and Reporting Semistructured Data
The QURSED system generates and serves web-based query forms
and reports for sources that store XML data and support the emerging
XQuery language. The Enosys Application Builder was a precursor of
QURSED and part of a commercial integration platform.
End users interact with a query form page by typing or
selecting constants in HTML form controls, such as text boxes and
drop-down lists, and QURSED automatically formulates XQuery
statements, which produce report pages. The form and report pages
accommodate the intricacies of semi-structured (typically XML) data,
i.e., data whose structure is characterized by high variability,
nesting, repeatability and optional fields.
QURSED also provides an intuitive graphical interface to
developers that semi-automates the production of such query forms and
reports during design-time. In particular, a developer is presented
with a visual representation of the XML Schema describing the
underlying XML data, and by performing visual actions she associates
schema elements with form controls on the query form page. Other than
page layout and style customization, no programming or knowledge of
XQuery is required. The end result is compiled and deployed to a
QURSED-enabled application server.
QURSED decouples the query aspects of the generated pages from
the visual ones, hence making it easier to develop and maintain the
resulting forms and reports. Moreover, advanced capabilities are also
offered, which provide fine-grained control on what queries make sense
given the XML Schema and the semantics of the data.

(PDF) |
Graphical Query Interfaces for
Semistructured Data: The QURSED System
Michalis Petropoulos, Yannis Papakonstantinou, Vasilis Vassalos
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), to appear,
2005 |
N/A |
Generating Query Forms and Reports
for Semistructured Data: The QURSED Editor
Yannis Papakonstantinou, Michalis Petropoulos, Vasilis Vassalos
Ninth Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), 2003 |

(PDF) |
QURSED: Querying and Reporting
SEmistructured Data
Yannis Papakonstantinou, Michalis Petropoulos, Vasilis Vassalos
ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD),
2002 |

(PDF) |
Building XML Query Forms and
Reports with XQForms
Michalis Petropoulos, Yannis Papakonstantinou, Vasilis Vassalos
Computer Networks Journal, Special Issue on XML, vol 39/5,
pp 541-558, 2002 |

(PDF) |
XML Query Forms (XQForms):
Declarative Specification of XML Query Interfaces
Michalis Petropoulos, Vasilis Vassalos, Yannis Papakonstantinou
Tenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10), 2001 |

(PDF) |
QURSED: QUerying and Reporting
SEmistructured Data
ACM SIGMOD Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 2002
University of Pennsylvania, Database Group, 2002 |