar solvents and
mixtures using a solvation-layer interface condition, Amirhossein Molavi Tabrizi and Spencer Goossens and
Ali Mehdizadeh Rahimi and Matthew G. Knepley and Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(9), p.094103, 2017.
We demonstrate that with two small modifications, the popular dielectric continuum model is capable of predicting, with high accuracy, ion solvation thermodynamics (Gibbs free energies, entropies, and heat capacities) in numerous polar solvents. We are also able to predict ion solvation free energies in water--co-solvent mixtures over available concentration series. The first modification to the classical dielectric Poisson model is a perturbation of the macroscopic dielectric-flux interface condition at the solute--solvent interface: we add a nonlinear function of the local electric field, giving what we have called a solvation-layer interface condition (SLIC). The second modification is including the microscopic interface potential (static potential) in our model. We show that the resulting model exhibits high accuracy without the need for fitting solute atom radii in a state-dependent fashion. Compared to experimental results in nine water--co-solvent mixtures, SLIC predicts transfer free energies to within 2.5~kJ/mol. The co-solvents include both protic and aprotic species, as well as biologically relevant denaturants such as urea and dimethylformamide. Furthermore, our results indicate that the interface potential is essential to reproduce entropies and heat capacities. These and previous tests of the SLIC model indicate that it is a promising dielectric continuum model for accurate predictions in a wide range of conditions.
- Generalising the mean spherical approximation as a multiscale, nonlinear boundary condition at the solute–solvent interface,
Amirhossein Molavi Tabrizi, Matthew G. Knepley and Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Molecular Physics, 2016.
[Taylor and Franics]
In this paper, we extend the familiar continuum electrostatic model to incorporate finite-size effects in the solvation layer, by perturbing the usual macroscopic interface condition. The perturbation is based on the mean spherical approximation (MSA), to derive a multiscale solvation-layer interface condition (SLIC/MSA). We show that SLIC/MSA reproduces MSA predictions for Born ions in a variety of polar solvents, including water as well as other protic and aprotic solvents. Importantly, the SLIC/MSA model predicts not only solvation free energies accurately but also solvation entropies, which standard continuum electrostatic models fail to predict. The SLIC/MSA model depends only on the normal electric field at the dielectric boundary, similar to our recent development of a SLIC model for charge-sign hydration asymmetry, and the reformulation of the MSA as an effective boundary condition enables its straightforward application to complex molecules such as proteins, whereas traditionally it is primarily a bulk theory. This work also opens the possibility for other electrolyte models to be incorporated into fast implicit-solvent models of biomolecular electrostatics.
- A
Stochastic Performance Model for Pipelined Krylov Methods, Hannah Morgan, Matthew G. Knepley, Patrick Sanan,
and L. Ridgway Scott, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016.
Pipelined Krylov methods seek to ameliorate the latency due to inner products necessary for projection by overlapping it with the computation associated with sparse matrix-vector multiplication. We clarify a folk theorem that this can only result in a speedup of 2× over the naive implementation. Examining many repeated runs, we show that stochastic noise also contributes to the latency, and we model this using an analytical probability distribution. Our analysis shows that speedups greater than 2× are possible with these algorithms.
- Segmental Refinement: A Multigrid
Technique for Data Locality, Mark F. Adams, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, and Ravi Samtaney, SIAM Journal on
Scientific Computing, 2016.
We investigate a domain decomposed multigrid technique, segmental refinement, for solving general nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems. Brandt and Diskin first proposed this method in 1994; we continue this work by analytically and experimentally investigating its complexity. We confirm that communication of traditional parallel multigrid can be eliminated on fine grids with modest amounts of extra work and storage while maintaining the asymptotic exactness of full multigrid, although we observe a dependence on an additional parameter not considered in the original analysis. We present a communication complexity analysis that quantifies the communication costs ameliorated by segmental refinement and report performance results with up to 64K cores of a Cray XC30.
- Efficient
mesh management in Firedrake using PETSc-DMPlex, Michael Lange, Lawrence Mitchell, Matthew G. Knepley, and
Gerard J. Gorman, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(5), S143–S155, 2016.
The use of composable abstractions allows the application of new and established algorithms to a wide range of problems while automatically inheriting the benefits of well-known performance optimisations. This work highlights the composition of the PETSc DMPlex domain topology abstraction with the Firedrake automated finite element system to create a PDE solving environment that combines expressiveness, flexibility and high performance. We describe how Firedrake utilises DMPlex to provide the indirection maps required for finite element assembly, while supporting various mesh input formats and runtime domain decomposition. In particular, we describe how DMPlex and its accompanying data structures allow the generic creation of user-defined discretisations, while utilising data layout optimisations that improve cache coherency and ensure overlapped communication during assembly computation.
- Composing Scalable Nonlinear
Algebraic Solvers, Peter R. Brune, Matthew G. Knepley, Barry F. Smith, and Xuemin Tu, SIAM Review, 57(4), 535-565, 2015.
[SIAM Review]
Most efficient linear solvers use composable algorithmic components, with the most common model being the combination of a Krylov accelerator and one or more preconditioners. A similar set of concepts may be used for nonlinear algebraic systems, where nonlinear composition of different nonlinear solvers may significantly improve the time to solution. We describe the basic concepts of nonlinear composite combination and preconditioning and present a number of solvers applicable to nonlinear partial differential equations. We have developed a software framework in order to easily explore the possible combinations of solvers. We show that the performance gains from using composed solvers can be substantial compared with gains from standard Newton-Krylov methods.
- Analytical Nonlocal
Electrostatics Using Eigenfunction Expansions of Boundary-Integral Operators, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Matthew G. Knepley, and
Peter R. Brune, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, 3, 1, 2015.
In this paper, we present an exact, infinite-series solution to Lorentz nonlocal continuum electrostatics for an arbitrary charge distribution in a spherical solute. Our approach relies on two key steps: (1) re-formulating the PDE problem using boundary-integral equations, and (2) diagonalizing the boundary-integral operators using the fact that their eigenfunctions are the surface spherical harmonics. To introduce this uncommon approach for calculations in separable geometries, we first re-derive Kirkwood's classic results for a protein surrounded concentrically by a pure-water ion-exclusion layer and then a dilute electrolyte (modeled with the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation). The eigenfunction-expansion approach provides a computationally efficient way to test some implications of nonlocal models; after estimating the reasonable range of the nonlocal length-scale parameter \(\lambda\), we conduct simple p\(K_\mathrm{a}\) calculations. Our results suggest that nonlocal solvent response may help to reduce the need for very high dielectric constants in calculating pH-dependent protein behavior, though more sophisticated nonlocal models are needed to resolve this question in full. An open-source MATLAB implementation of our approach is freely available online, and is included as supplemental information.
- Multiscale models and approximation algorithms for protein electrostatics, Jaydeep P. Bardhan and Matthew G. Knepley, 61, 2015.
Electrostatic forces play many important roles in molecular biology, but are hard to model due to the complicated interactions between biomolecules and the surrounding solvent, a fluid composed of water and dissolved ions. Continuum model have been surprisingly successful for simple biological questions, but fail for important problems such as understanding the effects of protein mutations. In this paper we highlight the advantages of boundary-integral methods for these problems, and our use of boundary integrals to design and test more accurate theories. Examples include a multiscale model based on nonlocal continuum theory, and a nonlinear boundary condition that captures atomic-scale effects at biomolecular surfaces.
- Modeling Charge-Sign Asymmetric Solvation Free Energies With Nonlinear Boundary
Conditions, Jaydeep P. Bardhan and Matthew G. Knepley, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 131103,
2014. [JCP]
We show that charge-sign-dependent asymmetric hydration can be modeled accurately using linear Poisson theory but replacing the standard electric-displacement boundary condition with a simple nonlinear boundary condition. Using a single multiplicative scaling factor to determine atomic radii from molecular dynamics Lennard-Jones parameters, the new model accurately reproduces MD free-energy calculations of hydration asymmetries for (i) monatomic ions, (ii) titratable amino acids in both their protonated and unprotonated states, and (iii) the Mobley ``bracelet'' and ``rod'' test problems. Remarkably, the model also justifies the use of linear response expressions for charging free energies. Our boundary-element method implementation demonstrates the ease with which other continuum-electrostatic solvers can be extended to include asymmetry.
- Run-time extensibility and
librarization of simulation software, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley and Barry F. Smith, IEEE Computing in
Science and Engineering, 10.1109/MCSE.2014.95, 2014. [arXiv] [IEEE]
Build-time configuration and environment assumptions are hampering progress and usability in scientific software. That which would be utterly unacceptable in non-scientific software somehow passes for the norm in scientific packages. The community needs reusable software packages that are easy use and flexible enough to accommodate next-generation simulation and analysis demands.
- A Domain Decomposition
Approach to Implementing Fault Slip in Finite-Element Models of Quasi-static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation,
Brad Aagaard, Matthew G. Knepley, and Charles Williams, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(6), 3059-3079, 2013. [JGR] [arXiv]
We employ a domain decomposition approach with Lagrange multipliers to implement fault slip in a finite-element code, PyLith, for use in both quasi-static and dynamic crustal deformation applications. This integrated approach to solving both quasi-static and dynamic simulations leverages common finite-element data structures and implementations of various boundary conditions, discretization schemes, and bulk and fault rheologies. We have developed a custom preconditioner for the Lagrange multiplier portion of the system of equations that provides excellent scalability with problem size compared to conventional additive Schwarz methods. We demonstrate application of this approach using benchmarks for both quasi-static viscoelastic deformation and dynamic spontaneous rupture propagation that verify the numerical implementation in PyLith.
This paper concerns the fault friction implementation. Each aspect of the model, algorithms, and code is examined to show design decisions that were made to support the fault model. We show good algorithmic scaling, although not constant yet, and good scalability outside of the ML AMG setup phase.
- Analysis of fast boundary-integral approximations for modeling electrostatic contributions of molecular binding, Amy Kreienkamp, Lucy Y. Liu, Mona S. Minkara, Matthew G. Knepley, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, and Mala L. Radhakrishnan, Molecular-Based Mathematical Biology, 1, pp.124-150, 2013. [Mol. Based Math. Bio.]
We analyze and suggest improvements to a recently developed approximate continuum-electrostatic model for proteins. The model, called BIBEE/I (boundary-integral based electrostatics estimation with interpolation), was able to estimate electrostatic solvation free energies to within a mean unsigned error of 4% on a test set of more than 600 proteins---a significant improvement over previous BIBEE models. In this work, we tested the BIBEE/I model for its capability to predict residue-by-residue interactions in protein-protein binding, using the widely studied model system of trypsin and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). Finding that the BIBEE/I model performs surprisingly less well in this task than simpler BIBEE models, we seek to explain this behavior in terms of the models' differing spectral approximations of the exact boundary-integral operator. Calculations of analytically solvable systems (spheres and tri-axial ellipsoids) suggest two possibilities for improvement. The first is a modified BIBEE/I approach that captures the asymptotic eigenvalue limit correctly, and the second involves the dipole and quadrupole modes for ellipsoidal approximations of protein geometries. Our analysis suggests that fast, rigorous approximate models derived from reduced-basis approximation of boundary-integral equations might reach unprecedented accuracy, if the dipole and quadrupole modes can be captured quickly for general shapes.
- Implementation of a multigrid
solver on GPU for Stokes equations with strongly variable viscosity based on Matlab and CUDA, Liang Zheng,
Taras Gerya, Matthew G. Knepley, David A. Yuen, Huai Zhang, and Yaolin Shi, IJHPCA, 2013. [IJHPCA]
The Stokes equations are frequently used to simulate geodynamic processes, including mantle convection, lithospheric dynamics, lava flow, and among others. In this study, the multigrid (MG) method is adopted to solve Stokes and continuity equations with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity. By taking advantage of the enhanced computing power of graphics processing units (GPUs) and the new version of Matlab 2010b, MG codes are optimized through Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). Herein, we illustrate the approach that implements a GPU-based MG solver with Red-Black Gauss-Seidel (RBGS) smoother for the three-dimensional Stokes and continuity equations, in a hope that it helps solve the synthetic incompressible sinking problem in a cubic domain with strongly variable viscosity, and finally analyze our solver's efficiency on a GPU.
- Unstructured Geometric Multigrid in Two
and Three Dimensions on Complex and Graded Meshes, Peter R. Brune, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(1), A173-A191, 2013. [SIAM] [arXiv]
The use of multigrid and related preconditioners with the finite element method is often limited by the difficulty of applying the algorithm effectively to a problem, especially when the domain has a complex shape or the mesh has adaptive refinement. We introduce a simplification of a general topologically-motivated mesh coarsening algorithm for use in creating hierarchies of meshes for geometric unstructured multigrid methods. The connections between the guarantees of this technique and the quality criteria necessary for multigrid methods for non-quasi-uniform problems are noted. The implementation details, in particular those related to coarsening, remeshing, and interpolation, are discussed. Computational tests on pathological test cases from adaptive finite element methods show the performance of the technique.
- Computational science and
re-discovery: open-source implementations of ellipsoidal harmonics for problems in potential theory, Jaydeep
P. Bardhan and Matthew G. Knepley, Computational Science & Discovery, 5, 014006, 2012. [CSD] [arXiv]
We present two open-source (BSD) implementations of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions for solving problems of potential theory using separation of variables. Ellipsoidal harmonics are used surprisingly infrequently, considering their substantial value for problems ranging in scale from molecules to the entire solar system. In this article, we suggest two possible reasons for the paucity relative to spherical harmonics. The first is essentially historical---ellipsoidal harmonics developed during the late 19th century and early 20th, when it was found that only the lowest-order harmonics are expressible in closed form. Each higher-order term requires the solution of an eigenvalue problem, and tedious manual computation seems to have discouraged applications and theoretical studies. The second explanation is practical: even with modern computers and accurate eigenvalue algorithms, expansions in ellipsoidal harmonics are significantly more challenging to compute than those in Cartesian or spherical coordinates. The present implementations reduce the "barrier to entry" by providing an easy and free way for the community to begin using ellipsoidal harmonics in actual research. We demonstrate our implementation using the specific and physiologically crucial problem of how charged proteins interact with their environment, and ask: what other analytical tools await re-discovery in an era of inexpensive computation?
- Finite Element
Integration on GPUs, Matthew G. Knepley and Andy R. Terrel, Transactions on Mathematical Software,
39 (2), 2012. [ACM] [arXiv]We present a novel finite element integration method for low order elements on GPUs. We achieve more than 100GF for element integration on first order discretizations of both the Laplacian and Elasticity operators on an NVIDIA GTX285, which has a nominal single precision peak flop rate of 1 TF/s and bandwidth of 159 GB/s, corresponding to a bandwidth limited peak of 40 GF/s.
- Accessible, Extensible,
Scalable Tools for Wave Propagation Problems, David I. Ketcheson, Kyle T. Mandli, Aron Ahmadia, Amal
Alghamdi, Manuel Quezada, Matteo Parsani, Matthew G. Knepley, and Matthew Emmett, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(4),
pp.C210-C231, 2012. [arXiv]
Development of scientific software involves tradeoffs between ease of use, generality, and performance. We describe the design of a general hyperbolic PDE solver that can be operated with the convenience of MATLAB yet achieves efficiency near that of hand-coded Fortran and scales to the largest supercomputers. This is achieved by using Python for most of the code while employing automatically-wrapped Fortran kernels for computationally intensive routines, and using Python bindings to interface with a parallel computing library and other numerical packages. The software described here is PyClaw, a Python-based structured grid solver for general systems of hyperbolic PDEs. PyClaw provides a powerful and intuitive interface to the algorithms of the existing Fortran codes Clawpack and SharpClaw, simplifying code development and use while providing massive parallelism and scalable solvers via the PETSc library. The package is further augmented by use of PyWENO for generation of efficient high-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory reconstruction code. The simplicity, capability, and performance of this approach are demonstrated through application to example problems in shallow water flow, compressible flow and elasticity.
- Mathematical Analysis of the
BIBEE Approximation for Molecular Solvation: Exact Results for Spherical Inclusions, Jaydeep P. Bardhan and
Matthew G. Knepley, Journal of Chemical Physics, 135(12), pp.124107-124117,
2011. [arXiv]
We analyze the mathematically rigorous BIBEE (boundary-integral based electrostatics estimation) approximation of the mixed-dielectric continuum model of molecular electrostatics, using the analytically solvable case of a spherical solute containing an arbitrary charge distribution. Our analysis, which builds on Kirkwood's solution using spherical harmonics, clarifies important aspects of the approximation and its relationship to Generalized Born models. First, our results suggest a new perspective for analyzing fast electrostatic models: the separation of variables between material properties (the dielectric constants) and geometry (the solute dielectric boundary and charge distribution). Second, we find that the eigenfunctions of the reaction-potential operator are exactly preserved in the BIBEE model for the sphere, which supports the use of this approximation for analyzing charge-charge interactions in molecular binding. Third, a comparison of BIBEE to the recent GB\(\epsilon\) theory suggests a modified BIBEE model capable of predicting electrostatic solvation free energies to within 4% of a full numerical Poisson calculation. This modified model leads to a projection-framework understanding of BIBEE and suggests opportunities for future improvements.
- Optimal, scalable forward models for computing gravity anomalies, Dave A. May and Matthew G. Knepley,
Geophysical Journal International, 187(1), pp.161-177,
2011. [arXiv]
We describe three approaches for computing a gravity signal from a density anomaly. The first approach consists of the classical "summation" technique, whilst the remaining two methods solve the Poisson problem for the gravitational potential using either a Finite Element (FE) discretization employing a multilevel preconditioner, or a Green's function evaluated with the Fast Multipole Method (FMM). The methods utilizing the PDE formulation described here differ from previously published approaches used in gravity modeling in that they are optimal, implying that both the memory and computational time required scale linearly with respect to the number of unknowns in the potential field. Additionally, all of the implementations presented here are developed such that the computations can be performed in a massively parallel, distributed memory computing environment. Through numerical experiments, we compare the methods on the basis of their discretization error, CPU time and parallel scalability. We demonstrate the parallel scalability of all these techniques by running forward models with up to 108 voxels on 1000's of cores.
- Biomolecular Electrostatics
Simulation by an FMM-based BEM on 512 GPUs, Rio Yokota, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Matthew G. Knepley, L. A. Barba,
and Tsuyoshi Hamada, Computer Physics Communications, 182(6), pp.1272-1283,
2011. [arXiv]
We present teraflop-scale calculations of biomolecular electrostatics enabled by the combination of algorithmic and hardware acceleration. The algorithmic acceleration is achieved with the fast multipole method (FMM) in conjunction with a boundary element method (BEM) formulation of the continuum electrostatic model, as well as the BIBEE approximation to BEM. The hardware acceleration is achieved through graphics processors, GPUs. We demonstrate the power of our algorithms and software for the calculation of the electrostatic interactions between biological molecules in solution. The applications demonstrated include the electrostatics of protein--drug binding and several multi-million atom systems consisting of hundreds to thousands of copies of lysozyme molecules. The parallel scalability of the software was studied in a cluster at the Nagasaki Advanced Computing Center, using 128 nodes, each with 4 GPUs. Delicate tuning has resulted in strong scaling with parallel efficiency of 0.8 for 256 and 0.5 for 512 GPUs. The largest application run, with over 20 million atoms and one billion unknowns, required only one minute on 512 GPUs. We are currently adapting our BEM software to solve the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for dilute ionic solutions, and it is also designed to be flexible enough to be extended for a variety of integral equation problems, ranging from Poisson problems to Helmholtz problems in electromagnetics and acoustics to high Reynolds number flow.
- PetFMM: A dynamically
load-balancing parallel fast multipole library, Felipe A. Cruz, Matthew G. Knepley, and L.A. Barba,
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 85(4), pp. 403-428,
2010. [arXiv]
Fast algorithms for the computation of \(N\)-body problems can be broadly classified into mesh-based interpolation methods, and hierarchical or multiresolution methods. To this last class belongs the well-known fast multipole method (FMM), which offers \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) complexity. This paper presents an extensible parallel library for \(N\)-body interactions utilizing the FMM algorithm, built on the framework of PETSc. A prominent feature of this library is that it is designed to be extensible, with a view to unifying efforts involving many algorithms based on the same principles as the FMM and enabling easy development of scientific application codes. The paper also details an exhaustive model for the computation of tree-based \(N\)-body algorithms in parallel, including both work estimates and communications estimates. With this model, we are able to implement a method to provide automatic, a priori load balancing of the parallel execution, achieving optimal distribution of the computational work among processors and minimal inter-processor communications. Using a client application that performs the calculation of velocity induced by N vortex particles, ample verification and testing of the library was performed. Strong scaling results are presented with close to a million particles in up to 64 processors, including both speedup and parallel efficiency. The library is currently able to achieve over 85% parallel efficiency for 64 processors. The software library is open source under the PETSc license; this guarantees the maximum impact to the scientific community and encourages peer-based collaboration for the extensions and applications.
- PetRBF: A parallel \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) algorithm for
radial basis function interpolation, Rio Yokota, L.A. Barba, and Matthew G. Knepley, Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(25-28), pp. 1793-1804,
2010. [arXiv]
We have developed a parallel algorithm for radial basis function (RBF) interpolation that exhibits \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) complexity,requires \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) storage, and scales excellently up to a thousand processes. The algorithm uses a GMRES iterative solver with a restricted additive Schwarz method (RASM) as a preconditioner and a fast matrix-vector algorithm. Previous fast RBF methods, achieving at most \(\mathcal{O}(N \log N)\) complexity, were developed using multiquadric and polyharmonic basis functions. In contrast, the present method uses Gaussians with a small variance (a common choice in particle methods for fluid simulation, our main target application). The fast decay of the Gaussian basis function allows rapid convergence of the iterative solver even when the subdomains in the RASM are very small. The present method was implemented in parallel using the PETSc library (developer version). Numerical experiments demonstrate its capability in problems of RBF interpolation with more than 50 million data points, timing at 106 seconds (19 iterations for an error tolerance of \(10^{-15}\) on 1024 processors of a Blue Gene/L (700 MHz PowerPC processors). The parallel code is freely available in the open-source model.
- An Efficient Algorithm for Classical
Density Functional Theory in Three Dimensions: Ionic Solutions, Matthew G. Knepley, Dmitry A. Karpeev, Seth
Davidovits, Robert S. Eisenberg, and Dirk Gillespie, Journal of Chemical Physics, 132(12),
pp.124101-124111, 2010. [arXiv]
Classical density functional theory (DFT) of fluids is a valuable tool to analyze inhomogeneous fluids. However, few numerical solution algorithms for three-dimensional systems exist. Here we present an efficient numerical scheme for fluids of charged, hard spheres that uses \(\mathcal{O}(N \log N)\) operations and \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) memory, where N is the number of grid points. This system-size scaling is significant because of the very large \(N\) required for three-dimensional systems. The algorithm uses fast Fourier transforms (FFT) to evaluate the convolutions of the DFT Euler-Lagrange equations and Picard (iterative substitution) iteration with line search to solve the equations. The pros and cons of this FFT/Picard technique are compared to those of alternative solution methods that use real-space integration of the convolutions instead of FFTs and Newton iteration instead of Picard. For the hard-sphere DFT we use Fundamental Measure Theory. For the electrostatic DFT we present two algorithms. One is for the "bulk-fluid" functional of Rosenfeld [Y. Rosenfeld, 1993] that uses \(\mathcal{O}(N \log N)\) operations. The other is for the "reference fluid" (RFD) functional [D. Gillespie et al., 2002]. This functional is significantly more accurate than the bulk-fluid functional, but the RFD algorithm requires \(\mathcal{O}(N^2)\) operations.
- Reproducible Research,
Stodden, Computing in Science and Engineering, 12(5), pp. 8-13,
2010. [CS&E]
Roundtable participants identified ways of making computational research details readily available, which is a crucial step in addressing the current credibility crisis.
- Mesh Algorithms for PDE with
Sieve I: Mesh Distribution, Matthew G. Knepley and Dmitry A. Karpeev, Scientific Programming, 17(3),
pp.215-230, 2009. [arXiv]
We have developed a new programming framework, called Sieve, to support parallel numerical PDE algorithms operating over distributed meshes. We have also developed a reference implementation of Sieve in C++ as a library of generic algorithms operating on distributed containers conforming to the Sieve interface. Sieve makes instances of the incidence relation, or arrows, the conceptual first-class objects represented in the containers. Further, generic algorithms acting on this arrow container are systematically used to provide natural geometric operations on the topology and also, through duality, on the data. Finally, coverings and duality are used to encode not only individual meshes, but all types of hierarchies underlying PDE data structures, including multigrid and mesh partitions. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the framework, we show how the mesh partition data can be represented and manipulated using the same fundamental mechanisms used to represent meshes. We present the complete description of an algorithm to encode a mesh partition and then distribute a mesh, which is independent of the mesh dimension, element shape, or embedding. Moreover, data associated with the mesh can be similarly distributed with exactly the same algorithm. The use of a high level of abstraction within the Sieve leads to several benefits in terms of code reuse, simplicity, and extensibility. We discuss these benefits and compare our approach to other existing mesh libraries.
- Bounding the Electrostatic
Free Energies Associated with Linear Continuum Models of Molecular Solvation, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Matthew
G. Knepley, and Mihai Anitescu, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130(10), 2008. Selected for the March 15, 2009
issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics
Research. [JCP]
The importance of electrostatic interactions in molecular biology has driven extensive research toward the development of accurate and efficient theoretical and computational models. Linear continuum electrostatic theory has been surprisingly successful, but the computational costs associated with solving the associated partial differential equations(PDEs) preclude the theory’s use in most dynamical simulations. Modern generalized-Born models for electrostatics can reproduce PDE-based calculations to within a few percent and are extremely computationally efficient but do not always faithfully reproduce interactions between chemical groups. Recent work has shown that a boundary-integral-equation formulation of the PDE problem leads naturally to a new approach called boundary-integral-based electrostatics estimation (BIBEE) to approximate electrostatic interactions. In the present paper, we prove that the BIBEE method can be used to rigorously bound the actual continuum-theory electrostaticfree energy. The bounds are validated using a set of more than 600 proteins. Detailed numerical results are presented for structures of the peptide met-enkephalin taken from a molecular-dynamics simulation. These bounds, in combination with our demonstration that the BIBEE methods accurately reproduce pairwise interactions, suggest a new approach toward building a highly accurate yet computationally tractable electrostatic model.
- Automated FEM Discretizations for the Stokes Equation, Andy R. Terrel, L. Ridgway Scott, Matthew
G. Knepley, and Robert C. Kirby, BIT, 48(2),
2008. [pdf]
Current FEM software projects have made significant advances in various automated modeling techniques. We present some of the mathematical abstractions employed by these projects that allow a user to switch between finite elements, linear solvers, mesh refinement and geometry, and weak forms with very few modifications to the code. To evaluate the modularity provided by one of these abstractions, namely switching finite elements, we provide a numerical study based upon the many different discretizations of the Stokes equations.
- Numerical
simulation of geodynamic processes with the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, Richard
F. Katz, Matthew G. Knepley, Barry F. Smith, Marc Spiegelman, and Ethan Coon, Phys. Earth Planet. In., 163,
pp.52-68, 2007. [PEPI]
Geodynamics simulations are characterized by rheological nonlinearity, localization, three-dimensional effects, and separate but interacting length scales. These features represent a challenge for computational science. We discuss how a leading software framework for advanced scientific computing (the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, PETSc) can facilitate the development of geodynamics simulations. To illustrate our use of PETSc, we describe simulations of (i) steady-state, non-Newtonian passive flow and thermal structure beneath a mid-ocean ridge, (ii) magmatic solitary waves in the mantle, and (iii) the formation of localized bands of high porosity in a two-phase medium being deformed under simple shear. We highlight two supplementary features of PETSc, structured storage of application parameters and self-documenting output, that are especially useful for geodynamics simulations.
- Optimizing the
Evaluation of Finite Element Matrices, Robert C. Kirby, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, SIAM Journal
on Scientific Computing, 27(3), pp.741-758, 2005. [arXiv]
Assembling stiffness matrices represents a significant cost in many finite element computations. We address the question of optimizing the evaluation of these matrices. By finding redundant computations, we are able to significantly reduce the cost of building local stiffness matrices for the Laplace operator and for the trilinear form for Navier-Stokes. For the Laplace operator in two space dimensions, we have developed a heuristic graph algorithm that searches for such redundancies and generates code for computing the local stiffness matrices. Up to cubics, we are able to build the stiffness matrix on any triangle in less than one multiply-add pair per entry. Up to sixth degree, we can do it in less than about two. Preliminary low-degree results for Poisson and Navier-Stokes operators in three dimensions are also promising.
- Search for disoriented chiral
condensate at the Fermilab Tevatron, Minimax Collaboration, Physical Review D, 61(3),
2000. [arXiv]
We present results from MiniMax (Fermilab T-864), a small test/experiment at the Tevatron designed to search for the production of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) in \(p-\bar p\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.8\) TeV in the forward direction, \(\sim 3.4 < \eta < \sim 4.2\). Data, consisting of \(1.3 \times 10^6\) events, are analyzed using the robust observables developed in an earlier paper. The results are consistent with generic, binomial-distribution partition of pions into charged and neutral species. Limits on DCC production in various models are presented.
- Analysis of Charged Particle/Photon
Correlations in Hadronic Multiparticle Production, Minimax Collaboration, Physical Review D, 55(9),
1997. [PRD]
In order to analyze data on joint charged-particle–photon distributions from an experimental search (T-864, MiniMax) for disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, we have identified robust observables, ratios of normalized bivariate factorial moments, with many desirable properties. These include insensitivity to many efficiency corrections and the details of the modeling of the primary pion production, and sensitivity to the production of DCC, as opposed to the generic, binomial-distribution partition of pions into charged and neutral species. The relevant formalism is developed and tested in Monte Carlo simulations of the MiniMax experimental conditions.
- MiniMax: What has been learned thus far, Mary E. Convery, W. L. Davis, Ken W. Del Signore, Tom L. Jenkins, Erik Kangas, Matthew G. Knepley, Ken L. Kowalski, Cyrus C. Taylor, C. H. Wang, S. H. Oh, W. D. Walker, P. L. Colestock, B. Hanna, M. Martens, J. Streets, R. C. Ball, H. R. Gustafson, L. W. Jones, M. J. Longo, J. D. Bjorken, N. Morgan, and C. A. Pruneau, Nuovo Cimento, 19(1), pp. 1045-1049, 1996. [Nuovo]
A small experiment, MiniMax, has been set up in the C0 intersection region of the Fermilab Tevatron to seek evidence for disoriented chiral condensates and to study other forward physics phenomena. The experiment consists of a proportional wire chamber telescope accompanied by scintillation (trigger) counters, a lead converter, and followed by an electromagnetic calorimeter. The solid angle accepted is a cone centered at pseudorapidity (\(\eta\)) of 4.1 and of radius (in \(\eta-\phi\) space) of about 0.6. Over 2.5 million events thus far have demonstrated the successful operation of the apparatus, however to date the analysis has not progressed sufficiently to permit any conclusions concerning disoriented chiral condensates.
- Closed strings with low
harmonics and kinks, Robert W. Brown, Mary Convery, Scott Hotes, Matthew G. Knepley, and Labros Petropolous,
Physical Review D, 48(6), 1993. [arXiv]
Low-harmonic formulas for closed relativistic strings are given. General parametrizations are presented for the addition of second- and third-harmonic waves to the fundamental wave. The method of determination of the parametrizations is based upon a product representation found for the finite Fourier series of string motion in which the constraints are automatically satisfied. The construction of strings with kinks is discussed, including examples. A procedure is laid out for the representation of kinks that arise from self-intersection, and subsequent intercommutation, for harmonically parametrized cosmic strings.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Parallel Metric-Based Mesh Adaptation in PETSc using ParMmg, Joseph G. Wallwork, Matthew G. Knepley, Nicolas Barral, and Matthew D. Piggott, IMR, 2022.
This research note documents the integration of the MPI-parallel metric-based mesh adaptation toolkit ParMmg into the solver library PETSc. This coupling brings robust, scalable anisotropic mesh adaptation to a wide community of PETSc users, as well as users of downstream packages. We demonstrate the new functionality via the solution of Poisson problems in three dimensions, with both uniform and spatially-varying right-hand sides.
- Landau collision operator in the CUDA programming model applied to thermal quench plasmas, Mark F. Adams, Dylan P. Brennan, Matthew G. Knepley, and Peng Wang, IPDPS, 2022.
Collisional processes are critical in the understanding of non-Maxwellian plasmas. The Landau form of the Fokker-Planck equation is the gold standard for modeling collisions in most plasmas, however $\Order{N^2}$ work complexity inhibits its widespread use. We show that with advanced numerical methods and GPU hardware this cost can be effectively mitigated. This paper extends previous work on a conservative, high order accurate, finite element discretization with adaptive mesh refinement of the Landau operator, with extensions to GPU hardware and implementations in both the CUDA and Kokkos programming languages. This work focuses on the Landau kernels and on NVIDIA hardware, however preliminary results on AMD and Fujitsu/ARM hardware, as well as end-to-end performance of a velocity space model of a plasma thermal quench, are also presented. Both the fully implicit Landau time integrator and the plasma thermal quench model are publicly available in PETSc (Portable, Extensible, Toolkit for Scientific computing).
- Anisotropic mesh adaptation in Firedrake, Nicolas Barral, Matthew Knepley, Michael Lange, Matthew Piggott and Gerard Gorman, 2017.
Anisotropic mesh adaptation consists in generating a new unstructured mesh in which the mesh element location, size and orientation are set to minimizes some error model, so that solving the equations at stake on the new mesh is both more accurate and cheaper. In this paper, we will present the latest updates on the implementation of unstructured mesh adaptation in Firedrake. The chosen approach is to use the anisotropic remeshing library Pragmatic, and interface it with Firedrake through PETSc DMPlex. A whole adaptation loop for time-dependent problems was implemented using Firedrake, and the current implementation of these steps will be presented: computation of the error, interface with DMPlex, mesh gradation... Ongoing and future works will also be discussed: parallelization of the interface, mesh gradation with PyOp2 and coupling with r-adaptation.
- Anisotropic
mesh adaptation in Firedrake with PETSc DMPlex, Nicolas Barral, Matthew G. Knepley, Michael Lange, Matthew
D. Piggott and Gerard J. Gorman, 25th International Meshing Roundtable, 2016.
Despite decades of research in this area, mesh adaptation capabilities are still rarely found in numerical simulation software. We postulate that the primary reason for this is lack of usability. Integrating mesh adaptation into existing software is difficult as non-trivial operators, such as error metrics and interpolation operators, are required, and integrating available adaptive remeshers is not straightforward. Our approach presented here is to first integrate Pragmatic, an anisotropic mesh adaptation library, into DMPlex, a PETSc object that manages unstructured meshes and their interactions with PETSc’s solvers and I/O routines. As PETSc is already widely used, this will make anisotropic mesh adaptation available to a much larger community. As a demonstration of this we describe the integration of anisotropic mesh adaptation into Firedrake, an automated Finite Element based system for the portable solution of partial differential equations which already uses PETSc solvers and I/O via DMPlex. We present a proof of concept of this integration with a three-dimensional advection test case.
- Extreme-scale
Multigrid Components within PETSc, Dave A. May, Patrick Sanan, Karl Rupp, Matthew G. Knepley and Barry
F. Smith, Proceedings of PASC, 2016.
Elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) frequently arise in continuum descriptions of physical processes relevant to science and engineering. Multilevel preconditioners represent a family of scalable techniques for solving discrete PDEs of this type and as such, are the method of choice for high resolution simulations. The scalability and time-to-solution of a massively parallel multilevel preconditioner can be adversely effected by using a coarse-level solver with sub-optimal algorithmic complexity. To maintain scalability, agglomeration techniques applied to the coarse level have been shown to be necessary.
In this work, we present a new software component recently added to the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation (PETSc) which permits agglomeration. We provide an overview of the design and implementation of this functionality, together with several use cases highlighting the benefits of agglomeration. Lastly, we present several numerical experiments employing geometric multigrid to demonstrate the flexibility and performance gains possible through MPI-rank agglomeration.
- Multiscale models and approximation algorithms for protein electrostatics, Jaydeep P. Bardhan and Matthew G. Knepley, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods, 2015.
Electrostatic forces play many important roles in molecular biology, but are hard to model due to the complicated interactions between biomolecules and the surrounding solvent, a fluid composed of water and dissolved ions. Continuum model have been surprisingly successful for simple biological questions, but fail for important problems such as understanding the effects of protein mutations. In this paper we highlight the advantages of boundary-integral methods for these problems, and our use of boundary integrals to design and test more accurate theories. Examples include a multiscale model based on nonlocal continuum theory, and a nonlinear boundary condition that captures atomic-scale effects at biomolecular surfaces.
- Work/Precision Tradeoffs in
Continuum Models of Biomolecular Electrostatics, Matthew G. Knepley and Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Proceedings of ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 2015.
The structure and function of biological molecules are strongly influenced by the water and dissolved ions that surround them. This aqueous solution (solvent) exerts significant electrostatic forces in response to the biomolecule's ubiquitous atomic charges and polar chemical groups. In this work, we investigate a simple approach to numerical calculation of this model using boundary-integral equation (BIE) methods and boundary-element methods (BEM). Traditional BEM discretizes the protein--solvent boundary into a set of boundary elements, or panels, and the approximate solution is defined as a weighted combination of basis functions with compact support. The resulting BEM matrix then requires integrating singular or near singular functions, which can be slow and challenging to compute. Here we investigate the accuracy and convergence of a simpler representation, namely modeling the unknown surface charge distribution as a set of discrete point charges on the surface. We find that at low resolution, point-based BEM is more accurate than panel-based methods, due to the fact that the protein surface is sampled directly, and can be of significant value for numerous important calculations that require only moderate accuracy, such as the preliminary stages of rational drug design and protein engineering.
- Flexible, Scalable Mesh and Data
Management using PETSc DMPlex, Michael Lange, Matthew G. Knepley and Gerard J. Gorman, Exascale
Applications and Software Conference, ACM Digital Library, 2015.
Designing a scientific software stack to meet the needs of the next-generation of mesh-based simulation demands, not only scalable and efficient mesh and data management on a wide range of platforms, but also an abstraction layer that makes it useful for a wide range of application codes. Common utility tasks, such as file I/O, mesh distribution, and work partitioning, should be delegated to external libraries in order to promote code re-use, extensibility and software interoperability. In this paper we demonstrate the use of PETSc’s DMPlex data management API to perform mesh input and domain partitioning in Fluidity, a large scale CFD application. We demonstrate that raising the level of abstraction adds new functionality to the application code, such as support for additional mesh file formats and mesh reordering, while improving simlutation startup cost through more efficient mesh distribution. Moreover, the separation of concerns accomplished through this interface shifts critical performance and interoperability issues, such as scalable I/O and file format support, to a widely used and supported open source community library, improving the sustainability, performance, and functionality of Fluidity.
- A Nonlinear Boundary Condition
for Continuum Models of Biomolecular Electrostatics, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, D. A. Tejani, N. S. Wieckowski,
A. Ramaswamy and Matthew G. Knepley, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, The Electromagnetics Academy, 2015.
Understanding the behavior of biomolecules such as proteins requires understanding the critical influence of the surrounding fluid (solvent) environment--water with mobile salt ions such as sodium. Unfortunately, for many studies, fully atomistic simulations of biomolecules, surrounded by thousands of water molecules and ions are too computationally slow. Continuum solvent models based on macroscopic dielectric theory (e.g. the Poisson equation) are popular alternatives, but their simplicity fails to capture well-known phenomena of functional significance. For example, standard theories predict that electrostatic response is symmetric with respect to the sign of an atomic charge, even though response is in fact strongly asymmetric if the charge is near the biomolecule surface. In this work, we present an asymmetric continuum theory that captures the essential physical mechanism--the finite size of solvent atoms--using a nonlinear boundary condition (NLBC) at the dielectric interface between the biomolecule and solvent. Numerical calculations using boundary-integral methods demonstrate that the new NLBC model reproduces a wide range of results computed by more realistic, and expensive, all-atom molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations in explicit water. We discuss model extensions such as modeling dilute-electrolyte solvents with Debye-Huckel theory (the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation) and opportunities for the electromagnetics community to contribute to research in this important area of molecular nanoscience and engineering.
- Preliminary Implementation of PETSc
Using GPUs, Victor Minden, Barry F. Smith and Matthew G. Knepley, GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and
Engineering, Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, pp. 131-140, 2013.
[ANL Preprint]
PETSc is a scalable solver library for the solution of algebraic equations arising from the discretization of partial differential equations and related problems. PETSc is organized as a class library with classes for vectors, matrices, Krylov methods, preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, and differential equation integrators. A new subclass of the vector class has been introduced that performs its operations on NVIDIA GPU processors. In addition, a new sparse matrix subclass that performs matrix-vector products on the GPU was introduced. The Krylov methods, nonlinear solvers, and integrators in PETSc run unchanged in parallel using these new subclasses. These can be used transparently from existing PETSc application codes in C, C++, Fortran, or Python. The implementation is done with the Thrust and Cusp C++ packages from NVIDIA.
- Accurate Evaluation of Local Averages
on GPGPUs, Dmitry A. Karpeev, Matthew G. Knepley, and Peter R. Brune, GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and
Engineering, Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, pp. 487-501, 2013.
We discuss fast and accurate evaluation of local averages on GPGPU. This work was motivated by the need to calculate reference fluid densities in the classical density functional theory (DFT) of electrolytes proposed in Gillespie et al. (2002). In Knepley et al. (2010) we developed efficient algorithms for the minimization of three-dimensional DFT models of biological ion channel permeation and selectivity. One of the essential bottlenecks of 3D DFT models is the evaluation of local screening averages of the chemical species’ densities. But the problem has wider applicability and fast evaluation of averages over the local spherical screening neighborhood of every grid point are typically inaccurate due to the use of collocation approximations of densities on Cartesian grids. Accurate evaluations based spectral quadrature were proposed and used in Knepley et al. (2010), but they are significantly more computationally expensive because of their nonlocal nature in the Fourier space. Here we show that the passage to the Fourier space can, in fact, make the averaging calculation much more amenable to efficient implementation on GPGPU architectures. This allows us to take advantage of both improved accuracy and hardware acceleration to arrive at a fast and accurate screening calculations.
- GPU Implementation of Multigrid
Solver for Stokes equation with strongly variable viscosity, Larry Zheng, Taras V. Gerya, Matthew G. Knepley, David
A.Yuen, Huai Zhang, and Yaolin Shi, GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and Engineering, Lecture
Notes in Earth System Sciences, pp. 321-333, 2013.
Solving Stokes flow problem is commonplace for numerical modeling of geodynamic processes, because the lithosphere and mantle can be always regarded as incompressible flow for long geological time scales. For Stokes flow, the Reynold Number is effectively zero so that one can ignore the advective transport of momentum equation thus resulting in the slowly creeping flow. Because of the ill-conditioned matrix due to the saddle points problem that coupling mass and momentum partial differential equations together, it is still extremely to efficiently solve this elliptic PDE system, especially with the strongly variable coefficients due to rheological structure of the earth. However, since NVIDIA issued the CUDA programming framework in 2007, scientists can use commodity CPU-GPU system to do such geodynamic simulation efficiently with the advantage of CPU and GPU respectively. In this paper, we try to implement a GPU solver for Stokes Equations with variable viscosity based on CUDA using geometric multigrid methods on the staggered grids. For 2D version, we used a mixture of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration with conservative finite difference as the smoother. For 3D version, we called the GPU smoother which is rewritten with the Red-Black Gauss-Seidel updating method to avoid the problem of disordered threads with Matlab 2010b.
- Why scientists and engineers need gpus
today, Matthew G. Knepley and David A. Yuen, GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and
Engineering, Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, pp. 3-11, 2013.
Recently, a paradigm shift in computer architecture has offered computational science the prospect of a vast increase in capability at relatively little cost. The tremendous computational power of graphics processors (GPU) provides a great opportunity for those willing to rethink algorithms and rewrite existing simulation codes. In this introduction, we give a brief survey of GPU computing, and its potential capabilities, intended for the general scientific and engineering audience. We will also review some challenges facing the users in adapting the large toolbox of scientific computing to these changes in computer architecture, and what the community can expect in the near future.
- Composable linear
solvers for multiphysics, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, Dave A. May, Lois C. McInnes, Barry F. Smith,
11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2012), 2012. Also Preprint
ANL/MCS-P2017-0112, Argonne National Laboratory.
The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computing (PETSc), which focuses on the scalable solution of problems based on partial differential equations, now incorporates new components that allow full composability of solvers for multiphysics and multilevel methods. Through strong encapsulation, we achieve arbitrary, dynamic com- position of hierarchical methods for coupled problems and allow customization of all components in composite solvers. For example, we support block decompositions with nested multigrid as well as multigrid on the fully coupled system with block-decomposed smoothers. This paper provides an overview of PETSc’s new multiphysics capabilities, which have been used in parallel applications including lithosphere dynamics, sub- duction and mantle convection, ice sheet dynamics, subsurface reactive flow, fusion, mesoscale materials modeling, and power networks.
- PetClaw: A scalable parallel
nonlinear wave propagation solver for Python, Amal Alghamdi, Aron Ahmadia, David I. Ketcheson, Matthew
G. Knepley, Kyle T. Mandli, and Lisandro Dalcin, In Proceedings of SpringSim 2011. ACM, 2011.
- Numerical simulation of reservoir
stimulation - a variational approach, Blaise Bourdin, Matthew G. Knepley, and C. Maurini, In Proceedings
of the 37th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford, CA, 2010.
We present recent results on the modeling and nu- merical simulation of reservoir stimulation in Hot Dry Rocks. Our approach is based on a mechanistically faithful yet mathematically sound model, generalizing Griffith's idea of competition between bulk and surface energies. At each time increment, the fracture and displacement configuration of a reservoir is sought as the minimizer of a global energy. In doing so, the variational approach allows full crack path identification, interaction between multiple cracks, crack initiation and branching in two and three space dimensions. The numerical approach is based on building a regularized energy where cracks are represented by a smooth function, similar in spirit to a phase-field approach. In this paper, we focus on thermal stimulation.
- Secondary thermal cracks in EGS:
a variational approach, Blaise Bourdin, Matthew G. Knepley, and C. Maurini, In Proceedings of the 34th
Annual Meeting of the Geothermal Resources Council, Sacramento, CA, 2010.
We present a mechanistically faithful and mathematically sound approach to the numerical simulation of secondary thermal cracks propagation in EGS based on the variational approach to fracture [1-4]. While remaining compatible with classical theories, this approach provides a unified framework to crack nucleation, full path identification, including interaction between multiple cracks, branching or kinking in 2D and 3D. We present large scale numerical experiments, and compare our results with the literature.
- Fast multipole method for particle
interactions: an open source parallel library component, Felipe A. Cruz, Lorena A. Barba, and Matthew
G. Knepley, In Tromeur-Dervout et. al., editor, Proceedings of ParCFD2008. Elsevier, 2008.
The fast multipole method is used in many scientific computing applications such as astrophysics, fluid dynamics, electrostatics and others. It is capable of greatly accelerating calculations involving pair-wise interactions, but one impediment to a more widespread use is the algorithmic complexity and programming effort required to implement this method. We are developing an open source, parallel implementation of the fast multipole method, to be made available as a component of the PETSc library. In this process, we also contribute to the understanding of how the accuracy of the multipole approximation depends on the parameter choices available to the user. Moreover, the proposed parallelization strategy provides optimizations for automatic data decomposition and load balancing.
- Modeling of multiple earthquake cycles in southern
california using the SCEC community fault model, Charles A. Williams, Carl Gable, Bradford H. Hager,
Brendan Meade, Brad Aagaard, and Matthew G. Knepley, In Proceedings of Geosciences '08, Wellington, NZ,
November 2008.
We are using the CIG finite element code PyLith [Aagaard et al., 2008] to investigate the effects of various rheologies on the predicted deformation field for models of multiple earthquake cycles in southern California. Our present models include 55 of the faults defined by the SCEC Community Fault Model (CFM). We use the LaGriT meshing package [] to mesh the complex geometry provided by the CFM, and we then run the models through several thousand years of simulated earthquakes. We use rotation poles determined from the block model of Meade and Hager [2005] to provide coseismic slip distributions and velocity boundary conditions for the external boundaries of the mesh.
In our initial models, we investigate the effects of variations in elastic properties by using the properties defined by the SCEC Community Velocity Model (CVM-H), and we also consider the effects of viscoelastic behavior using both a standard Maxwell model and a generalized Maxwell model (two or more Maxwell models in parallel). All of these effects significantly alter the predicted deformation field compared to a homogeneous elastic model (see Figure). Our present models use regular recurrence times for each fault segment. We plan to use this same method to "spin up" our models, and then to include known earthquake sequences. This will allow us to determine which set of properties yields results most consistent with geodetic observations.
- Multilevel preconditioning for parallel CFD,
Matthew G. Knepley, Vivek Sarin, and Ahmed H. Sameh, In International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques
For Large Sparse Matrix Problems In Industrial Applications, Minneapolis, MN, June 1999.
I really cannot remember what is in this paper.
- Design of large scale parallel simulations,
Matthew Knepley, Ahmed H. Sameh, and Vivek Sarin, In Proceedings of Parallel CFD '99. Elsevier, 1999.
We present an overview of the design of software packages called {\em Particle Movers} that have been developed to simulate the motion of particles in two and three dimensional domains. These simulations require the solution of nonlinear Navier−Stokes equations for fluids coupled with Newton’s equations for particle dynamics. Furthermore, realistic simulations are extremely computationally intensive, and are feasible only with algorithms that can exploit parallelism effectively. We describe the computational structure of the simulation as well as the data objects required in these packages. We present a brief description of a particle mover code in this framework, and concentrating on the following features: design modularity, portability, extensibility, and parallelism. Simulations on the SGI Origin2000 demonstrate very good speedup on a large number of processors.
- Algorithm development for
large scale computing, Matthew Knepley and Vivek Sarin, In Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on Object
Oriented Methods for Inter-operable Scientific and Engineering Computing. SIAM, 1999.
[Google Books]
We present a case study examining the creation of an efficient preconditioner for solution of incompressible flow problems. We trace algorithm development from theoretical considerations, through initial implementation and testing, to parallel performance for large-scale systems. We demonstrate that early coupling of the development process with existing code can reduce debugging time and ease the transition from toy problems to real applications.
- Parallel building blocks
for finite element simulations: Application to solid-liquid mixture flows, Matthew Knepley and Denis
Vanderstraeten, In Proceedings of Parallel CFD '97, pages 281-287. Elsevier, 1998.
This article is lost in the mists of time.
- Parallel simulation of particulate flows,
Matthew Knepley, Ahmed H. Sameh, and Vivek Sarin, In Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, volume
1457 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 226-237, 1998.
Simulation of particles in fluids requires the solution of nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations for fluids coupled with Newton's equations for particle dynamics, in which the most time consuming part is the solution of nonsymmetric and indefinite sparse linear systems. In this paper, we present a comprehensive algorithm for the simulation of particulate flows in two dimensional domains. A backward Euler method is used for time evolution, and a variant of Newton's method is used to solve the nonlinear systems. The linear systems are solved efficiently by a novel multilevel algorithm that generates discrete divergence-free space for the incompressible fluid. Unlike incomplete factorization preconditioners, our technique has the desirable properties of robust and effective preconditioning along with efficient implementation on parallel computers. We present experiments on the SGI Origin2000 that demonstrate the parallel performance of our algorithm, and discuss various aspects of the simulation package and the associated software design.
- Preliminary Results from a Search for Disoriented
Chiral Condensates at MiniMax, T.C.Brooks, M.E.Convery, W.L.Davis, K.W.Delsignore, T.L.Jenkins, E.Kangas,
M.G.Knepley, K.L.Kowalski, C.C.Taylor, S.H.Oh, W.D.Walker, P.L.Colestock, B.Hanna, M.Martens, J.Streets, R.Ball,
H.R.Gustafson, L.W.Jones, M.J.Longo, J.D.Bjorken, A.Abashian, N.Morgan, C.A.Pruneau, in proceedings of DPF 96.
We report on the progress of a search for disoriented chiral condensates (DCCs) in the far forward region at \(\sqrt{s}=1.8\) TeV. MiniMax is a small collider experiment situated at the C0 interaction region of the Tevatron and has been designed to measure the ratio of charged to neutral pions produced at \(\eta \sim 4.1\). The distribution of this ratio is expected to be very different for the generic binomial and DCC particle production models. We present a method used for the search using the factorial moments of particle generating functions, which can be extracted directly from the data. A preliminary comparison of robust ratios of measured values and those expected from the different models is also presented.
Book Chapters
- Providing Mixed
Language and Legacy Support within a Library, Software Engineering for Science, Taylor & Francis, 2015.
Despite the chagrin of many computer scientists, scientists and engineers continue to use Fortran to develop new simulation codes and the Fortran lan- guage continues to evolve with new standards and updated compilers. Thus it is imperative that numerical analysts and other developers of mathematical software libraries insure that such libraries be usable from Fortran. To make the situation more complicated, depending on the age of the Fortran appli- cation (or the age if its developers) the Fortran source code may be Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Fortran 2003, or Fortran 2011. In fact it is not uncommon that within the same Fortran application are sources files with the suffix .f, that utilize Fortran 77 syntax and formatting (traditional fixed format), .F files that utilize some Fortran 90 or later language features but still have fixed format, and .F90 that use free format. Many Fortran application developers also consciously resist utilizing the more advanced features of recent Fortran standards for a variety of reasons. Thus any inter-language Fortran library support must utilize both traditional portability support while support For- tran features such as dynamic arrays, derived types, and classes.
The Babel project [3] was a very ambitious effort to develop a language independent object model that would allow scientific software libraries written in several languages to be utilized from any of the languages, much as Corba [7] was for business software. Due to its extremely ambitious nature, the tools (Java) selected to develop the model, and not enough funding for the large amount of development needed they were unable to produce a usable product even for just C and Fortran. PETSc has always supported a uniform Fortran interface [1], even before it was PETSc, (see page 29), [5], [6]. PETSc is written using a C based object model (in fact that model inspired the Babel design) with a mapping of the objects and methods (functions) on the objects to Fortran, as well as Python. This paper will only discuss the Fortran mapping.
- Numerical Methods for Mantle
Convection, Treatise on Geophysics, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2015.
The governing equations for mantle convection are derived from conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy. The nonlinear nature of mantle rheology with its strong temperature- and stress-dependence and nonlinear coupling between flow velocity and temperature in the energy equation require that numerical methods be used to solve these governing equations. Understanding the dynamical effects of phase transitions (e.g., olivine to spinel phase transition) and multi-component flow also demands numerical methods. Numerical modeling of mantle convection has a rich history since the late 1960's [e.g. Torrance and Turcotte, 1971; McKenzie et al., 1974]. Great progress in computer architecture along with improved numerical techniques has helped advance the field of mantle convection into its own niche in geophysical fluid dynamics [e.g. Yuen et al., 2000].
In this chapter, we will present several commonly used numerical methods in studies of mantle convection with the primary aim of reaching out to students and new researchers in the field. First, we will present the governing equations, boundary and initial conditions for a given problem in mantle convection, and discuss the general efficient strategy to solve this problem numerically (section 2). We will then briefly discuss finite-differences, finite-volume and spectral methods in section 3. Since finite-elements have attained very high popularity in the user community, we will discuss finite-elements in greater details as the most basic numerical tool (section 4). For simplicity and clarity, we will focus our discussion on homogeneous, incompressible fluids with the Boussinesq approximation. However, we will also describe methods for more complicated and realistic mantle situations by including compressibility, non-Newtonian rheology, solid-state phase transitions, and thermo-chemical (i.e. multi-component) convection (section 5). Finally in section 6 we will discuss some new developments in computational sciences, such as software development and visualization, which may impact our future studies of mantle convection modeling.
- Programming Languages for Scientific
Computing, Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer,
2012. [arXiv]
Scientific computation is a discipline that combines numerical analysis, physical understanding, algorithm development, and structured programming. Several yottacycles per year on the world's largest computers are spent simulating problems as diverse as weather prediction, the properties of material composites, the behavior of biomolecules in solution, and the quantum nature of chemical compounds. This article is intended to review specfic languages features and their use in computational science. We will review the strengths and weaknesses of different programming styles, with examples taken from widely used scientific codes.
- Finite elements for
incompressible fluids, A.R. Terrel, R.C. Kirby, M.G. Knepley, L.R. Scott, and G.N. Wells, in A. Logg,
K.A. Mardal, and G. N. Wells, editors. Automated solutions of differential equations by the finite element
mehod. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 84,
2011. [Springer]
The structure of the finite element method offers a user a range of choices. This is especially true for solving incompressible fluid problems, where theory points to a number of stable finite element formulations. Using automation tools, we implement and examine various stable formulations for the steady-state Stokes equations. It is demonstrated that the expressiveness of the FEniCS Project components allows solvers for the Stokes problem that use various element formulations to be created with ease.
- Discrete optimization of finite
element matrix evaluation, R.C. Kirby, M.G. Knepley, A. Logg, L.R. Scott, and A.R. Terrel, in A. Logg,
K.A. Mardal, and G. N. Wells, editors. Automated solutions of differential equations by the finite element
method. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 84,
2011. [Springer]
The tensor contraction structure for the computation of the element tensor AT obtained in Chapter 8,enables not only the construction of a compiler for variational forms,but an optimizing compiler.For typical variational forms,the reference tensor A0 has significant structure that allows the element tensor AT to be computed on an arbitrary cell T at a lower computational cost.
- Developing a geodynamics
simulator with PETSc, Matthew G. Knepley, Richard F. Katz, and Barry Smith, in Are Magnus Bruaset and Aslak
Tveito, editors, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers, volume 51 of Lecture
Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 413-438. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
2006. [Springer]
Most high-performance simulation codes are not written from scratch but begin as desktop experiments and are subsequently migrated to a scalable, parallel paradigm. This transition can be painful, however, because the restructuring required in conversion forces most authors to abandon their serial code and begin an entirely new parallel code. Starting a parallel code from scratch has many disadvantages, such as the loss of the original test suite and the introduction of new bugs. We present a disciplined, incremental approach to parallelization of existing scientific code using the PETSc framework. In addition to the parallelization, it allows the addition of more physics (in this case strong nonlinearities) without the user having to program anything beyond the new pieces of discretization code. Our approach permits users to easily develop and experiment on the desktop with the same code that scales efficiently to large clusters with excellent parallel performance. As a motivating example, we present work integrating PETSc into an existing plate tectonic subduction code.
Other Conference Papers and Technical Reports
- Exascale
Computing without Threads, Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith, Karl Rupp and
and Mark Adams, whitepaper for the DOE High Performance Computing Operational Review (HPCOR) on Scientific
Software Architecture for Portability and Performance, 2015.
We provide technical details on why we feel the use of threads does not offer any fundamental performance advantage over using processes for high-performance computing and hence why we plan to extend PETSc to exascale (on emerging architectures) using node-aware MPI techniques, including neighborhood collectives and portable shared memory within a node, instead of threads.
- Overview of the
PETSc Library, Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith, Karl Rupp and and Mark
Adams, whitepaper for the DOE High Performance Computing Operational Review (HPCOR) on Scientific Software
Architecture for Portability and Performance, 2015.
The PETSc software package implements hundreds of published numerical algorithms and can use over 50 optional external software packages. PETSc is used by a broad range of scientific applications. This white paper addresses questions posed by the HPCOR workshop organizers.
- On The Evolution
Of User Support Topics in Computational Science and Engineering Software, Karl Rupp, Satish Balay, Jed Brown,
Matthew G. Knepley, Lois Curfman McInnes, and Barry F. Smith, whitepaper for Computational Science & Engineering
Software Sustainability and Productivity Challenges, 2015.
We investigate ten years of user support emails in the large-scale solver library PETSc in order to identify changes in user requests. For this purpose we assign each email thread to one or several categories describing the type of support request. We find that despite several changes in hardware architecture as well programming models, the relative share of emails for the individual categories does not show a notable change over time. This is particularly remarkable as the total communication volume has increased four-fold in the considered time frame, indicating a considerable growth of the user base. Our data also demonstrates that user support cannot be substituted with what is often referred to as 'better documentation' and that the involvement of core developers in user support is essential.
- PETSc users manual,
Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Kris Buschelman, Victor Eijkhout, William D. Gropp, Dinesh Kaushik, Matthew G. Knepley,
Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry F. Smith, and Hong Zhang, Technical Report ANL-95/11 - Revision 3.5, Argonne
National Laboratory, 2014. [ANL]
This is the constantly updated PETSc manual.
- Achieving High Performance with Unified Residual
Evaluation, Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Karl Rupp, and Barry Smith, 2013. [arXiv]
We examine residual evaluation, perhaps the most basic operation in numerical simulation. By raising the level of abstraction in this operation, we can eliminate specialized code, enable optimization, and greatly increase the extensibility of existing code.
- PETSc's software strategy
for the design space of composable extreme-scale solvers, Barry Smith, Lois Curfman McInnes, Emil
Constantinescu, Mark Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, and Hong Zhang, Preprint
ANL/MCS-P2059-0312, Argonne National Laboratory, 2012. DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 16-18, 2012,
Portland, OR. [ANL]
Emerging extreme-scale architectures present new opportunities for broader scope of simulations as well as new challenges in algorithms and software to exploit unprecedented levels of parallelism. Composable, hierarchical solver algorithms and carefully designed portable software are crucial to the success of extreme- scale simulations, because solver phases often dominate overall simulation time. This paper presents the PETSc design philogophy and recent advances in the library that enable application scientists to investi- gate the design space of composable linear, nonlinear, and timestepping solvers. In particular, separation of the control logic of the algorithms from the computational kernels of the solvers is crucial to allow in- jecting new hardware-specific computational kernels without having to rewrite the entire solver software library. Progress in this direction has already begun in PETSc, with new support for pthreads, OpenMP, and GPUs as a first step toward hardware-independent, high-level control logic for computational kernels. This multipronged software strategy for composable extreme-scale solvers will help exploit unprecedented extreme-scale computational power in two important ways: by facilitating the injection of newly developed scalable algorithms and data structures into fundamental components, and by providing the underlying foundation for a paradigm shift that raises the level of abstraction from simulation of complex systems to the design and uncertainty quantification of these systems.
- Composing scalable nonlinear
solvers, Peter Brune, Matthew Knepley, Barry Smith, and Xuemin Tu, Preprint ANL/MCS-P2010-0112, Argonne
National Laboratory, 2012. [ANL]
Most efficient linear solvers use composable algorithmic components, with the most common model being the combination of a Krylov accelerator and one or more preconditioners. A similar set of concepts may be used for nonlinear algebraic systems, where nonlinear composition of different nonlinear solvers may significantly improve the time to solution. We describe the basic concepts of nonlinear composite combination and preconditioning and present a number of solvers applicable to nonlinear partial differential equations. We have developed a software framework in order to easily explore the possible combinations of solvers. We show that the performance gains from using composed solvers can be substantial compared with gains from standard Newton-Krylov methods.
- Exponential grids in high-dimensional
space, Peter R. Brune, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, TR-2011-07, Computer Science Department,
University of Chicago, 2011. [UC]
We consider the approximation of functions that are localized in space. We show that it is possible to define meshes to approximate such functions with the property that the number of vertices grows only linearly in dimension. In one dimension, we discuss the optimal mesh for approximating exponentially decreasing functions. We review the use of Cartesian product grids in multiple dimensions introduced in a paper of Bank and Scott.
- Conference review: High performance
computing and hybrid programming concepts for hyperbolic pde codes, David I. Ketcheson, Aron Ahmadia, and
Matthew G. Knepley, SIAM News, 44(7), September 2011. [SIAM]
Review of the HPC3 Conference held at KAUST in 2011.
- Pylith: A finite-element code for modeling
quasi-static and dynamic crustal deformation, Charles A. Williams, Brad Aagaard, and Matthew G. Knepley,
In Eos Transactions of the AGU. American Geophysical Union, 2011. Fall Meeting Supplemental, Abstract DI14A-08.
We have developed open-source finite-element software for 2-D and 3-D dynamic and quasi-static modeling of crustal deformation. This software, PyLith (current release is version 1.6) can be used for quasi-static viscoelastic modeling, dynamic spontaneous rupture and/or ground-motion modeling. Unstructured and structured finite-element discretizations allow for spatial scales ranging from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers with temporal scales in dynamic problems ranging from milliseconds to minutes and temporal scales in quasi-static problems ranging from minutes to thousands of years. PyLith development is part of the NSF funded Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) and the software runs on a wide variety of platforms (laptops, workstations, and Beowulf clusters). Binaries (Linux, Darwin, and Windows systems) and source code are available from PyLith uses a suite of general, parallel, graph data structures called Sieve for storing and manipulating finite-element meshes. This permits use of a variety of 2-D and 3-D cell types including triangles, quadrilaterals, hexahedra, and tetrahedra. Current PyLith features include prescribed fault ruptures with multiple earthquakes and aseismic creep, spontaneous fault ruptures with a variety of fault constitutive models, time-dependent Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, absorbing boundary conditions, time-dependent point forces, and gravitational body forces. PyLith supports infinitesimal and small strain formulations for linear elastic rheologies, linear and generalized Maxwell viscoelastic rheologies, power-law viscoelastic rheologies, and Drucker-Prager elastoplastic rheologies. Current software development focuses on coupling quasi-static and dynamic simulations to resolve multi-scale deformation across the entire seismic cycle and the coupling of elasticity to heat and/or fluid flow.
- Removing the Barrier to
Scalability in Parallel FMM, Matthew G. Knepley, 2010. [arXiv]
The Fast Multipole Method (FMM) is well known to possess a bottleneck arising from decreasing workload on higher levels of the FMM tree [Greengard and Gropp, 1990]. We show that this potential bottleneck can be eliminated by overlapping multipole and local expansion computations with direct kernel evaluations on the finest level grid.
- Languages and compilers
for variational forms, Robert C. Kirby, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, Technical Report TR-2010-09,
University of Chicago, October 2010. [UC]
We discuss a language for variational forms that provides a way to specify the spaces used to define boundary conditions in the finite element method. This is linked with a geometry language that allows natural definitions of projections onto subspaces that incorporate boundary conditions.
- Evaluation of the action of
finite element operators, Robert C. Kirby, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, Technical Report
TR-2010-08, University of Chicago, October 2010.
The Krylov methods frequently used to solve linear systems associated with finite element discretizations of PDE rely only on the matrix-vector product. We consider the relative costs, in terms both of floating point operations and memory traffic, of several approaches to computing the matrix action. These include forming and using a global sparse matrix, building local element matrices and using them with a local-to-global indexing, and computing the action of the local matrices directly by numerical quadrature. Which approach is most efficient depends on several factors, including the relative cost of computation to memory access, how quickly local element matrices may be formed, and how quickly a function expressed in a finite element basis may be differentiated at the quadrature points.
- Energetics of Calcium Selectivity: A
Three-Dimensional Classical Density Functional Theory Approach, M. G. Knepley, D. A. Karpeev, R. S. Eisenberg,
and D. Gillespie, Biophysical Journal, 96:661, Feb 2009.
Selectivity of a calcium channel is explored with three-dimensional density functional theory of fluids (DFT). The model pore has millimolar Ca2+ affinity similar to the ryanodine receptor calcium channel. The four flexible aspartate side chains in the selectivity filter are modeled as four carboxyl groups (each as two independent, half-charged oxygen atoms) that are free to move within the selectivity filter, but cannot leave it. These oxygens coordinate the permeating ions. We examine how the ions are coordinated by computing radial correlation functions around the permeating ions. We also examine how this coordination changes in wide and narrow selectivity filters. The energetics of selectivity are computed and their components (e.g., electrostatics, excluded volume) show that the coordination of the ions by the oxygens determines the Ca2+ selectivity of the pore by the charge/space competition mechanism. In this mechanism, selectivity is determined by a balance of electrostatic and steric interactions of ions and amino acid side chains in the crowded selectivity filter. Our approach of combining three-dimensional DFT with state of the art computational techniques is unique in channel selectivity. Moreover, the DFT approach allows a natural decomposition of the energies involved in selectivity. The convolution-type calculations at the heart of the DFT are computed using a combination of fast transforms and analytical results. The software itself is built upon the PETSc framework from Argonne National Laboratory.
- CitcomSX: Robust
preconditioning in CitcomS via PETSc, Dave A. May, Matthew G. Knepley, and Michael Gurnis, In Eos Transactions
of the AGU. American Geophysical Union, 2009. Fall Meeting Supplemental, Abstract P31A-A1241.
The Citcom family of mantle convection codes are in wide spread use through out the geodynamics community. Since the inception of the original Cartesian version written in the early 1990's, many variants have been developed. Two important contributions were made by Shijie Zhong in the form of the parallel 3D Cartesian version and the parallel, full spherical version. Maintenance and support of CitcomS through CIG has seen a further increase in the development and usage of this particular version of Citcom. Such improvements have primarily been concerned with the introduction of new physics (rheology, compressibility), coupling with other software, including additional geologically relevant input/outputs and improved portability. Today, CitcomS is routinely used to solve mantle convection and subduction models with approximately one hundred million unknowns on large distributed memory clusters. Many advances have been made in both numerical linear algebra and the software encapsulating these concepts since the time of the original Citcom, however, the solver used by all Citcom software has remained largely unchanged from the original version. Incorporating modern techniques into CitcomS has the potential to greatly improve the flexibility and robustness of the method used to solve the underlying saddle point problem. Here we describe how PETSc (, a flexible linear algebra package, has been integrated into CitcomS in a non-invasive fashion which i) preserves all the pre-existing functionality and ii) enables a rich infrastructure of preconditioned Krylov methods to be used to solve the discrete Stokes flow problem. The "extension" of the solver capabilities in CitcomS has prompted this version to be referred to as CitcomSX. We demonstrate the advantages of CitcomSX by comparing the convergence rate and solution time of the new Stokes solver with the original CitcomS approach. The BFBt preconditioner we utilise is robust and yields convergence rates largely independent of the element resolution and the viscosity contrast. Using this preconditioner, we can accommodate higher viscosity contrasts than were possible with the original CitcomS solver. The test problems used for this comparison include variable viscosity mantle convection (regional, full spherical) and slab subduction (regional).
- GPU implementation of
Stokes equation with strongly variable coefficients, Liang Zheng, Taras Gerya, David A. Yuen, Matthew
G. Knepley, Huai Zhang, and Yaolin Shi, In Eos Transactions of the AGU. American Geophysical Union, 2010. Fall
Meeting Supplemental, Abstract IN41A-1350.
Solving Stokes flow problem is commonplace for numerical modeling of geodynamical processes as the lithosphere and mantle can be always regarded as incompressible for long geological time scales. For Stokes flow the Reynold Number is effectively zero so that we can ignore advective transport of momentum thus resulting in the slowly creeping flow called Stokes' equation. Because of the ill-conditioned matrix due to the saddle points in the matrix system coupling mass and momentum partial differential equations it is still extremely to efficiently solve this elliptic PDE system with strongly variable coefficients due to rheology which is coupled to the conservation of mass equation. Since NVIDIA issued the CUDA programming framework in 2007 scientists can use commodity CPU-GPU system to do such geodynamical simulation efficiently with the advantage of CPU and GPU respectively. We implemented a finite difference solver for Stokes Equations with variable viscosity based on CUDA using geometry multi-grid methods in staggered grids. In 2D version we use a mixture of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration with SOR as the smoother. In 3D version we use the Red-Black updating method to avoid the problem of disordered threads. We are also considering the deployment of the multigrid solver as a preconditioner for Krylov subspace scheme within the PETSc.
- The coming role of GPU in computational
geodynamics, David A. Yuen, Matthew G. Knepley, Gordon Erlebacher, and Grady B. Wright, In Eos
Transactions of the AGU. American Geophysical Union, 2009. Fall Meeting Supplemental, Abstract DI22A-05.
With the proliferation of GPU ( graphics accelerator board) the computing landscape has changed enormously in the last 3 years. The new additional capabilities of the GPU , such as larger shared memories and load-store operations , allow it to be considered as a viable stand-alone computational and visualization engine. Today the massive threading and computing capability of GPU can deliver at least an order of magnitude performance over the multi-core CPU architecture. The cost of a GPU system is also considerably cheaper than a CPU cluster by more than an order of magnitude.The introduction of CUDA and ancillary software aids, such as Jackets, have allowed the rapid translation of many venerable codes into software usable on GPU. We will discuss our experience acquired over the past year in attacking five different computational problems in the geosciences, using the GPU. They include (1.) 3-D seismic wave propagation with the spectral-element method (2.)2-D shallow water equation as applied to tsunami wave propagation, using finite-differences (3.) 3-D mantle convection with constant viscosity using a 4th order compact finite-difference operator (4.) non-linear heat-diffusion equation in 2-D using a collocation method based on radial basis functions over an elliptical area . Grid points are divided so as to lie on a centroidal Voronoi mesh . Derivatives are calculated at each grid point using a point-dependent stencil computed from the nearest neighbors .(5.) Stokes flow with variable viscosity by means of a pre-conditioner calculated on the GPU based on the vortex method using Green’s functions, along with the radial basis functions and the fast multi-pole method. The Krylov method is used on the CPU for the final iterative step .We will discuss the relative speed-ups of the GPU over the CPU in each of these cases. We will point out the need to go to more computationally intensive mode with multiple GPUs, which calls for key CPUs to control the message passing between the different computational domains by means of MPI. In our CPU-GPU system a separate GPU, the Nvidia GTX 295 , is also devoted for visualizing the ongoing computed results. According to some circles, the future roadmap of GPU seems to be at least one and a half order of magnitude brighter than the CPU in the next 6 years.
- PyLith: A finite-element code for modeling
quasi-static and dynamic crustal deformation, Charles A. Williams, Brad Aagaard, and Matthew G. Knepley, In Eos
Transactions of the AGU. American Geophysical Union, 2009. Fall Meeting Supplemental, Abstract T21B-1798.
We have developed open-source finite-element software for 2-D and 3-D dynamic and quasi-static modeling of crustal deformation. This software, PyLith (current release is version 1.4), combines the quasi-static viscoelastic modeling functionality of PyLith 0.8 and its predecessors (LithoMop and Tecton) and the wave propagation modeling functionality of EqSim. The target applications contain spatial scales ranging from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers with temporal scales for dynamic modeling ranging from milliseconds to minutes and temporal scales for quasi-static modeling ranging from minutes to thousands of years. PyLith development is part of the NSF funded Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) and the software runs on a wide variety of platforms (laptops, workstations, and Beowulf clusters). Binaries and source code are available from It uses a suite of general, parallel, graph data structures called Sieve for storing and manipulating finite-element meshes. This permits use of a variety of 2-D and 3-D cell types including triangles, quadrilaterals, hexahedra, and tetrahedra. Current features include kinematic fault ruptures with multiple sequential earthquakes and aseismic creep, time-dependent Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, absorbing boundary conditions, time-dependent point forces, linear elastic rheologies, generalized Maxwell and Maxwell linear viscoelastic rheologies, power-law rheologies, and gravitational body forces. Current development focuses on implementing dynamic fault interface conditions (employing fault constitutive models) and additional viscoelastic and viscoplastic materials. Future development plans include support for large deformation and automated calculation of suites of Green's functions. We also plan to extend PyLith to allow coupling multiple simultaneous simulations. For example, this could include (1) coupling an interseismic deformation simulation to a spontaneous earthquake rupture simulation (each using subsets of the software), (2) coupling a spontaneous earthquake rupture simulation to a global wave propagation simulation, or (3) coupling a short-term crustal deformation simulation to a mantle convection simulation and an orogenesis and basin formation simulation.
- Two new approaches in solving the
nonlinear shallow water equations for tsunamis, C. Zhang, M. G. Knepley, D. A. Yuen, and Y. Shi, Preprint
ANL/MCS-P1459-0907, ANL, September 2007.
One key component of tsunami research is numerical simulation of tsunamis, which helps us to better understand the fundamental physics and phenomena and leads to better mitigation decisions. However, writing the simulation program itself imposes a large burden on the user. In this survey, we review some of the basic ideas behind the numerical simulation of tsunamis, and introduce two new approaches to construct the simulation using powerful, general-purpose software kits, PETSc and FEPG. PETSc and FEPG support various discretization methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and finite-volume, and provide a stable solution to the numerical problem. Our application uses the nonlinear shallow-water equations in Cartesian coordinates as the governing equations of tsunami wave propagation.
- Mesh algorithms for PDE
with Sieve I: Mesh distribution, Matthew G. Knepley and Dmitry A. Karpeev, Technical Report
ANL/MCS-P1455-0907, Argonne National Laboratory, February 2007.
We have developed a new programming framework, called Sieve, to support parallel numerical PDE algorithms operating over dis- tributed meshes. We have also developed a reference implementation of Sieve in C++ as a library of generic algorithms operating on distributed containers conforming to the Sieve interface. Sieve makes instances of the incidence relation, or arrows, the conceptual first-class objects represented in the containers. Further, generic algorithms acting on this arrow container are systematically used to provide natural geometric operations on the topology and also, through duality, on the data. Finally, coverings and duality are used to encode not only individual meshes, but all types of hierarchies underlying PDE data structures, including multigrid and mesh partitions.
In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the framework, we show how the mesh partition data can be represented and manipulated using the same fundamental mechanisms used to represent meshes. We present the complete description of an algorithm to encode a mesh partition and then distribute a mesh, which is independent of the mesh dimension, element shape, or embedding. Moreover, data associated with the mesh can be similarly distributed with exactly the same algorithm. The use of a high level of abstraction within the Sieve leads to several benefits in terms of code reuse, simplicity, and extensibility. We discuss these benefits and compare our approach to other existing mesh libraries.
- Development of software
for studying earthquakes across multiple spatial and temporal scales by coupling quasi-static and dynamic
simulations, Charles A. Williams, Brad Aagaard, and Matthew G. Knepley, In Eos Transactions of the AGU,
volume 86. American Geophysical Union, 2005. Fall Meeting Supplemental, Abstract S53A-1072.
Earthquake dynamics involves processes with different physical mechanisms operating on several different spatial and temporal scales. In the past, the tendency has been to focus on one set of mechanisms pertinent to the problem, and approximate the effects due to the other mechanisms. With increasingly powerful computational abilities, however, it is now becoming more feasible to address the entire scope of these complex problems. As a step toward this goal, we are developing a finite element code capable of modeling both quasi-static and dynamic behavior in the solid earth. The quasi-static code, presently known as LithoMop, has evolved from our previous version of the TECTON finite element code. We plan to combine this code with the EqSim dynamic rupture propagation code to provide a new package known as PyLith. This combined package will be able to simulate crustal behavior over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. For example, it will be possible to simulate stress evolution over numerous earthquake cycles (a quasi-static problem) as well as the rapid stress changes occurring during each earthquake in the series (a dynamic problem). We describe here the current development status of the PyLith components, provide a roadmap for code development, and demonstrate the usage of the LithoMop component of the package. The merged code will make use of the Pyre simulation framework, allowing it to couple with other modeling codes and, thus, extend the range of physical mechanisms it is able to simulate. Code parallelization is accomplished using the PETSc parallel libraries. The package also makes use of a powerful and flexible new method of representing computational meshes, Sieve, presently being developed as a part of PETSc. Sieve greatly simplifies the task of parallelizing the code and will make it much easier to generalize the code to different dimensions and element types.
- Flexible representation
of computational meshes, Matthew G. Knepley and Dmitry A. Karpeev, Technical Report ANL/MCS-P1295-1005,
Argonne National Laboratory, October 2005.
A new representation of computational meshes is proposed in terms of a covering relation defined by discrete topological objects we call sieves. Fields over a mesh are handled locally by using the notion of refinement, dual to covering, and are later reassembled. In this approach fields are modeled by sections of a fiber bundle over a sieve. This approach cleanly separates the topology of the mesh from its geometry and other value-storage mechanisms. With these abstractions, finite element calculations are expressed using algorithms that are independent of mesh dimension, global topology, element shapes, and the finite element itself. Extensions and other applications are discussed.
- Optimal evaluation of
finite element matrices, Robert C. Kirby, Matthew G. Knepley, and L. Ridgway Scott, Technical Report
TR-2004-04, University of Chicago, May 2004.
Assembling stiffness matrices represents a significant cost in many finite element computations. We address the question of optimizing the evaluation of these matrices. By finding redundant computations, we are able to significantly reduce the cost of building local stiffness matrices for the Laplace operator and for the trilinear form for Navier-Stokes. For the Laplace operator in two space dimensions, we have developed a heuristic graph algorithm that searches for such redundancies and generates code for computing the local stiffness matrices. Up to cubics, we are able to build the stiffness matrix on any triangle in less than one multiply-add pair per entry. Up to sixth degree, we can do it in less than about two. Preliminary low-degree results for Poisson and Navier-Stokes operators in three dimensions are also promising.
- Solvers as operators,
Andrew Cleary and Matthew G. Knepley, Technical Report UCRL-ID-135342, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
1999. [LLNL]
This proposal details an interface hierarchy for objects whose major function is the mapping of a finite dimensional vector space of dimension \(m\) to another vector space of dimension \(n\). This includes many important objects in a solver library, including matrices, their transposes and inverses. solvers. preconditioners, iterative methods, and nonlinear maps. A unifying framework for finite dimensional operators and solvers is proposed which utilizes the composttton operation from the operator algebra to achieve great functionality while reducing the size of the interface and complexity of the class structure. A second composition operation is introduced to handle the composition of approximate solution techniques, and related to several common preconditioning techniques.
In Progress
- A new modularization for physics
simulators, Matthew G. Knepley and Jed Brown.
We present an algorithmic architecture and implementation for a more modular formulation of both the finite element method (FEM) and the finite volume method (FVM). We allow the user to specify only pointwise equations and pointwise boundary conditions, from which we derive a complete schemes, such as a second-order TVD finite volume method on unstructured polyhedral grids in both 2D and 3D. We present representative results for several physical systems.
- Finite Element Integration with Quadrature on the GPU, Matthew G. Knepley, Karl Rupp, and Andy Terrel
- Reduced basis BIBEE with Jay Bardhan
- Scalable surface approximation for integral equations with Jay Bardhan
- Practical Library Extensibility with Jed Brown
- Foundations of Classical DFT with Dirk Gillespie
- Multigrid for matrices with a powerlaw graph using Fan Chung's work
- Flexible FEM using DMPlex, with Andy Terrel, Peter Brune, and Ridgway Scott
- PetFMM paper overlapping direct and tree computation, with Dave May
- Optimality of PetFMM partitioning