- All my PETSc Tutorial presentations are here
- 2022
- Jul:
How to Choose an Algorithm, Finger Lakes HPC Meeting 2022, Rochester, NY
- Jul:
Droplet Formation Simulations Using a Mixed Finite Element Method, ICCFD 2022, Maui, HI
- May:
Droplet Formation Simulations Using a Mixed Finite Element Method, Parallel CFD 2022, Alba, Italy
- Mar:
Combinatorial Topology for Meshing, Appel Group Seminar, Princeton, NJ
- 2021
- 2020
- Nov:
How to Choose an Algorithm, Applied and Computational Mathematics Virtual Seminar, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
- Feb:
The Impact of Solvers on Modeling, SIAM PP 2020, Seattle, WA
- Feb:
The Impact of Solvers on Modeling, Firedrake USA 2020, Seattle, WA
- 2019
- Mar:
Understanding Multivariate Computation using the Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem, Firedrake 2019, Durham, UK
- Jul:
Linear and Nonlinear Solvers, Engineering Science Seminar, Auckland, NZ
- Jun:
Linear and Nonlinear Solvers, PETSc Users Meeting 2019, Atlanta, GA
- Apr: Using LaTex, Git, and Make, CDSE Days 2019, Buffalo, NY
- Mar:
Thoughts on Composing Nonlinear Solvers, AMS
Sectional Meeting 2019, Honolulu, HI
- Feb:
Enrichment for Multigrid in PETSc, SIAM CSE 2019, Spokane, WA
- Jan:
PDEs, optimization, and eigenproblems with PETSc/TAO
and SLEPc, ECP Annual Meeting, Houston, TX
- 2018
- Dec:
Abstraction in PyLith, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C.
- Dec:
Understanding Multivariate Computation
using the Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem, Innovating the Geosciences: Data Science,
Machine Learning, and Jupyter, 2018, Washington D.C.
- Sept:
Exploiting Lipschitz Continuity for the
Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem, MCS Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL
- Aug:
Improved Solvation Models using Boundary Integral
Equations, SIAM Life Sciences 2018, Minneapolis, MN
- Jul:
Thoughts on Composing Nonlinear Solvers, Plenary for DD 25, St. John's Newfoundland, CA
- Jun: Panel: New Developments in Geodynamic Modeling and
Computational Infrastructure, CGU Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, CA
- Jun: Introductory PETSc,
PETSc Users Meeting 2018, London, UK
- Apr: Using LaTex, Git, and Make, CDSE Days 2018, Buffalo, NY
- Mar: Geodynamic Simulator Building, SIAM PP 2018, Tokyo, JP
- Mar: High order
discontinuous Galerkin methods for flows in porous media, Rice Oil & Gas HPC,
Houston, TX (Poster)
- Mar: Comparative study of
finite element methods using the Time-Accuracy-Size (TAS) spectrum analysis, Rice Oil & Gas HPC, Houston, TX (Poster)
- Jan: The Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem,
Scientific Machine Learning 2018 Workshop, Department of Energy, Bethesda MD
- 2017
- May: The Role of Computer Science in Computational Mathematics,
Scientific and Statistical Computing Seminar, Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL
- Apr: Computational Bioelectrostatics,
Scientific Computing Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, TX
- Mar: Software Design for Non-conforming Finite Elements,
Applied Modeling and Computation Group Seminar, Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK
- Mar: The Impact of Structured AMR Representation on Software Design in PETSc,
Minisymposterium, SIAM CS\&E 2017, Atlanta, GA
- Mar: A Sustainable Software Architecture for Scalable Nonlinear Boundary Element Method Simulations,
Minisymposterium, SIAM CS\&E 2017, Atlanta, GA
- Mar: SlabGenerator: Improving Productivity for Subduction Modeling,
Minisymposterium, SIAM CS\&E 2017, Atlanta, GA
- 2016
- Oct: The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation,
Rice Laboratory for Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Seminar 2016, Houston, TX
- Oct: Constructing Parallel Data Distributions,
ICL Earth Sciences Seminar 2016, London, UK
- Sept: Improved Solvation Models using Boundary Integral Equations,
UNC Mathematics Seminar 2016, Chapel Hill, NC
- Jul: PETSc Tutorial, CIRM, Luminy, France [Video]
- Jun: Using PETSc Solvers in PyLith,
CIG All-Hands Meeing 2016, Davis, CA
- May: Composing Nonlinear Solvers,
MIT AeroAstro Seminar 2016, Boston, MA
- Apr: Convergence of Composed Nonlinear Iterations,
SIAM PP 2016, Paris, FR
- Mar: The Portable Extensible Toolkit
for Scientific Computation, Ken Kennedy Institute Lecture, Houston, TX
- Mar: PETSc Tutorial, Rice
Oil and Gas HPC Conference, Houston, TX
- Feb: Computational Considerations for Magma Dynamics,
Melt in the Mantle, Newton Institute 2016, Cambridge, UK
- Jan: Convergence of Composed Nonlinear Iterations,
SPPEXA 2016, München, DE
- 2015
- Nov: Work/Precision Tradeoffs in Continuum Models of Biomolecular Electrostatics,
ASME IMECE 2015, Houston, TX
- Sep: Composing Nonlinear Solvers,
Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems and Their Applications, ICERM, Providence, RI
- Apr: The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing,
CAAM 520 Guest Lecture, Rice University, Houston, TX
- Mar: PETSc: Infrastructure for Computational Science,
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
- Mar: Computational Magma Dynamics,
SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mar: Extensibility in PETSc,
SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Feb: Computational Bioelectrostatics,
Colloquium, Computational and Applied Mathematics Department, Rice University, Houston, TX
- Jan: Computational Bioelectrostatics,
Numerical Analysis Seminar, Mathematics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- 2014
- Dec: A Computational Viewpoint on Classical Density Functional Theory,
Numerical Analysis Seminar, Mathematics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Nov: High Performance Python Libraries,
Keynote for PyHPC Workshop at SC 14, New Orleans, LA
- Nov: PyHPC Tutorial,
at SC 14, New Orleans, LA
- Oct: A Computational Viewpoint on Classical Density Functional Theory,
Earth Science & Engineering Seminar, Imperial College London, UK
- Aug: A Computational Viewpoint on Classical Density Functional Theory,
SIAM Life Sciences, Charlotte NC
- Jul: Nonlinear Preconditioning in PETSc,
ICERM, Providence RI
- Jul: (Probably) Scalable Nonlinear Solvers for Geophysical Problems,
SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago IL [Video]
- Jul: Nonlinear Preconditioning in PETSc,
PMAA 14, Lugano CH
- Jun: PETSc Solvers for Crustal Deformation,
CDM 14, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA
- Jun: Composable Solvers in PETSc,
CACDS Seminar, University of Houston, Houston TX
- Apr: Nonlinear Preconditioning in PETSc,
SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- Mar: Nonlinear Preconditioning in PETSc,
Oxford University, Oxford, UK
- Mar: Nonlinear Preconditioning in PETSc,
Imperial College, London, UK
- Feb: Runtime Configurability in PETSc,
SIAM PP 14, Portland, OR
- 2013
- Sept: The Portable
Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, Minneapolis, MN
- July: Finite Element Integration using CUDA and
OpenCL, GPU-SMP 13, Changchun, China
- June: Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial, Cyberspace
- June: The Process of Computational Science, Maison de la Simulation, Orsay, France
- June: Advanced
PETSc Tutorial, Maison de la Simulation, Orsay, France
- February: Nested and Hierarchical Solvers in PETSc, SIAM CS&E, Boston, MA
- February: The Process of Computational Science, Columbia APAM Colloquium, New York, NY
- 2012
- November: Mathematics Colloquium, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- October: Departmental Colloquim, School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, VIC Australia
- October: Invited talk, MathGeo CMG Conference, Princeton, NJ
- August: PETSc Tutorial, ACTS Workshop, Berkeley, CA
- July: Invited Minisymposium talk, SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
- June: PyLith Solver Tutorial, CIG Crustal Deformation Modeling workshop, Golden, CO
- June: Keynote Address, GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems (GPU-SMP), Shenzhen, China
- 2011
- September: Seminar, ICES, UT Austin, TX
- August: Specialized Topics Workshop, Center for Biomedical Computing, Simula Reseach, Oslo, Norway
- July: Keynote Address, GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems (GPU-SMP), Lanzhou, China
- June: Conference on Simulation and Optimization, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- April: PETSc Tutorial, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- April: Lindbergh Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- April: PETSc: Platform for Scientific Computing, ME 964 Guest Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- March: HPC${}^3$ Workshop, KAUST, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- March: Advanced Algorithms on GPUs, SIAM CS&E, Reno, NV
- January: IMA Workshop on High Performance Computing and Emerging Architectures, Minneapolis, MN
- January: NSF PASI Institute, Valparaiso, Chile
- 2010
- December: AGU: Large-Scale Geosciences Applications using GPU and Multicore Architectures, San Francisco, CA
- October: Conference in Honor of Prof. Ahmed Sameh, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- October: Plenary Talk, Parallel and Accelerated Computing, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- October: Seminar, Mathematics Department, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary
- September: 39th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- September: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Seminar, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- August: Automated and Distributed Computing Seminar, Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway
- July: International Workshop of GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems in Science and Engineering (GMP-SMP), Harbin, China
- July: ESCO 2nd European Seminar on Coupled Problems, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- March: KAUST Seminar, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- March: KAUST Applied Math \& Computer Science Seminar, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- March: Tree-based methods on GPUs, School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
- February: Tufts Mathematics Department Seminar, Medford, MA
- 2009
- December: Stokes Preconditioning on a GPU, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- November: Dissemination and Management of Computational Science Software, Sharing Data and Code in Computational Science, New Haven, CT
- November: High Performance GPU Kernels: FMM, SC '09, Portland, OR
- October: Implications for Library Developers of GPU Hardware, NSF-NAIS Intelligent Software Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland
- October: PETSc Tutorial, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
- September: Tree-based methods on GPUs, Department of Mathematics Colloquim, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- September: PETSc Tutorial, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Austin, TX
- August: Tree-based methods on GPUs, International Workshop on Geodynamical Phenomena, Suzdal, Russia
- July: Tree-based methods on GPUs, HPC Group, Shanghai Supercomputing Center, Shanghai, China
- July: Tree-based methods on GPUs, International Workshop on Modern Computational Geoscience Frontiers, GUCAS, Beijing, China
- March: Path to Petascale (GPU Meeting), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL
- March: Tree-based methods on GPUs, SIAM CS&E, Miami, FL
- 2008
- August: Finite Element Implementation, ICES Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, TX
- August: Fast Methods with Sieve, Foundations of Finite Element Computing, Simula Research, Olso, Norway
- August: Theoretical Foundations, Foundations of Finite Element Computing, Simula Research, Olso, Norway
- July: SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
- July: The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing,Workshop for Advancing Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, University of California Davis, CA
- June: Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation and Earthquake Faulting, Colordao School of Mines, Golden, CO
- June: Parallelism for the Very Large and Very Small, Sandia CSRI Workshop on Next-Generation Scalable Applications, Albuquerque, NM
- March: Refactoring Finite Element Computation, Computation Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- March: Finite Element Assembly on Arbitrary Meshes, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Atlanta, GA
- March: TOPS Contributions to PFLOTRAN, TOPS Group Meeting, Atlanta, GA
- March: What is Wrong with Automatic Mathematical Modeling, Workshop on Automating the Development of Scientific Computing Software, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- March: FEniCS and Sieve Tutorial, Workshop on Automating the Development of Scientific Computing Software, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- February: Optimal Solvers in PETSc, AuScope Inaugural Conference, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
- 2007
- October: The Role of Symbolic, Numeric and Algebraic Computation in CDI, NSF, Washington D.C.
- October: CIG Adaptive Mesh Refinement Workshop, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
- October: Mathematics Seminar, University of Duisberg-Essen, Essen, Germany
- October: Special Semester on Biological Computing, University of Linz, Linz, Austria
- October: FAS and Solver Performance, Fall AMS Central Section Meeting, Chicago, IL
- August: VLAB Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- June: Biomedical Flows Workshop, Simula Research, Oslo, Norway
- 2006
- December: Supercomputing Institute Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- November: CBC Seminar, Simula Research, Oslo, Norway
- November: FEniCS 06, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands
- September: Multiphysics Simulation Workshop, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
- August: Magma Dynamics Workshop, Columbia University, New York, NY
- July: SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
- June: Fault Systems Workshop, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
- March: Compressible Convection Workshop, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- 2005
- November: CIG Science Steering Committee Meeting, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
- October: FEniCS 05, Toyota Technical Institute, Chicago, IL
- October: CIG Meeting, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
- September: Computer Science Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
- July: Short-Term Crustal Dynamics Workshop, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- June: Mantle Convection Workshop, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
- May: CIG Executive Committee Meeting, University of California Berkeley, CA
- April: Parallel Computing Workshop, University of Houston, Houston, TX
- March: CIG Meeting, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
- February: SIAM CS&E, Orlando, FL
- 2004
- October: Mathematics and Computer Science Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL
- October: CIG Meeting, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
- October: CRI Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- August: Domain Specific Languages for PDE Constrained Optimization, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL
- July: Computer Science Seminar, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- June: Climate Simulation Colloquium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- May: Parallel CFD, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
- February: APAM Lecture, Columbia University, New York, NY
- January: CIG Kickoff Meeting, LAX, Los Angeles, CA
- 1999
- Jun: Multilevel Preconditioning for Parallel CFD, International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications, Minneapolis, MN