Computer Science and Engineering   


 Buffalo Botanical Gardens Database and Research Website Project



B of D Overview / Overview of the Botanical Gardens database

The Buffalo Botanical Gardens website

Our Web App

Spring 2020 CSE611 Project:

Requirements Specification

GoogleDocs Folder

New Tasks for Spring 2020A

New Tasks for Spring 2020B

1901 2017

Tools - Microsoft software for CS students:

Microsoft Azure Student Software - The Microsoft website supplies "iso" files, meant to burn a CD. Virtual Clone Drive (click here) can mount an iso file like a disk, no need to burn a CD (download the free version)

Management Studio download link

Software installation instructions

1. Installing Visual Studio and SQL Server

2. Installing the databases in SQL Server

3. Compiling the BotanicalWebDevelopment project in Visual Studio

4. Publishing the website

5. Importing the database from a spreadsheet

Database Files

Botanical databases and logs ZIP file

Sample images

Visual Studio Project/Solution

Botanical web development project folder (unzip and place in your Visual Studio 2015 (or later) Projects folder, usually in C:\Users\username\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects)

Website 11 folder (unzip and place in C:\Websites\ on your laptop) Notes on vers. 10 to 11 changes

Issuing SQL commands from within C#